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Fenris looked at the lava creatures and with it’s tail wipes a few hundred away from him like flies in a single blow. Some get on it and explode, however their temperature does not harm Fenris and most of the diamond shrapnel just shatters against his armor or bounces off getting lodged in the starlite. Fenris inhales and fires the bose cannon at the creature as it decimates creatures caught in the blast. Freezing and shattering them. It freezes the creature as Fenris widens the width to encompass it.
The creature attempts to move, but is frozen. Fenris then takes the creature as its tail wraps all the way around it, and picks it up. Then throws it it away off the platform back into the lava. The rest try to blow Fenris up and Fenris swipes 400 of them as it’s tail extends in one strike sending them all clear out of the arena towards the walls. then turns and looks at Dagon, then at it’s new target from rather far away. It looked still from a distance as the two confronted one another. Fenris waited.
“This should be interesting.” Varsas says. “Haven’t seen him do much yet.” Bold says commenting on Syn. “Yet.” Varsas replies.
Name: Cessily Sternum
Age: 14Race: Human
Residence: Crust
Gang affiliation: N/A
Job: Mercenary, Courier and drug dealer.
Powers: No supernatural powers. Abilities are usually due to armor, training, gadgets and having general a whole lot of guns. Cessily is extremely intelligent and can make her own guns and get her hands on some rarer weapons. Cessily from the start has no defenses against the supernatural aside from sheer willpower.
Appearance: 5’3. Straight hair. Stops at her neck. Fair skin. Freckles. Green eyes. Actually looks rather small. Usually wears a collar with spikes on it, which actually is used to stop people who are stronger than she is from strangling her. She is skinny but stronger than she looks, very fit and looks agile.
During mercenary jobs she will often wear full black body armor, with an armored faceplate. Often wears different clothes. Hoodies, jeans and sneakers. Or skirts, shirts and fingerless gloves. Shirt, tanktop sweats, etc….Depends on what she is doing that day.
Bio/history- Born to a single father, Cessily lost her father at around age 7. He was not one of the most peaceful, sane or non murderous of arms dealers but eventually he got caught up in some business. Cessily after this, combined with training her father had given her and what she watched, was raised by the streets. Cessily found out she was good at a lot of things and indeed like her father had told her “if you’re good at something, never do it for free.”
Bouncing place to place and picking up skills, Cessily does what she would like to for money. She is not amoral. Often, she evades selling drugs in the crust, often opting to goto the mantle to sell. Courier jobs goto the mantle and the core even. Cessily is a very good courier because nobody suspects much of a kid. She handles herself well. She usually takes neutral stance concerned to mercenary jobs and will work to protect people or will take sides on a gang for as long as they pay her well enough. Cessily has a short fuse when she doesn’t have to be professional and at times seems like a sociopath, though she can be and is nice to someone depending on who they are. People tend to know her reputation as a mercenary as one you would not like to piss off. Myths circumvent on how she “puts lead in her cereal” because she has been shot many times.
If you wish to hire Cessily can be contacted via email, texts, phone and often through her contacts if you hear about her from them for a job. Her business number is well known but difficult to trace because her business phones are disposable and sometimes crudely home made. Contacts can also be called if you cannot reach her.
Name: Mirabelle
Age: (Total) 44. (Since third rebirth) 9Race: Synthetic life form
Class: Wandering orphan
Appearance: A short little girl with long snow white hair that goes down to her back and hazel eyes. Fair skinned. Usually wears a little completely white dress and walks around with bare feet.
Personality: Naive at times yet, observant and eerily intelligent. Usually happy-go-lucky and friendly. She sees beauty in everything. She is very familiar with nature and likes animals of all kinds. She often associates with whatever animals are around, like squirrels deer and birds. In cities. She tends to associate with whatever may be around. Like rats and roaches. There much of the world she understands, but some things that she doesn’t understand. Often angered by violence. Sometimes unwittingly causes trouble and chaos when trying to have fun, indirectly, unaware she is doing something wrong. She knows and will associate with many different kinds of people. She is very warm, eager and energetic usually. Very very curious.
History: Mirabelle is the third form of a continuous cycle of death and rebirth. She is a synthetic lab born life form, programmed with completely synthetic DNA and made to be a weapon of mass destruction. A shapeshifting programmable organism originally intended to be nothing more then a biological robot, as she is made completely synthetically from chemical elements. There was fetus to her creation. and no genetic engineering. She was simply made from organic and inorganic materials. However, with her power the head scientist saw something beyond a weapon. He saw something capable of potentially capable of numerous applications. One of which, was to heal his dying daughter, Aster. She requested to be brought home where the scientist would. He stole the life form in vial form from the lab and attempted to program it in his home. He injected it into his daughter and they shared their sentimental last words of their love for one another. However, Aster died much to the scientists horror, in her bed in her room at age 12. In his grief the next day, he heard crying in the room his daughter had died in. He found there was a baby laying in the sheets his daughter had died in. Blood and other thick tree sap like fluids staining the bed. The father looked at this….thing. That layed where his daughter once did. And the first word out of it’s mouth was “daddy.” From that point on the man cared for this child for 8 years, on the run from the government. Naming her, “Delphine.” However, Delphine sacrificed herself for her father and died. Her father took a new identity and she was again reborn as Pyre. The longest living iteration and easily the most powerful and skilled. She had a life of 22 years until she was reborn once again as Mirabelle.
Current doings: Wandering the world and seeing everything there is to see.
Abilities: Bodily manipulation. Mirabelle can form any organic material and change her body to suit different situations. A shapeshifter. She can form different materials from herself. She can assume many different forms of organisms and contain other organisms and manipulate some of their biology as well. Can alter her own DNA. Can make other organisms from herself and various editable materials. She has bio-organic nanomachines within her. She can essentially take on the abilities of any earthly organism that exists. Can produces blades, armor, tendrils, claws, sharp teeth, many sort of natural and at the same time unnatural weapons. Increased strength, agility, senses and durability. Healing factor. Not afflicted by most terrestrial disease. Most toxins one can be immune to do not harm her. Can breath underwater. Contains memories of each life before her. Provided she has energy in the form heat, radiation, sunlight or nutrients she can live indefinitely. Can heal. Often grows plant like organisms
Weaknesses: Fire of high enough temperature and amount is a threat to her. Although, you will not be able to fight her with say a match stick. Flamethrower, yes. She can form materials with limited resistance to fire. She cannot mimic magical properties. Is limited by the amount of mass she capable of carrying within herself. For example. She cannot be a little girl one second and then grow into a 40 ft tall monster the next second. Growth rated limited by the speed of chemical reactions. Larger organisms tend to be slower. Even though she has memories of Pyre’s fighting skills, she is not as skilled at fighting. She is bullet resistant but not bulletproof. Sufficiently powerful guns (.50 cal+), explosives, powerful enough punches and melee weapons in general harm her. Melee weapon effectiveness varies. Mirabelle cannot easily break down or shapeshift the more durable she is generally. Things like armor and claws cannot be easily broken down and often not malleable. Being shot or struck in the eyes hurts. Can be distracted by people being harmed, put in mortal danger or held hostage. She must make herself very light in order to fly. Cannot transmute elements.
Weapons: Her body. Objects like cars, lamp post, car parts and generally whatever she can get her hands on.
Half full or half empty: “Um…Oh! oh! I know I know! Both! I think the cup is half empty, half full!”
(Probably gonna be the main Antagonist/anti villain)
Name: Arman Tobbins, infamously nicknamed “World’s most dangerous man”Age: ??? (He was sight at least 20 years ago, and he was an adult then. Indicating he is rather old.
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Sexual Orientation: Speculated to straight. Though normally he is asexual.
Abilities: Arman has no supernatural powers of his own. However, he has surprising physical and mental abilities due to training and heritage. He possesses very advanced human technology and grade A military hardware.
Arman walks around with full body armor, that protects him from fire via nanoceramics and aeorgels in his vest, to the point that he suffers no damage from the fire of many dragons. He has built in farady cage to protect against both electricity and EMPs. To the point that being struck with lightning can be shrugged off by Arman. Gel under layers in his armor allow his to take significant G forces by acting as padding, in addition to his training. Hidden under this is a strength enhancing exosuit, that utilizes artificial muscle made of vanadium dioxide. This boosts Arman’s already impressive strength and durability considerably, to superhuman levels, comparable to a terminator at maximum power. He can punch through concrete, rip some beings apart with brute strength. Jump 8-20 feet into the air. He can carry weapons normally only mounted (like miniguns). However, Arman often forgoes using these levels of strength as the more strength he uses, the more the battery of the suit is drained and will need to recharge.
Often, he uses the armor’s strength to simply make himself more efficient. He usually uses his natural levels of strength and uses the armor to make everything he does easier. He often uses it to simply move nimbly with heavy weapons. He also uses the extra power for the armor’s “lock” function. Liquid body armor made of oil and iron filaments harden when electric current is channeled through it, allowing joints and neck to be armored. Making even crushing him difficult as well as trying to strangle him/go for the throat. Many physical energy attacks are simply ineffective against him. Meaning Arman’s armor can become stiff and hard upon impact. All these in tandem to survive harsh injuries such as being smacked by giant enemies, put through walls, being stepped on, slashed, thrown huge distances, falling from the sky, being eaten, being mauled, had cars thrown at him, been beaten, cut with diamond, walked in a volcano, survive being thrown in magma and much more. Blunt impact actually is usually what harms Arman the most. His armor is made of advanced nanomaterials and is very bullet resistant. Abnormally powerful guns, sustained fire or explosives harm him. Extreme blows can harm or incapacitate him.
Armor has a cooling/heating system to regulate temperature.
Arman knows several forms of martial arts, often choosing some of the most practical and effective. This includes Brazillian jujitsu, M.C.M.A.P, L.I.N.E, Muay Thai, Mixed Martial Arts, Boxing, Pankration, Judo, Taekwondo, Aikido, German Longsword Fencing and Eskrima. Arman is very intelligent and quick despite being strong. He has very fast reflexes for a human and can anticipate attacks and trajectories very well.
Helmet filters out harmful gases and has a built in H.U.D.
Very capable marksman
Arman very often will take future drugs to enhance himself. Pain killers, cognitive enhancement drugs, myostatin inhibition drugs and anti sleep drugs.
Vast expanse of weaponry and vehicles. Most of Arman’s weapons are things that exist in present times or will exist. Others are advanced technology. He has cloaking technology. However this technology is not perfected. The cloak is rendered useless if Arman is struck once and he cannot see with it activated. It is essentially a wearable hoodie/ghillie suit. He also has a nanosaw enhanced claymore. Microscopic blades made of aggregate nanofullerenes, harder then diamond, move like a saw on the blade via nanomotors. This allows Arman to cut pretty much anything. Steel, concrete, diamond, etc….
Arman has a helmet that can see in across the electromangetic spectrum. Allowing him to see infared heat signatures and look through walls. He has two specialized pistols. “Gungnir” is a gyrojet electrochemical-thermal powered magnum. It fires homing plasma propelled 5.56 mm NATO gyrojets at varying velocities of mach 15+. This takes power to use, however it is accurate enough for him to shoot another bullet out of the air. He locks onto you using his HUD to give him data. The other pistol is called “Emily.” Constructed with nanotechnology, making the diamond from mostly spent carbon dioxide. It is as a very simple in that it is a magnum made of mostly diamond with the name “Emily” etched into it. Most internal parts are made of various diamondoids. Making it night indestructible. It has a recoil dampening mechanism and uses advanced very power propellant. This gun can down most dragons in a single shot, and against a humanoid target, to the torso, the person is usually blown completely in half from shots to the body as the round completely passes through it. More durable opponents are more likely to make the round explode from sheer kinetic impact. It sends it’s .50 cal rounds up to 10x the speed of sound. Able to penetrate almost anything or mutually destroy it from kinetic impact. However, the accuracy is not so great usually. Arman has to be close to use it, or you have to be a big target. Certain rounds like hollow points/regular lead will destroy many liquid types of enemies, like water elementals.
High frequency knuckles (HF knuckles for short). They are a very devastating fistload weapon they are put in Arman’s gauntlets. The knuckledusters, attached to his gaunlets have a high frequency electric current current channeled through them. Causing them to vibrate and heat up. They are edged in Aggregate nanofullerness, allowing them to go through nearly anything as they vibrate and destroy anything they touch. Side effect of dealing heat and electrical damage. They are so damaging that someone using them doesn’t even necessarily need to punch a wall to get through. One can simply put through fist against the wall and it will jackhammmer through via cutting, acoustic waves and melting.
He also sometimes has a man portable railgun he uses to fire solid slugs at varying velocity. It all depends on how much power Arman has. However, with the right ammunition and enough power for an entire town, it could shoot through a mountain. It is however single shot, and prone to overheating.
Has a metalstorm caseless gun on his arm.
Arman sometimes travels squad around with him. Normally a team of 10. These NPCs have armaments of full body armor for durability, cloaking suits, very durable body armor, strength enhancing exoskeletons (Maximum 10 tons snatch strength) medieval-modern era weapons. and a form of electronic telepathy. They function as a unit, like a hive mind. Their helmets send signals to one another that is then sent into their heads directly via chips in their helmets. Rarely do any of them need to speak and they all share information. They are all rescued slaves. Most of them have years of training and are desensitized to killing any necessary targets.
Has gloves and boots that let him stick to surfaces, and a grappling device.
All of them have various ammunition and weapons for combating the supernatural. Holy against demons, silver against werewolves, iron against fair folk (faeries and the like). Armor contains nothing more then ordinary iron, negating some types of magic.
Last but not least. Arman and all of his squad have unyielding willpower that sometimes assist them in resisting mental manipulation with varying degrees of success. They cannot be possessed by spirits/ghosts. They all power through pain. They are human beings, and are all mortal. Their greatest strength is arguably in his tactical abilities.
Current doings: Freeing all human slaves. Rallying humanity.
History: Much of Arman’s past is shrouded in mystery. It his however said, Arman lost someone precious to him and was never the same again. He seeks to free the human race while at the same time seeking vengeance against those who he sees as the cause to the humans being driven to near extinction while also seeking to save the human race, gathering all humans under one banner.
Personality: This all depends on who you are. However, Arman looks down on a lot of supernaturals. He comes across to most people as cold, quiet and ruthless. He doesn’t speak much. He rarely needs to. It’s difficult to tell what he thinks because of the mask.
Occupation: Freedom fighter/Slave Liberator/Terrorist/Guardian.
Monetary status: A lot of stolen money from people he has killed.
Extra info: Arman’s technology is generally around 1/2-5 decades ahead of current technology.
Arman does not kill children, though he has before accidentally. He will however incapacitate them.
He knows how to survive in the woods
He likes dogs
Inspired by batman+the punisher
He relies on other people in his community to help him. The people are the reason for his gear.
Things such as bending iron, and punching faster then people can see are feats that amazing people do. Like strongmen and boxers.
Most if not all materials I have mentioned already exist or are theoretically possible.
Can be turned straight but is mostly asexual at the beginning.
Bounty of over 50 million on his head placed by the government.
He doesn’t take his mask off unless it is to eat in his home. Otherwise, he actually keeps snacks in his helmet.
He doesn’t like lasers and prefers bullets.
Gungrir weighes 25 lbs. Emily weighes 5 lbs. Your average assault rifle weighes 8-9 lbs.
Arman likes to workout
Arman has to choose what to use his power for basically. His armor fueled by several advanced nuclear batteries and CNT super capacitors to harvest power from it, waste heat and even gaining power from Arman simply moving. He has choices between protection, strength or weapons.
Carries in general a lot of equipment available today in addition to future tech. (This being post apocalyptic and all. Gotta make due.)
Thing things looks at the boy. With it’s slit beast like eyes locked on the being before it.
It is hard attention then goes to the door as whatever was at the end of the hallway stops at the room. It takes a few steps forward it’s breathing can be heard. It sounds…unearthly. Like a ghost almost. It’s breathing loud, to the point that echoes about. It takes a few steps forward and it came into full view of them both.
It looked like a human, glowing man with tattered clothes pants and no shirt. About 5 ft 11. However, there were differences. It had claws, and mouth was riddled with sharp teeth. It’s glowed a white. It stood arms slumped forward and the slumped back, as it seemed to have troubled standing up right. It walked forward bumping into a desk Before it was a mere 3 feet from the boy. It seemed to be blind. It breathed in through it’s nose and took a few steps towards the boy. Now standing over him. It inhales the air over him, and then leans down to the boys face as it comes closer to ascertaining it’s location.
A tail goes around the creatures neck and suddenly it is yanked off it’s feet away from the boy and throw to across the room into a desk. It gets up yelling out of an apparent anguish as it takes a desk and hurls it at the winged creature like a was a pillow. The metal desk hits the winged thing into the wall and dents it. It flips the table off and the blue creature already in front of it smacks and sends it flying until it’s head dents into a wall.
The winged creature gets up and the two go tooth and claw at eachother. The winged creature slashing and the blue slashing and throwing wild fists. However, the blue thing though shorter was stronger as it eventually gripped the winged things neck and chucked it into the ceiling, causing rock to fall. The winged creature slashes and the thing mostly shrugs it off as slashes and tears partially through one of the winged Not breaking bone, but tearing into it. Then it grabs the creature again it’s head going up and causing to fire a blast into the ceiling. Then the winged creature gets tackled to the ground. It struggles as it tries to block the blue things punches and fight back while it’s on it.
Right in front of the boy, who wasn’t that far away and managed to not get harmed. The blue thing creature seems to have forgotten his existence as the winged creature looks at the boy for a split second before turning it’s attention back to trying to lash this thing off it.
The creature wanders through the hallways and walking for a time. Making a cricket noise. It navigated in the dark as well at did in the light and actually left they boy in the dark. For some time….
However about 2 minutes later boy hears something approaching. The thing comes down the hall seemingly at the boy at mad speed hopping on all 4s. And when it gets within about 1 ft within him it a blur as it jumps right over him and bolts into a room breaking a door down, in this lab like area as it dashes into a room.
The way it did made it seem like it was running from something. As it no longer made any sound. There was blue glowing straight down the hall from where the creature fled and it is difficult to see the source…
“No Vorgun!” Mirabelle once more runs past him and stands in between them. Holding her hands out at Vorgun gesturing “She didn’t do it on purpose. It’s not her fault. She had a monster in her and it came out. But I helped her and now she’s better!” Mirabelle says looking back at Tas for a split second then back at Vorgun.
“There is no need to fight…” She says trying to get him to be calm.
“Just some empty notebooks old guy told her to hand out.” Jerrel says raising his eyebrow at her. Though he did see someone turn into a panther earlier so. “I don’t even get understand why the hell we’d need notebooks for gym class anyway….But you know how weird this school can get.” Jerrel looks between everyone.
“What you guys think the ol’ man gonna be havin’ us do?” Jerrels asks everyone.
The armor slumped forward a bit with it’s neck open as insects are flying into it. It then looks at Tas. The insects leaving and ceasing. Then it picks her up around the waist again with one hand and jumps off with her jumping roof to roof in very large bounds. Mirabelle looks up as she guides the armor to her. “A friend is coming…” Mirabelle says lowly.
However, it becomes lethargic in movement eventually and takes smaller and smaller bounds. By the time it reaches the group landing on a rooftop, it is practically walking at times in between, it breathing extremely heavily. It walks to the edge of a roof top and jumps down landing in front of Vorgun 7 feet away, from 50 feet up suddenly with a heavy loud thud that cracks the ground a bit with it’s landing.
“It’s ok Oliver.” Mirabelle says to him in case it scares him, trying to keep the boy calm.. It stands upright, looking down at Vorgun, standing over even him as it drops Tas. It walks away disappearing into an alley. “Hi…” Mirabelle says shyly and lowly to Tas.
Cessily is laying on her stomach with her feet in the air on the roof, listening to the whole conversation. Next to her, she has an LSAT light machine gun a loaded with 100 rounds in the magazine “Yup. I like this chick.” Cessily says waving her feet into the air, commenting on Elara, resting her chin in her hands.
[ @Bharma Yeah that’d be cool with me actually]
It walked forward scanning the rooms down the hallway and stepping over corpses. Then it walked around the area. And walks around the place. Then it looks around. It makes a cackling noise again as it comes up to find rubble. A hand sticks out from under it. The creature turns into another room making its way the rubble and then continues down the hallway only to find the floor actually has caved into another hallway before.
The things waits and looks at the gap as looks across it. More rubble. Its heavier. It looks down into the dimly lit hallway below. Which has very lighting, it seems going into this hole in the only way to proceed. The creature jumps down into, disappearing into the darkness.
Mirabelle looks at Vorgun oddly when he stops to scratch his head on things. “I think he was.” Mirabelle says answering for Oliver. “A lot of different kinds of things live on earth. It isn’t just humans. And there are a lot of human….species. Different types that are like humans but not, or they are mixed with other stuff.”
Mirabelle looks up at Vorgun as the group walks. “What was your planet like?”
“Sure!” Mirabelle chimes letting him lay on her chest. Then she pulls away with her hands on his shoulders. She stoops down to his level. And wipes his eyes with her thumbs. “You can come with us. We can help you find you parents!” She takes his hand. “Come on! ” She smiles warmly at the kid 4 years younger then she was.
Fenris stopped firing when it turned its bullets into marshmallows and notices as it begins to float a bit, and immediately stamps it’s feet into the ground and grips into the ground cutting into it for it to anchor itself. This was a beast made to climb mountains after all, and it’s claws cut through the ground easily. Fenris saw the diamond spire being chunked at it’s. It’s blade vibrates as it heats up and then Fenris holds it’s bladed tail over it’s head and then swipes up as the spire meet Fenris’s blade.
The blade sparks against the diamond making a *SCREEEEEEEEEEEECH* sound as Fenris cleaves it clean in two, carbon dioxide coming for the diamond as it also shifted upward deflected. Then the diamond is finally cleaved cleanly in two in point .7 seconds by Fenris’s tail as the two pieces fly behind Fenris past it’s tail. The two pierces spear into the ground. Carbon dioxide steam emanating from them. Varsas has a rather sly smile. “Heh heh.” Bold laughes a bit. “Musta tried to throw diamond at him.” Bold was capable of seeing that from even this distance as he smiled. “Indeed he did.” “Let me see that again.” Bold says to Varsas. Varsas then spawns a mini version of the arena and mimicks the event in 3 dimensions again on a smaller scale. “Hah.” Bold says simply. “I love a good underdog fight.” “I remember when the underdog was actually smaller then the bigger dog…these days, David is 6 feet tall and Goliath is 30 feet.” Bold smokes his cigar.
Fenris then almost hops completely horizontally forward, the way it does it, is more of a technique one would use to climb, rather then travel along the ground, due to the gravity, as Fenris uses the gravity to the float seemlessly along the flat ground and ready for if the target decides to increase gravity. It keeps his momentum almost completely horizontal to keep from floating away too much and grabs the ground when its floats up too much. Making its way over to it’s target.
Fenris looked around the arena as it’s target disappeared. It switched to thermal and paused in complete silence and listened. Then it turned to him in 3 seconds and started towards him as he was some distance away. Then the target shot lightning at it and disappeared again. Fenris was virtually unharmed by the lightning because Dagon was not the first to attempt to use electrity or emps on Fenris. And Fenris has withstood far worse then simple lightning strike. As it actually was not really made of that much metal for armor. Ceramics are made of insulators, and are poor conductors of heat and electricity. As well as made Fenris virtually immune to acid due to the chemical interness of ceramics. Fenris aims the bose cannon at him and fires, and then the target disappears.
The target disappear again. Varsas smirks and seems pretty amused. Bold just looks at him indifferently as he breathes out smoke and continues to smoke his cigarette. Fenris’ steps shake the ground. Then the target disappears again. Reappearing on the spire. Fenris stood completely still. A turret on it’s shoulder opens fire on him with it’s extremely powerful ammunition. It is impossible to hear the shots being fired off, as they are faster then sound and reach their target nigh instantly. They destroy parts of spire causing enormous craters in the rock of spire and making explosions as some of the bullets hit, discharging plasma occasionally from simply hitting it hard enough.