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“Shhhhh.” She said as she saw him sniffle. Mirabelle hugged the boy close to her letting him lay his head on her. “It’s ok….” She says rubbing the back of his head to comfort him. “Where are your parents…?” She asked him.
“Maybe we gotta actually take a class or something. And we use this to take notes. He ain’t say nothing else? He dont seem like the teacher type. Weird ass old man….” Jerrel mumbles.
It’s head snaps to the door as it detects it. It walks over on two feet and sees rubble in the way and it pauses. Blocking the entrance to the kid. It makes a cackling noise, and then growls as it seems to take a stance. Determining the structural integrity of the place won’t give, it takes a stance. And then the boy can see the air disort *BOOM* There was what looked like a blast wave that came from the creatures mouth as the debris and the door flies back, debris shattered and the door being blown completely off. It flies back until it hits wall or makes a *screeeech* as it hits the ground and slides along the ground, coming to a halt.
Chunks of the wall are gone, and some of the debris down to the next room is melted. The sides of wall are searing and chunks of the door flew into the next room/hallway. Then the creature looked behind himself at the boy.Then it walked forward. Making a feint cackling noise (similar to what the predator makes) and moves to the next hall or room.
Mirabelle sat on Vorgun’s head and she was happy that she’d made a new friend. Mirabelle could sense his anger as she sat on his shoulders and held onto his horns. She wanted to think of Her legs swaying a bit back and forth. She wanted to think of a way to calm him down. Maybe a song. However, before Mirabelle would actually start singing, she saw a troubled boy walking on the side of the street. “Hey look!” Mirabelle says. “There is a kid over there….he looks sad…” She says looking at the sad little wolf kid. It was against Mirabelle’s nature to not try and see what was with the wolf child. “I’ll be right back Vorgun.” Mirabelle falls back off vorgun and does a blackflip as she lands on the ground. Then she walks over to the sad wolf child. “Hey, don’t cry….” Mirabelle says looking at the boy who looked younger then she was. “What’s wrong…are you lost?” She had a look of genuine concern as she looks at him with her also bright eyes.
The thing watched this being stumble in front of him. It’s head tilted a bit as he tripped up on a body. It walked forward rather quickly. The being laid there and it just stared at him. Eventually it leaned in towards him. Clearly this to it, this was different from the others. It could hear his breathing. His heart beating. The flow of blood coursing through it. It was alive, unlike everything else. However, it just laid there.
It lost interest in the being for a moment and looked around for an exit. It opened its mouth and let out a noise that sounded like a cricket, and when it made noise. It’s mouth didn’t seem to need to move. It simply opened it’s mouth and noise came out. It seems to be aiming almost. Scanning the room as it continues making noise. Looking for a way out. It’s tail extends across the room, and over a corpse at the end, it splits into 3 finger like apendages at the end with nail like claws at the end, and it picks the corpse up, holding it by the back of the neck as it stands on two feet. Holding its mouth in front of the man as it made the noise. Then it flung the corpse across the room into the corner in a way someone would be able to throw a puppy. The tail’s end rejoins and contracts back to normal length.
If there is no apparent way out, it snarls in frustration.
“I dont wanna do too much dealing in the crust. But I’ll think bout it Elara. Yeah. If it makes you feel better. You can tag along with me and my friend. You’ll probably like him.” Cessily smiles. “He’s a big lovable guy. Like a giant…loud…teddy bear….Pretty harmless…mostly. Anyway. Yeah. I want some drinks. Been a looooong night. Hasn’t it?” Cessily says stretching after they both shake hands.
“The night is still young as they say. I’m sure horny will find someone else to have fun with.”
There was a shuffling from the pod as eyes within opened and glowed a white briefly. Before diming down. There was a shuffling as the pod rocked in place. Then the screech of clawing against the glass. The clawing ceases after a few moments. Then the tube shakes. Then soon after much of the lab shakes after there is a strange noise heard coming from the pod. Like a cawing noise. *BOOM* the pod bursts as the reinforced glass flies across the room at speeds that let it hardly be able to be seen as it cracks a wall and falls to the ground. There is a lot of dust and thankfully, nothing seems to have caved in.
Something springs from the pod, and onto the ground with a thud. The figure obscured by dirt was not shaped like any earthly creature, though loosely it looked like a bat. It stood tall on two hind legs. and then walked on all 4s seemlessly it moved fluidly like a regular organism. It makes a cackling noise as it is still. Then the dust clears.
The thing is looking at this being who was before it. It was was an all white creature with white ceramic plates armoring it’s body, and no teeth. It had yellow slit eyes that were locked onto the being before it, and flesh around it’s eye, as it blinked and looked at the boy. The wings under its arms were clear…..and it had visible muscle in some areas requiring flexibility, like the neck and joints, but not normally muscle. It was grey. Not the muscle of any normal creature. And it had a thin layer of covering over any area with the muscle.
It did nothing as it watched him, and looked to see what he’d do….blinking once. The only part of flesh seeming to be that little area around the eyes….
Jerrel turned around, after he heard Ash’s answer and walked down the hall. He heard Baylet calling out to a girl and waving a notebook in the air. Jerrel standing over Baylet, behind her swipes the notebook away with such speed that it is almost like it disappeared from her hands and she barely felt it leave her fingers. Jerrels flips through the notebooks.
“Yo! What are these for? They’re empty…” Jerrel says looking at the notebook.
Jerrel pauses for a few seconds and then shrugs. “I actually don’t know the school much. I just wanted to know if you wanted to know where the lunchroom and all that essential stuff was.” Jerrel said looking at the kid. “You want your own room?” Jerrel asks casually. “I mean. I can tell you ain’t really too thrilled bout havin’ a roommate. Don’t matter either way.” Jerrel looked at him with a very casual face, one that indicated that he truly does not care about sharing a room or leaving, and that it is completely up to Ash as to whether not he/she would like to share a room.
Stuff can get weird if I’m sharing a room with this chick….dude? Jerrel looked Ash up and down wondering if ash was a boy or a girl. He then just decides that Ash is a boy. Because ash is a boys name.
As soon as Cessily saw the man punch the woman, Cessily dropped her bagwas actually going to go intervene before she saw Elara in the way. She said she’d handle it, and Cessily lets her. Hanging back arms crossed as she glared at the man. She smirked a bit when the man got stabbed and Cessily was touched by Elara’s sympathy towards the woman. Cessily was mellowed right now from the drive and the party getting rocked again maid her want to get a drink. She was pretty convinced by now this wasn’t some scam and could tell Elara was being genuine.
Cessily took a seat in the couch abd reclined back as she dropped her bag. “This feels comfy….” However Cessily got up, when Elara was talking, Cessily listened. “Well…” Cessily begins “I do have some connections. I own some warehouses. I know some people I can buy from. Have some people I can call to back me up. But they’re more just friends. Rather then ya know, an “official” gang. They all got their own lives and stuff to work. I could never pay them enough consistently to get something to form. Buuuut right now that can change. Cause of that opportunity your giving me. And well. When it comes to dealing in the crust. The people in the mantle buy my serious stuff the most. I’m talking the grade A type shit and the type of shit the commercials tell you not to do. And sometimes the type of stuff, that after I sell it to a customer he’s on the news the next day, passed out in his tub. But I can sell in the crust. But…” Cessily lays back.
“I don’t want to introduce stuff that would be too harmful ya know? Place is already not the best kinda place without it having another problem to add to the list. Some real nice people live here. But that doesn’t mean I won’t deal here. I can sell stuff people already do. But I don’t want too serious of a meth problem in here. But I’ll sell herb around here and stuff like that. Some pretty tame stuff….and like I said, people in the mantle buy more of this then everyone else. More money to splooge on the more pricey stuff. Means I can make pretty quality stuff in my little lab and definitely have someone to sell it to. But. This is a nice chance to expand with you on my side. More rep that way too. I know some people at the docks. Getting them will the easy part.” Cessily crossed one leg atop the other as she looked at the woman.
“Harder” part is going to be muscling everyone out of the area. But I think I can handle that without you having to send dudes around every street corner holding up every dealer. I got some good starting cash I’ve been saving up for starting my own cartel and alla that. People are gonna buy my stuff cause they know its better then everyone else’s burger joint quality stuff…and come to think of it. If I do control the drug flow around the part of town I’m in then I can make it better really…”
Cessily then thought her deal over with the money. 50/50 Sounded fair. However Cessily needed clarification “Fifty-fifty’s good if that covers your men too. Dropping a lot of stuff won’t be too much trouble. I’ll get some kicks by probably by personally dealing with anyone who doesn’t like my business right along side with your guys and some people who want in on this, and this gotta be a partnership, lady Elara. Your just helping a sister out so she can help you out. This all alllll a bit risky.” Cessily swings her feet forward and then gets up as she walks over to Elara. Then extends her hand to her. “But you don’t get anywhere big without taking a few risks. Fifty-Fifty covers you and your men and we have a deal.” Cessily stands there hand out waiting to hear her response.
Fenris looks upon the city. It had no real type of reaction to it as it’s gaze turned approximately to it’s left. Then it jumps down the mountain galloping down as ran with such speed one would think impossible for something so large. It’s movement was mostly a free and fluid as a creature of smaller size. As it ran off the side of the mountain it jumped to the entrance. It’s landing causes a shockwave and the earth trembles briefly as dust flies up. The pond in the center, being distance, stirs gently for a moment.
As the dust clears there are two “men” or beings in casual suits who held much political and physical power. One was an entity that was once a man, now a collective consciousness of machines, named Varsas and the other was a 5 ft 11 man middle aged man with grey hair who people called “Bold” short for “Boldernaut.” His last name. Varsas sat is throne his leg crossed and Bold lit a cigar. He exhales after a few moments. Varsas’ was multi present, however he made an avatar for bold to interact on a human level. A simple man in floating throne wearing a suit.
“Would you like a chair?” Varsas asks the man as FENRIS stood above them both. Still. Like a statue. Waiting. “No.” Bold replies. “Suit yourself.” The chair disappears. “Are you sure about this?” Bold says to Varsas “That guy in there is making reality his plaything.” Bold says snidely, him lacking Varsas’ formality. He inhales “I see your concern. But. Simply watch. Friend.” Bold exhales “alright. Your paying for this.” “Go.” Varsas says simply. FENRIS jumps into the air to the arena.
A few minutes later. Dagon sees the pool disturbed. As it ripples. It’s peaceful and slight at first but then it gets more and more violent as the approach of something large was apparent. Then the ground began to shake as FENRIS appeared around the corner galloping the ground shaking violently. It runs towards Dagon and then stops and inch away from the pond. The giant grey armored quadruped mechanical being looked a Dagon with it’s blank red eyes. Then it lifts it’s front leg and starts walking around the pond and slowly away from it in the park, it’s eyes still towards Dagon’s direction. It already knew everything Dagon had showed it. Flashstepping was nothing new to FENRIS and not something he was incapable of fighting. However the power of this being to bend reality rivaled that of the few remaining “demons” from his world. At least here it did. He could alter the world around him and that can make things difficult. Fenris did not know the extent to which his power was, but it did not worry Fenris. Because Fenris is physically incapable of feeling fear. As Fenris walked it’s long tail behind him as it sways back and forth, not like a dog but more like a monkeys. Capable of going in any direction it so please like a snake and it looked long enough to wrap around an entire building and crush it if Fenris so saw fit. THe urban environment gave a lot of hiding places, which Fenris noted.
Fenris looked forward then, as miniguns came out from it’s shoulders and the top of the theighes. Meant to hold a lot of ammunition. 250,000 round in each pod. The round pod that held each of them housed ammo. Miniguns were out as each step Fenris took disturbed the water and it stepped over a tree. It looked over the enviroment once more, it’s back turned to Dagon before it turned around. It opened it’s mouth and it’s lower jaw split in two, it’s mouth devoid of teeth of any kind. It stood about 200 yards from Dagon. Outside the pawn as it was now ready to fight as it let out a noise that sounded like a very deep gutteral loud moo and tok a crouched stance.
Mist came from it’s mouth as it then from it’s mouth it unleashed a what looked like a clear beam straight for the man moving at high speed that freeze and hit with immense force whatever the solid beam moving a 500 mph or so would collide with.
Mirabelle let Vorgun pick her and carry her. However, Apollo wasn’t as cooperative. He jumoed out of Vorguns hand hissing and into Mirabelle’s clothes. Mirabelle didn’t know much about what the man wanted, however, it seemed worth investigating. She held close particular to Vorgun her eyes a bit red now. She listened to Vorgun, to Mirabelle, he seemed misunderstood. She could tell he was sorry about what he did and he didn’t really mean it.
“Not all humans are bad…” Mirabelle says remembering many people and friends she had, including many humans “But I don’t like this person.” Mirabelle says looking at the blonde man. “He might not be human either, he could just look human. I’m not really a human I don’t think. But I look human, when I want to. And I act human. A lot of humans can be really nice…and some are really mean. But whoever you meet, just don’t know not every person is the same….”
“But be careful…with this one.” Mirabelle layed back on Vorgun and she never took her eyes off this mysterious blonde man.
“Alright Miss Elara, we can talk business. Sorry Ms. Brialyn, but I’ll be back, I hope. Hopefully we can chat later, kay?” Cessily looks at Elara. “Alright, lets go talk ’bout the biz.” Cessily says looking to elara. “Whereva you wanna go that’s real private-like…”
The Doktor sat quietly in a room, sitting in a chair. A gas masked mercenary clad in full body armor next to him. They are in a safehouse, though not their own. The Doktor was reviewing footage on his phone, it was loading.
Firefly was laying on the floor, passed out, with several beer cans laying around him. Bleeding from the head. His armor in a closet and him wearing civilian clothes. As he just lay there. Mumbling he was groaning and mumbling angrily to himself while he was unconscious. There was a large hole in the wall with blood trailing down it, followed by bullet holes everywhere. Old painting on the floor shot through. As well as a damaged AC unit.
The Doktor watched the footage as it loaded. The footage was recorded from a corner of the room, one the ceiling. Adjust his glasses, as he looked down at the phone with his straight, still face. The mercenary just standing by. The footage played, and started with firefly downing another beer in his room. He drops the can as he breathes heavily and growls. Firefly kicks the door down and storms out. The footage is sped up to a significant part of when firefly walks back in.
“WHERE THE FUCK…ARE MY GOD DAMN NUKES?” Firefly yells in the footage. He picks up a chair and throws it at the window. It shatters it as is it bounces off window sill. “AND WHY IN THE FUCK. IS MY FUCKING LAB LOCKED??!!!” Firefly yells open in the air looking around his room. “I KNOW YOU HAVE SOMEONE IN HERE!!” WHERE ARE YOU?!” Fire fly should as he then pulled out a loaded MP7 and flashed it round the area. “SHOW YOUR FUCKING SELF.” Firefly points around the room. “LAAAAAAAAAAAST CHANCE!” Firefly says pointing the gun around.
Firefly opens fire spraying about the room. Shooting through the walls. Missing the window. Hitting the AC Unit. Going in a full circle as he riddles a painting with holes. He breaks a lamp. Fills his bed with bullets. *Click…click click* Empty. Firefly throws the gun at a wall. “I’M NOT A FUCKING KID. THAT IS MY FUCKING SHIT! THAT YOU FUCKING PEOPLE, CAME IN HERE AND FUCKING TOOK!!” Firefly paces in a circle around the room looking around. “I made that myself….with my own goddamn money.” Firefly looks around his room. “You had no right. No fucking right. To sneak into my place and take my shit thinking I’m going to burn this fucking city to the ground…who do you think I am..? Huh….HUH?!” Firefly yells. Firefly grabs a beer.
He downs it in a few seconds and this is his 16th beer in 2 and a half hours. And lays on the bed, staring into the ceiling. The Doktor speeds the footage up for a bit until he sees firefly get up. He leans against the wall, putting his arm on it and then leaning his head on his arm…then Firefly backs up putting both hands against the wall, rearing his head back, with gritted teeth. He repeatedly headbutts the wall. Again. And again. And again. And again….and again…and again….and again…and then the wall bursts.
Firefly is bleeding from the head as he staggers back. Breathing. In. And out.”All her fucking….” He falls back and makes a *THUD* noise as he hits the ground. In the footage from the ceiling. The mercenary who is currently next to the doctor turns off his cloak. And drops to the ground. He checks Firefly’s pulse and then the Doktor turns the footage off. He holds the phone to his left towards the mercenary as the soldier takes it and puts it in his pocket. The Doktor shakes his head at the currently mostly unconscious but shifting and murmuring Firefly.
“How much alcohol does it take to kill a man, Doc?” The mercenary asks “Firefly weighes approximately 175 pounds. He’s had about…” The Doctor scans the room “Sixteen beers. Over…Two and a half hours. So. I would say it takes about 19 to kill him. His blood alcohol level is about .338…Ah. He’s waking up.” Firefly starts to groggily and slowly get up. “oh….fuck me…” He grips the bed. He gets up to his feet wobbling. Then staggers and catches himself on a table.”
“Welcome back to the land of the living!” The Doctor says cheerfully, glad to see firefly awake. Firefly slowly turns to the Doctor and the mercenary. “Who the fuck…..Doc?” “Yes!” “How…how fucking long have you been here?” “Give or take 20 minutes.” “…How long has he been here.” “The whole time.” The mercenary says. Firefly growls and then clenches his stomache out of pain. “…How long was I out..?” “Four hours.” The mercenary replies again.
“Yes..” The Doktor “So! How are you feeling?” Firefly is pale and he leans over to vomit onto the floor. He stops after about 3 seconds. “Not so good hmm? Do you at least feel a little better now that you’ve thrown up?” Firefly vomits again. “I see…” Firefly collapses onto the bed. The Doctor stands up and walks to the side of the bed opposite of the throwup. He puts his fingers on Firefly’s forehead. “You are lucky. Somewhat.” He looks at Firefly’s head wound. The Doktor walks off. He comes back with a bucket of cold water and aims as he chugs the water across the room at Firefly’s face. He shoots up blowing water from from his mouth and nose. “AGH WHAT THE FUCK.” “I’m washing the blood off.” The Doctor walks over with also bandages made of Spider silk and says “Be still.” As he walks over and puts spider silk bandages on Firefly’s head. Firefly sighes heavily with an expression of contained anger.
Firefly fly gets up and steps in his own vomit. “God dammit…” He steps out of it growling. “You can leave now.” The Doctor says to the mercenary. The mercenary nods and walks out as he cloaks and is gone from sight. “Come, Toby.” “Don’t call me that…”
The Doctor grins warmly. “Let’s take a walk, Firefly…” He walks to the door and Firefly follows.
Mirabelle seemed a bit…hurt that Tas shoved off her like that, as one could see it in her face. THe armor was looking at Vorgun for the entire time he was making his way over. And as Vorgun greeted it, it didn’t respond to him. Only stared. When Tas ordered it to take her to the specified location. It’s attention goes to Tas. The armor holds Tas around the way. It’s hand big enough to wrap around her body. She is stuck to its hand as it then abruptly jumps far away. Over several buildings. Tas and the armor out of sight in seconds.
The armor makes another jump and lands back at the circus with an enourmous thud, rock and dirt scattering. People pointing at it and the woman’s holding. It uses the sewer organism to find the penthouse she specified. It stands there for a few moments absently as people run and scream from what they call monster. The armor then turns to the building with the penthouse, and then jumps to the wall of a near by building, then jumps high into the air. It lands on the roof with a *THUD* as the concrete cracks beneath it’s feet from the landing. The armor drops Tas and after a few moments, the holes in it’s neck opens as it exhales pure H2O. It then enter stand by mode and stands idly and still. One could very easily mistake it for a statue, as it wasn’t easy to tell it was breathing unless you were close up.
Mirabelle was gulping and her eyes were watering from Tas simply shoving off her. She then looked over at Vorgun as she listened to him apologize for what he did. When he finishes she wipes her eyes and walks over to him, then she hugs Vorgun’s leg. “It’s ok.” Mirabelle says simply as she clenches to this man she hardly even knew but loved as she loved all creatures. “Just don’t do that again ok…?…Someone could have gotten hurt. I got hurt…but I’m better now…”
She looks up at Vorgun her eyes still watering. “Just don’t do that again ok? You were so nice, but then you turned mean. Please, don’t do that again ok. Someone could have gotten really really hurt. But I forgive you. Just don’t do that again…” Mirabelle’s words were jambled and she kept repeating herself. She wasn’t the best at composing herself or controlling her emotion. When she blinked her eyes watered and then she stopped looking up at Vorgun and laid her head on him as she just stood there…hugging him.