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“Many white people are bad. Somma these people are bad even. But not all of em…” Ethel got wide eyed as the man snuck up on the woman she was shaking her head. “This is all a….” she stops to think of the right word “…a misunderstanding. No one had to die…” Ethel said lowly hoping the man wouldn’t kill her. Trying to reason with both of them. She could understand this woman’s anger and did not want her to die. But she was not in any commanding position. They did free them.
In a way. They were not truly free. As they were in depth to these men as she soon realizes. Though this seemed a better fate then to simply be locked in a hold and left to waddle in her own feces. This seemed like it would probably be even better then the plantations. Either way. She wanted the woman to join as she suggested not killing her to the man.
“She said she was seeking an alliance. They seem…able.” She pointed out to the white man. Hoping he wouldnt just tell her to shut up or that this wasnt her concern.
The thing kept walking to him, and it looked at him. “Yes.” It said to him as if it was speaking in his head. If anyone else was in the room, they would have heard nothing. Only the boy could hear it. It never really stopped walking. But they eye on it’s right side was looking towards they boy, it’s head tilted a bit towards him. The boy had it’s attention.
(The robot in this video is pretty spot on as to how it sounds.)
(I was actually hoping you would do that.)
The creature rears up mouth wide as it clenches it’s it’s eyes with it’s hand and roars loud into the air angrily, in pain, blood streaming down it’s eyes as if they were tears. The winged creature shoves it off. It gets up with claw marks, on it as it open’s jaw and takes a stance. There is a brief distortion from it’s mouth and then it fires an invisible quick blast from it’s mouth into the creature. It flies across the room as if tossed back by an explosion and smashes a good 4 inches into the wall as it shatters. The creature imprints in then falls to the floor on it’s knees, beginning to flare with electrify.
Blue glowing tendrils shoot out from the creatures back and the boy can see the winged creature hopping past him on all fours, however, as he goes past, it’s elongated tail surrounds the boy and he is pulled along with the creature. The boy sees glowing tendrils from the creature shooting out everywhere punching through the walls and surging with electricity and melting much of what they touch. The creature can be heard rampaging as it’s light grows dimmer as the winged creature gets distance away and turns a corner.
The creature continues hopping over bodies. Some torn through, and others actually not having a scratch on them it’d seem. The winged creature then stops at a door with a bio-retinal scanner and stands on two legs. The creature seems intelligent enough to look at the bio scanner. It’s makes that cricket noise again….then it’s snaps to a corpse. It looks at a man who was torn in two, lower body seperated from underbody, and picks up the upper body at the head. It then walks over to the scanner, and clicks a button for it to activate. “Scan commencing…” He puts the man’s face against the scanner so it can scan the eyes of the upper body of the corpse. The door opens and it drops the corpse as it runs into the next hall.
It drops the kid in the hall from it’s tail as it clicks a button behind it with it’s tail and shuts the door. The creature can still be heard roaring. but it’s hard to tell whether or not it’s getting closer or farther. This area seems to be actually well lit. Very well lit in fact. It seems to be a hospital area of some kind, with footprints from the creature in the room they left behind. The winged creature looks at the hall in front of them, and then back at the boy. It looks at him for a few seconds, then looks forward as it continues to slowly walk. The claw mark on it’s armor actually healing. As well as on the other area. The creature makes cackling noise once more as it looks forward. Seemingly aiming it around….
People jumped as they saw her firing into the air and understood little of what she said, only maybe a quarter of them being able to understand. However, a majority of them ran and scattered. Others watched her hiding behind things. Ethel sitting idly by under a tree gets frightened but the gun for a second, and hides being the tree. However, as she listens to what the woman says, she slowly stands up and slowly walks over to the new group and to the woman who seems to be the leader. Trying to speak to the woman to get her to calm down before she starts a small war. “Calm down.” Ethel sounded rather proper for a black woman, though her English did sound a little broken. It sounded at times profound when she could remember larger words and other times she spoke not as well. However, she seems fluent in the sense that she doesn’t stop much when she speaks or pause when she makes a mistake. “These people ain’t tryin’ to hurt us. Theys our saviors…” Then she continues to explain. “We were on a slave ship.”
Ethel points at the large ship she was on. “And then they came from that ship to rescue us.” Ethel points at Dante’s ship. “Please, don’t shoot em. They helped us.” Ethel holding her palms out in a way to gesture her to calm down or be at ease. “There is no need for fighting.” Many eyes were on them.
The crew look at the ship as it approaches and the men start scrambling panicking as they point and call out as the ship approaches. Men gather along the line trying to gather muskets and slaves look around trying to see what the heck is happening. People gather at the end of the ship and fire muskets at the ship. “What on GOD’S EARTH ARE YOU IDIOTS DOIN’?” He shouted at them due to the complete ineffectiveness of trying to shoot a ship like that, nearly every shot missed. They look in awe as these men descend and take out the captain with their loud mysterious some people thought were magic weapons that shot fiery death and struck down all whom anyone pointed them at, though Ethel knew better about firearms and had an idea of how they worked. Everyone was staring at two men in particular awe as they proceed to take on the crews with such ease. Ethel stared at them in complete and utter disbelief at how someone could fight so well and take people out like that. One man was graced with enough Karma and Savvy-ness from having helped Ethel to simply jump off the ship as soon as the captain died and he swam towards the island far away away from the pirates ship. Fleeing to the jungle after he reaches the island.
However. Soon, she snapped out her awe and saw opportunity. The captain was laying coughing up his own blood and while the crew of this ship was being slaughtered, people looked at Ethel like she was insane as she proceeded to then start crawling and making her way over to the captain while the other two and the crew were decking everyone on the ship. One man trips over her screaming in agony from daggers ripped through his shoulders and he staggers back and trips over Ethel. This does not however deter her as she intent on getting to the captain. Another falls right in front of her his neck broken and she crawls over him careful not to get in the men’s way as she makes her way over to the captain bleeding out shot in the chest. She gets his key after searching him and takes the man’s own knife as she sits up. She raises the knife and the man shakes his head non verbally begging her not to do it and she plunges knife into the captain’s crotch. He shoots up coughing up more in some of the most unimaginable a mortal being could possibly ever experience as he curls up and rolls slightly pain from what little strength had left from getting shot in the chest.
She takes his key and gets up. Most of the people are dead and few people notice as Ethel runs over to the lower decks and starts to free slaves below, all of them confused as to what is going on and people being ecstatic, chattering about and trying to look around. Tight packing meant there was a lot of them, at least 200 it seemed. She started freeing slaves from shackles and people began to beg her to do so. They see other men come down as he removes their restrains and they climb out as a large crowd makes there was to the deck. People on the top were cheering for the man as he finished and seemed to be having a small celebration. Chucking their corpses overboard for a change and throwing any of the slavers defeated crew. They were all talking among themselves about how the two men. Some explaining exactly what happened and others over exaggerating and calling them war gods. Ethel walked around from above the lower decks and she heard one of the men speaking. Explaining that they would be sailing with them from now one. The man explained that there was a code of honor for them to follow.
Men gave Ethel and other women a look. Ethel glared at one of them of the men while the others looked down, and then he glared right back at her. His glare felt like almost like a strike to her. She averted her gaze to the others covering her breasts by crossing her arms in front of her chest. Ethel listened very intently at the men. The slaves in general agreed to do whatever these two men told them to do. She was relieved to hear things like “doctor” and “Clothes.” It seems these were the hospital kind of white men, most of them anyway. At least the most powerful people seemed to be those two, which relieved Ethel some. She stood by with the other waiting for clothes. Most of the slaves chatting among themselves. Ethel was lucky to know English, as these people were mostly from the west indies and some from Madagascar. She looked around and smiled for once not even realizing it looking out at the sea as she feels the sun beat down on her entire body and she sighs out of a relief and looks down for a second. Then back at the sea…
Ethel narrows her eyes as she hears someone shouting, “WHITE DEVIL!” It amuses Ethel as she looks off and smirks at this odd white girl shouting white devil. Others ask her what she’s saying. Then well, more people start yelling “White devil!” in their accents trying to pronounce it. A few do understand and start randomly yelling it looking at the corpses of the dead slavers in the water. Others start yelling it too.
Without the gills and different hair color as well as different clothes.
“Vorgun stop!” Mirabelle tried to stop Vorgun and would even chase after him, however, she didn’t wanna leave oliver behind. She saw Tas snarl and turned olver away from her so he couldn’t see her draw the knife and put her hand on his ears so he couldn’t hear her swear. “Don’t cuss around him! Everyone’s scaring him….” She says lowly, herself included with the armor. However it couldn’t be as much it much. It had to reach there quickly and it couldnt be bothered to climb down the building. She did realize that she should have guided it.
Mirabelle held the boy close to her to allow him to lay on her as she pulled him to her chest and let him lay on her in almost a motherly or big sister kind of way. To Tas, she says “People shouldn’t think like that.” Mirabelle says to Tas. “I was hunted by humans all my life, but I dont think every human is bad. Vorgun is nice, but he just has problems. And you said something really personal to him. Not everyone feels the same way…” Mirabelle says softly as she rubs the top of Oliver’s head with her and scratches his ears gently.
Ethel layed shackled, and completely nude in the rather tightly packed slave ship. Her mistress had tried to get her a better condition, but it was this or waiting a few monthes. And her Father would not have that. Her clothes became unwearable in very short to time, the conditions below the ship rendering them unwearable in rather short time. The stench was horrible. She couldn’t even keep her food down the first few days. But at least she could keep all her waste in a bucket she had to share. It was difficult to pass along but she managed to not have to go where she sat for a little. At least not with defecating. There were sometimes she simply could not control her bladder, she couldnt always ask the other to bother passing the bucket, which was hard to pass because the shackles hindered movement so much. It expended much precious energy.They drank water often when it available because of how humid it was down there. The crew hated being down there because of the smell. She did however convince once of the crew mates to keep her clothes with her things in it, in the corner. Many of the other slaves looked down on her, because she was privileged, and came onto the ship more healthy then all of them. And a bit stronger looking. However, soon that faded, and her ribs showed like everyone else’s. Still she was better off then the rest. At least she still wanted to eat.
Food was not as large a problem as one would think. She an unmoving body being dragged from next to her by twop men. The two men walk with the body and bring it up to the top deck of the ship. There he was placed on a pile, as two men were swinging a lightweight decrepit starved corpse as the men bicker over the deathes. “Ok. 1…..2…..3” The man is hurled off the ship and splashes in the water. There is a body of a child and a man disgusted man shakes his head. A man sighes and picks him up and flings his lightweight body overboard to become shark food. “They’re droppin’ like flies.” A southern accented captain mutters. “I don’t like having to go down there and force them to eat.” A guy mutters. “Shoulda gone with looser packing.” “Shut cher trap.” The captain says. “I prefer to sell in bulk. We ain’t lost to many yet. Just keep makin’ em eat and we’ll be fine.” He looks at the corpses. “Few less mouthes to feed ‘least.” “They aren’t going to be in good condition if we keep em down there. Maybe we can have a few on deck and let em move around a little bit. Make them work themselves out” The captain was new to this and did not like his authority being challenged, getting very defensive. He shoves the man against the edge of the ship. “I ain’t gotta do nothin’. If I bring em up here and loosen them shackles enough for em to move, they’ll jump right off the boat…” Men pulled him off “Oy captm lad meant ya no direspect. Theres no need to throw him overboard.” He pulls off the man and looks at the other man. “It’s bout time for their supper. Get the men out here.”
In the bottom of the ship, it is about time for dinner and Ethel was brought up to the deck with a group freed from shackles and finally able to get some fresh air. The crew winced and wrinkled their nose in disgust at the putrid scent of “below the deck”. sweat, death, fecal matter and urine that inevitably stuck to them all. She looked around and was actually one of the few able to walk well a very far distance. Once everyone got to the deck they sat and waited. Some trying to stay hidden in the crowd. She looked down and the resolve in her was there but was dimmed. She already knew not to look them in the eyes. The strong healthy men stood around with guns. As people were feed through a tube held above the mouth as a sort of gruel was poured inside of it and held above their mouths. They did not like people putting their mouths on it because of how easily disease spreads. Ethel opened her mouth as one of the men came by and let the stuff go down her throat. The man next to her simply sat slumped and forward. He would not hold his head to accept food. And so the man was held down and force fed next to Ethel.
Ethel looked off into the sky blankly, enjoying the fresh crisp salty air of the sea while she could. A few crew members on watch as they sailed their route to boston. Keeping eyes out for pirates. Pirates would very often commandeer slave ships for their speed and large size, which allowed for many cannons to be equipped within. Not only this but pirates would very often absorb some able bodied slaves into their crews. The captain allowed more of the slaves to be brought on deck as people were continued being fed. Ethel simply kept looking rather blankly at the sky and ocean. People eyed her a bit thinking she might jump off…but she liked the sea. Her mind wandered off the boat as she thought of her old life.
Name: Ethel Thomas
Alias: None
Age: 17
Residence: Barbados
Race: Black
Height: 5’7
Weight: 120 lbs
Affiliation: Neutral
Job: Slave
Weapons: At the beginning, mostly whatever she can find or make. She conceals a shiv and also uses her shackles as weapons if she gets the opportunity. Mostly whatever she can improvise from the start.
Other items: Necklace she hides.History: Born the bastard child to a slave master having an affair with a female slave in Barbados, she was separated from her mother. At around age 4. She continued to work on the plantation and as a caretaker of other slaves when she became of age. The mistress of the house however took a liking to her and decided to take her places for her to experience things. She picked up numerous skills, but not a lot of reading. She knows the basic alphabet but has a harder time grasping more complex words despite the fact that she actually quite intelligent. However, as the master begin to come under fire for that slaves resemblance to him, he was going to have her shipped off to the south, however because of the intervention of the mistress, she is now being shipped off to Boston port, Massachusetts. Her mistress hopes that from there Ethel can find a better life.
Mirabelle looked at the woman in shock. Mirabelle thought about giving the money back as she stared at it in her hands. It was like a small fortune to someone her age. “Hey lady wait!” Mirabelle calls out out to her while she walks. Mirabelle runs up to her and hey looks up at her and tries to muster a smile “Thanks…” Mirabelle suddenly hugs Tas “And….good luck.” She let go of her and smiles subtly at her before she walks back to Vorgun and Oliver.
Walks along in chains stopping by and looks at the rules. A friend reads them to him. He nods as he dips his finger ink and then place his finger on the rules, a making a rather messy fingerprint as ink drips down the paper. His chains are pulled as he is yanked along with the rest of the group as a man shouts “MOVE YA’ll ASSES NIIGERS. GOT PLACES TO BE. COME ON, MOVE IT ALONG. That’s right…move it along.” Walks looking down, down with a deadened facial expression. Knowing not to look them in their eyes as he walks with the rest.
Name: Lord Varsas II
Gender: Technically, neither. Chooses often to look male.
Race: Sentient Utility Fog
Appearance: Though Varsas can take virtually any form he pleases, he chooses to look like his former human form, to give people an avatar with which to interact with, and it is merely an extension of himself. His avatar often wears a suit, and looks like a middle aged man with grey neatly slicked back hair. He usually has inhuman eyes. The white of the eyes is pitch black and his pupils/Irises are square shaped. They are a blue, with a black in the center.
Abilities: As a sentient “cloud” of utility fog, Varsas has some of the most advanced fog possible. He can change between solid, liquid and gas. In all of these states he can exert force on an object.
Armor- Varsas has different power suits with different functions and different armor meant to accomplish different things. Varies.
(To be continued)
“And so it begins…” Varsas being multi present saw the other side of the arena and Bold ‘s eyes flashed with data and images so he could see the fight.
Fenris looked up and jumps high into the air high into the air above the platform and lands in between the two making a shockwave with it’s landing, causing dust to fly up. The dust doesn’t even begin to clear before the current 5x faster then sound itself essentially imperceptible by human eye bullets began to shoot at the Drow at 3,000 rpm currently from the two Miniguns on it’s sides. No need to go higher right now. Dagon sees the thing’s giant paw coming down to him with ground shattering force.
Fenris stood there looking at the two, incapable of making any type of facial expression. “I do love a good blood feud.” Varsas says leaning in his throne. “Do you regret sending Fenris in there yet?” Varsas laughes. Bold finishes his Cigar and flicks it away. “These have potential to be the best kind of fights.” “You know how this usually ends.” “Yes yes yes.” “I’m gonna laugh when your smile goes away. I can already imagine your reaction, “a pity.” Bold says mocking Varsas as he puts his hands behind his back and Varsas smirks watching the fight “You never know…”
Fenris stands idly by, it’s tail moving back and fourth as it looks at the two before him. It looked at the man and concluded that he was most likely a Drow. However there were differences in their worlds, and so, using Fenris’ previous experience towards Drow of his world may prove dangerous. And so. The creature decides it best to simply watch. It is not hiding, nor is trying to not be seen. It is simply there and takes advantage of the fact that it seems to be below their notice, being that lava monsters have been all but wiped out. Though Fenris kept watch for more.
Name: Real name unkown. (Goes by many) Current name: Lambert Hughes. His most universal alias is simply. “Doctor” “Doktor” (DOK-TOUR) or “Doc”
Age: 94Appearance: Looks like he is in his lower 50s. Very few wrinkles though his faces aged yet healthy. His body is that of a young man, fit and in it’s prime. Almost always wears a suit of many different colors with a tie. Balding. Hair on the top of the head is bald, hair to the sides and back remains. It stays like that. Wears glasses. Green eyes. (unless he changes color).
Enhanced physiology- Doktor was the one who developed and gave Nemaz his enhancemen. Doktor has genetically engineered himself and has had surgical enhancements. as such his abilities are similar. However Dokotr has engineered synthetic. However, most of his are simply better. Since Doktor does not have a metagene and he simply has an earthly genome, many power dampening effects will not work on him. The Doktor can control his body’s functions with his mind, able to control things like metabolism.
Superhuman durability- Doktor’s bones, instead of using a titanium foam, uses an extremely durable flexible nanoceramic foam that insulates from heat and electrity to reinforce his already dense bone structure. The joints like Nemaz’s are mostly with an engineered spider silk. Denser then regular spider silk. His joints are stronger then steel. Doktor’s muscle is denser. Making it somewhat like iron. Like Nemaz, most humans cannot harm the Doktor. He has a very high G-Force tolerance, making him more difficult to knock out and primarily to pull off very agile manuevres with aircraft without passing out. He can thrown significant distances, put through several walls, get hit by a train and survive with moderate-severe injury. Some blades like common kitchen knives cannon cut him. His head and other areas with bone are nigh-bulletproof to conventional small arms.
Healing Factor/Diseases/Toxin immunity- Doctor’s body has a potent healing factor due to cutting edge biotechnology and organic nanomachines his own body is capable of producing. He can recover from being cut if someone manages to do so in a few seconds with optimal help. Can recover from ghastly wounds. He can regrow organs, regrow limbs and if he is somehow decapitated, his head can be reattached. Can regenerate many portions of his brain. Even able to have the nanoceramic and spider silk built into it again just as before. Doktor is immune to all terrestrial diseases. Toxins are contained in inert material or soaked with nanosponges before they can reach even his already powerful immune system, which would fend most of it off anyway. Bullets lodged in his flesh can be broken down by his body and removed through…various means.
Superhuman strength: The good Doctor is very strong. His muscles can be compared to that of a Gorilla or Cheetah on a human body, with seemingly indestructible bones. How much he lifts depends on mostly how he lifts it. He can bench press 3 tons and backlift several tons for example. He has high isometric strength, comparable to Nemaz’s, and support/bear weightes. The doctor can tear people’s limbs off, put his fingers into a man’s chest cavity, crush people’s bones with his grip, kill someone with a single strike, send people significant distances away with his strikes, throw grown men around as if they were children, run up walls a significant distance, crack concrete with a punch, break down some walls depending on the material, bend iron and some steels depending on thickness and type of steel, put his fingers through bulletproof glass, jump many feet into the air, etc…If the doctor exerts to much force on his body, he risks hurting himself.
Superhuman speed- Due to his human shape, the Doktor can run at 45 mph steadily. And go faster. If the doctor too fast, he risks harming himself. The doctor also has the ability to if he wishes reach these speeds almost immediately. From close up, he can very easily dissappear from ones sight. The Doctors hands can also move very fast, at speeds the human eye can scarcely process. Often times, he uses this to simply do things very fast.
Superhuman agility: The Doctor is able to pull off various acrobatic manuvres and will do the most practical ones in a fight.
Superhuman senses: The doctor has enhanced overall senses as well as additional senses. Any of these can be turned off.
The Doctor has the best eye human biotechnology could possible give him, beyond perfect. Doctor has optical magnification abilities of up to 10^14 fold a human beings, and is able to see molecules. He has additional visions, and can see UV light and infrared.
Hearing- Extreme hearing, able to a coin hit the ground as far as 20 miles away in a city. Can “tune” hearing to the point he can stand in a crowded and hear the conversation of someone 50 feet away while ignoring/dampening ambient sound of the commerce. Hearing levels tunable. He can turn his hearing off completely for whatever reason necessary. The Doctor can also echolocate, essentially see with his ears or see blind.
Echo/seismolocation- Doctor can feel ambient vibrations. His range is approximately 30 miles in all directions at all times. 67 miles in all directions underwater. 80 when standing on any surface or putting his hand up against something. The doctor can distinguish a BB pellet from a corn kernal 70 meters away. Can map out people’s internal organs and find structural weaknesses in things. This does not work in a vacuum if the doctor does not touch anything.
Electromagnetic sensing- The doctor can locate things by emitting subtle EM waves from his head such as radio waves and he uses this to detect faster than sound objects. He can also detect things using earth’s magnetic field in a way similar to foxes.
Complete nervous system control: The doctor can control his nervous system completely, and is able to control what are normally involuntary muscle such as the heart, stomache and throat. He can adjust his sensitivity. Can adjust and remove pain, or keep pain and remove agony. He can exert himself beyond normal means at the risk of injury.
Superhuman endurance/Stamina: The Doctor can very often go for days without food or water by controlling his metabolism and cannibalizing fat. Normally, the Doctor can operate at his peak for 5 days. He can hold his breath for up to an hour. His oxygenation processes are more efficient then most other organisms. The doctor does not produce lactic acid and does not experience muscle fatigue.
Superhuman cognitive abilities: The Doktor can process data extremely quickly and remembers virtually things very. Very far back with extreme detail. He has a very high intelligence and is a polymath. He can learn
Photographic memory/Reflexes- The doctor can emulate any move or skill he sees. Able to learn entire martial arts in seconds and copy people’s moves. He uses this to also memorize books
Superhuman reflexes- The doctor’s nervous system has an increased conductivity, allowing him to adjust his reflexes at will if he chooses. Reflexes automatically increase in the presence of danger due to adrenaline.
Superhuman accuracy and dexterity- Excellent marksman and good with his hands. Good with many weapons.
Wall crawling: Hands and feet can stick to wall
Stasis: If the Doktor is put in critical condition, damaged to the point that his bother can no longer function properly, or the Doktor will enter stasis. Genetically engineered Pseudomonas syringae Bacteria will freeze water in his body at room temperature as his functions cease mostly. Preserving his body until he receives medical attention. This is a state of being on the brink of death. He will enter this state if he is somehow decapitated.
Immortality/Agelessness: The doctor has never age naturally. As long as he eats, he will live indefinitely and retain his youth. Unless he is killed, he will never die.
The Doktor may add abilities to himself through whatever means.
Many weapons, gadgets and equipment.
The Doctor knows many fields of science due to his cognitive abilities (which he has had since he was 35) and the fact that he has had ample time to learn them. He specializes in Biomedical engineering, Cybernetics/Advanced prosthetic, Biotechnology, Biomimetics, structural engineering, medical nanotechnology, genetic engineering, synthetic biology, biochemistry, Virology and pharmaceuticals. He has knowledge of others as well of varying degree depending on the field.
Th Doktor knows many martial arts. However, at his base. He specializes in Boxing, Muay Thai, Brazillian Jujitsu and German Longsword Fencing. He has learned moves from countless martial arts including and not limited to Wing Chun Kung Fu, Eskrima and more…
Aligment: Neutral/Villain
Where are you located: Gotham city