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Cessily in reply to Barma simply rolls her eyes as she turns to Brialyn. “So what’re you here for Missy? Same thing? Mingle? Talk? Hold conversations about how someone imported your caviar from the wrong place?” Cessily smiles rather genuinely amused. She wasn’t going to let anyone around here intimidate her. Cessily is more the type that intimidates more people, to the point where she is most often referred to as “that little crazy bloodthirsty bitch.” And she liked that name.
((This. But in Cessily’s size and purple. Mmmm-hmmm…Also she is wearing boots. Nice brown bewts))
Jerrel walks with his hand in his hands in his pocket and has the air of one in a bad mood. He raises his eyebrow when the kid tells him that…he/she already knew where his room was. “Yeah…” Jerrel says. “My name is Jerrel.” Jerrel noticed the kids shy nature and he was trying to figure out if it was a he or a she…but Jerrel wasn’t going to ask. Ash might get offended. Jerrel was sure that eventually he was going to figure it out.
“Yeah, it was no problem…” Jerrel looks at the room to see it is actually theirs. “Oh, this my room too….I guess we roomies….you aight?” Jerrel asks the kid curiously. Something seemed up with him. “You uh, want a tour of the school?”
Cessily took notice and had was much more cautious towards this woman. But still friendly. “Meh. Just business and mingling. You know. Just typical ritzy people stuff…”
The ground trembles as something approaches something large. Red glowing eyes appear from the darkness from the arena, as the Fenris climbs along the side of a mountain. It’s long tail behind it as it scans the area. Looking within the arena. At the contestants within. It’s designated targets. It starts towards the arena. Icey mist trailing from it’s gaping mouth.
Mirabelle is frightened and the armor snaps to the woman with it’s claws insheathing as it makes a gutteral growling noise towards this new person. Then after a few moments, after seeing the girl is not hostile. The armor, sheathes it’s claws as Mirabelle looks at the new lady in front of her. “I’m not circus person!” Mirabelle retorts. “I accidently…hurt her.” She says lowly. “She turned into a big wolf. And I cured her. But that was on top of her and when she reverted back, it’s weight broke her ribs cause it was holding her down. When she was a wolf. Then she turned back. And couldn’t bear it’s weight.” Mirabelle tried to explain this best as she could to the new person. Perhaps she new magic and could heal her? Mirabelle didn’t know. Mirabelle could. But it wasn’t instant. It takes a few minutes.
“So…that’s it?” Jerrel says. “Ugh…” He drops his stance. And he looks at the new person. Then walks over to him….or her. Jerrel couldn’t quite tell. “Uh. Hey. Whats up?” Jerrel said to Ash. “You ain’t got a room yet? Must be new round here. Aight, come on follow me.” Jerrel gestures the new kid to follow him as he walks towards the rooms.
“I bet you wouldn’t have been sayin’ that 5 minutes ago horny. Then this bottle of buxom walked over. Not that I blame you…” Cessily says looking her up and down. Then she looks off at the waiter.
“WAITER!” She calls rather loudly and obnoxiously to him and makes him almost drop is platter. “Can you bring my thing, please?” Cessily asks him now nice and sincere. He pauses for a moment, then nods and goes off to deliver wine and then goes off to reach for Cessily’s bag.
Cessily feels someone tap her shoulder and she turns around to see a strange looking woman. “Cold” as she looked, she seemed warm a polite. She extends her hand to Cessily, something very human to do. And so, Cessily then shook her hand. “My name is Cessily!” She chimes warmly. “Nice to meetcha.” She smiles nicely. It can’t hurt to mingle if these two find somewhere to romp.
Godal catches his foot and the shock from the strike shatters the feel around Godal. There a huge *BOOM* As Windows near by shatter completely. “You have got…to be fuckin’ KIDDIN’ ME! AUGH” Jerrel gets slammed to the ground. “Agh!” Jerrel while get gets up gets kicked away. “OH FUCK” He hits Baylet in the face with the top and bounces over her in an arc as he continues to fly into the wall.
“Raaugh…” Jerrel lets out an annoyed groan Jerrel slowly slides down the wall to floor.. Then he bounces back up. “WHAT THE FUCK YA’LL? Are me and her the only two gonna fight him?!” He says pointing to Baylet and himself. “LET’S JUMP THIS FOOL ALREADY!” Jerrel says to everyone in the room.
Man we need all the help we can get….
Jerrel sees the door slightly for a split second from the corner of his eyes as they to the door. He saw someone at the door. Jerrel punches the air and a blast flies to the door and blows it open and partially of it’s hinges as he/she backs away.
Jerrel’s eyes were narrow and piercing as he looked at this kid who peaked through the door suspiciously. Jerrel looks he was about to yell and point at this on lode. However, upon seeing his/her demeanor Jerrel lightens up and calms down. “Uh. You wanna join in?” Jerrel’s tone changes as he asks nicely.
Name: Model 121 FENRIS Unit
Appearance: The Fenris looks similar to a giant 30 ft tall wolf shaped machine, when on all fours, and is much taller on hind legs, though it cannot effectively operate on two legs, much like most quadrupeds. When it roars it’s lower jaw splits in two, in a manner similar to some aliens. It has a large barrel in it’s throat. Red glowing eyes. It has a long artificial muscle tail. With 10 ft long blade at the end. Long claws.
History: A weapon intended for war partially drafted by D.A.R.P.A, Fenris was one of 150 models of weapons. Eventually captured and controlled by world government.Abilities: Fenris is a giant, immensely strong AI controlled machine. It is specialized to be able to able to fight things actually drastically larger then it is. Able to tackle Kaiju, and is actually very light for it’s size. It weighs approximately 150 tons for this fight. It has a long prehensile tail with a 10 ft long doubled edged spear like blade at the edge.
Agility- Fenris is scarily agile and quick for a creature it’s size, due to the lightweight highly durable alumiunium based nanomaterials to compose it. It can cover large distances in it’s huge strides, and by galloping. Fenris is capable of scaling mountains and large creatures. Can jump over 600 feet into the air.
Endurance/Stamina- Fenris will not get tired within the duration of the fight. Inside of him is a Helium-3 based nuclear fusion reactor housed in the chest. He will not require fueling for centuries. He has ample fuel for all of his functions and movement.
Strength- 700,000 ton+ lifting with legs and tail.
Fenris has a complex internal structure and is equipped with a large variety of weapons, the first of which is a high pressure bose einstein condensate pellet cannon, which it fires from it’s mouth. It is a transparent stream of millions of ice pellets filled with laser cooled bose einstein condensate. The combination of relative speed at which it is shot at the shear number of pellets fired makes it essentially like a laser beam. Any targets struck are snap freezed. It will also freeze ambient air if the ice breaks. Causing mostly instant death towards many unarmored targets. The blast can be up to 12 feet in diameter, travels at 500 mph and hits with sufficient force to cut buildings in half. This weapon can be replenished easily by inhaling ambient air and drinking water.
One each shoulder and the back of the hind legs (4 total) is a rotating ball with an opening, containing an upgraded Electrothermal-chemical M-134 minigun, which fires hypersonic 5.56 x mm NATO rounds. Adjustable fire rate of between 3,000 RPM-6,000 (M16 for comparision is at max 950). Fenris carries 3 million rounds within it’s heavily armored shoulders total. Due to them being hypervelocity. The bullets are much more damaging, each one outright liquifying rock and metal upon contact and hitting with such force occasionally as to discharge plasma from sheer force of collision alone. A single hollow point carbon based bullet can turn people into gore or fragment to shred their insides depending on the round. Each is nimble enough to shoot down projectiles down from around Fenris. Cuts through most substances with ease. While they simply explode against others from kinetic force. Bullets can easily knock people back. Miniguns can retract back into shoulders/thighs. Can turn and shoot in many directions. However they cant shoot anything on Fenris’s back, or that is directly underneath him. They can function independently of one another.
HOWEVER, if Fenris switches to Saboted Flechette Armor piercing Nanocysteline tungsten-carbide rounds, which has a strength many times that of steel and is as incompressible as diamond, the effects of it change. The tungsten will pierce through all but the most durable of substances and are even heavier. If it does not penetrate. More more knockdown and a guaranteed plasma discharge. Against unarmored humans the rounds are not as effective as softer rounds. They do not dispell all of their energy to their soft human targets. As such. The effects are that of a normal bullet piercing, or being impaled. It may cause some heating. However. This round is actually more powerful against more durable opponents. It can severely wound a person if it hits bone or pierces a vital area. However, it tends to go right through. It is not uncommon for the around to go right through a regular human, hit a more durable opponent and transfer most of it’s kinetic to it’s target. Causing them to explode. The bullet is only truly deadly to a human if it strikes a vital area and very deadly to superhumans, often piercing and causing shockwaves through softer targets, blowing them apart and taking limbs off.
One of Fenris’s secondary weapons makes him akin to a walking artillery platform. He contains exactly 50 missiles in his back. Capable of striking surface to air, air to surface or air. 30 are Based of Hellfire AGMs, one missile can split into 5, or remain one large missile. A whole missile contains a lethal blast radius of up to 100 feet and are nanothermite incendiaries. They burn at 7,000 degree Fahrenheit, Emits bright UV light and cannot be extinguished by water. It will burn under water. Fenris can adjust thermite’s reaction to rate to fully detonate. Increasing the radius 10x, however. It will not leave incendiary behind. Often times. Fenris will reveal his back and fire the missiles into the air. Where they will then come down and strike their opponents from the sky or strike an air born opponent.
20 missiles are M.A.H.E.M missiles. The metal uses an electromagnetic field generated by an explosion to propell molten metal through it’s target. Extreme penetration. Can combat middle tier Kaiju, tunnel 40 feet through solid steel and goes even further through solid material. The explosion is extremely focused, making the blast radius minimal collateral. About 20 semi lethal radius. Each missile travels 660 mph for both.
All missiles can be either guided manually, targets highlighted or air to surface homing.
Under Fenris are several metal storm guns lining it’s skin. Allowing it to fire caseless ammuniton on anyone below by opening holes in it.
Armor: Fenris’s armor is very durable, wholly immune to small arms fire. As a result. Fenris is made to withstand a variety of projectiles and attacks due to opponents he faces. Fenris tolerates heat up to the surface of the sun, approximately 20,000 F on the outermost layer of armor, coated in starlite. Able to withstand attacks from beings who open portals to the sun and even some smaller yield nuclear blasts albeit with injury. His armor cannot stop all manner of attacks and sufficiently powerful attacks will pierce.Ceramic armor aids in heat resistance.
If first layer is breach, which is likely. Second layer of nanoceramic will be activated. Spaced armor. Upon being breached, a gust of high pressure air will fly out to solid objects. The larger the breach. The more air that will escape.
After the third layer of flash banite steel is breached, electric reactive armor activates. Channeling a partially eletric plasma discharge into targets who breach. Ionizing almost any conductive substance and repelling others
1. Starlite- Extremely+blast wave Heat resistant. But easily pierced. Comparable to clear putty.
2. Nanoceramic
3. Air
4. ERA (electric reactive armor)
5. More nanoceramic
After this is it’s internals.Armor areas- The chest (Capable of moving to reveal metal storm weaponry), the shoulders, the back (also opens) the sides, the legs, joints and the neck.
Neck- Special armor. Vanadium dioxide muscle with D30 Gel. Anti-Bullet+Blade. No man portable conventional firearm can pierce. Only lodge within at best. The muscle counters blades by actually clamping down on the blade, and sticking to the sides of it, stopping it irregardless of sharpness
HF blades: Nanostructured steel, coated in Aggregated nanofullerenes, is harder and denser then diamond. High frequency blades. Electric current is channeled through the blades to make it vibrate and move like a saw extremely fast. Reciprocating up to 1 million times per seconds. Cuts through most things.
Most notably. There is a long HF blade on the end of Fenris’s tail. This variable length extendable tail is fully prehensile. Fenris will can swing blade and adjust it’s length, allowing it to extend almost 375 feet. The tail can be extended and strike straight forward and is very often held above Fenris in manner not unlike a scorpion’s sting when not at the ready. This blade with the tail has sufficient power to cut into mountains, slice through buildings and demolish blocks. The blades when activated, heat up. Blades are present on all of Fenris’s claws.
Sensors: Full few of the electromagnetic spectrum. Very good hearing. Can hear a person’s heartbeat from 100 feet away.
Intelligence/strategy: Fenris’s experience are against a wide variety of opponents. Many of his targets are large mountain sized monster. He has anti infantry countmeasures for smaller enemies, and has fought human sized enemies with enough power to throw him. Therefore, Fenris does not underestimate smaller enemies, and is not afraid to play keep away if cannot simply stomp on them. It is always planning, always using strategy to fit the situation. If something attempts to throw Fenris, it will use its vast leverage against human sized enemies. Strength alone is not enough to lift Fenris. Human sized opponents require more then strength to throw him, as Fenris has used his sized and mass to render vast superhuman strength used by human size that times even surpasses Fenris’, nearly useless against grappling with him. Trying to hold his feet to lift him often results in Fenris lifting said person and stomping them or throwing them away like a fly (Unless you have enough flight strength, Telekinesis or other means of lifting something as large as Fenris.)
“Where do you live?” Mirabelle asks. “I can have us taken anywhere you want really fast.” She points at the armor. “I can have it carry us…to anywhere. Maybe back to the circus. Or…you can tell it where to go. And it will take you there. I’ll command it to take us where you wish…it can carry us.” Mirabelle says. Allowing Tas to control the armor, it can now provide transportation. Carrying them and providing transportation. Doing pretty much anything she says that Mirabelle would not object to.
Upon him saying he could order her to shed blood right now. She gives him an assertive look, narrowing her eyes when his eyes glow and crossing her arms. “Mmm yeah. We’d probably use you for something like…espionage and….intelligence gathering. It seems more your suit. And you would only occasionally be shot at.” Cessily says tilting her head a bit.
“You what? You crazy ass old man, I’m gettin’ real tired of your shit!” Jerrel says as he gets surrounded by small vortex and then simply jumps out of thin air towards a wall. Then bursts of the wall like a bullet and flips forward as he does a flying kick towards Godal’s chest, as fiery vortex surrounds Jerrel’s foot as he flies high speed at Godal.
Whenever this hits something it’s going to cause a blast wave one way or another.
“Condescending ass nigga…’ Jerrel mutters with his headphones off. Then Jerrel starts talking out loud to Godal “Aight aight. I’ll concede to your rules. Just. For one thing. You ain’t givin’ us enough credit. If you think that we can fight in this little arena in a room like this. Can we go outside? I mean really, if you saw that little tap I gave to that punching bag earlier. What you think gonna when I’m actually actually trying? Using my powers in a ring? You might as well start buying yourself a new one now.” Jerrel has his arms crossed.
“You ask me. We should take this outside. Gym might be pretty big but unless you got some space expanding magic or adamantium walls, place might come down on us. Just sayin’.” He says looking right at Godal.
“Man…” Cessily starts “You guys call this a party? My birthday parties were better then this shit. Buncha ritzy snobs walk around fake smiling as they gossip and bitch about their problems.” Cessily starts making a mocking tone. “I told him that I absolutely MUST have imported caviar from the atlantic sea. This wench bought me Caviare from the pacific. The mnerve!” She mocks. “Man, you goto one of my parties and son, you are getting wrecked. One way or another.” She pats her head and Cessily has a sort of pouty look, however, she is wise beyond her years and understands why she’s doing this.
Cessily then listens to the rest of what she has to say. “Join you? Huh. Maybe. You guys are pretty legit…” Cessily says. Giving it some thought. “Though I still do got some of my own stuff goin’ on. But your a pretty big guild. And you get more jobs. I could probably join you guys. But I still need to be able to go out to do some other jobs. Stuff don’t make itself.”
She suggests that Barma join. “Him? Heh heh. I’m not sure horny here would be cut out for that kinda stuff….heh heh. Get it? Horny? Cause…yeah you get it.” Cessily smirks at him. “I think our kinda life might be a little bit too much excitement.”
Jerrel walked out the lunch room. That lunch was aight. He thinks. He goes into his room and flops into the bed and goes to sleep pretty easy. He didn’t bother taking his clothes off or anything
The announcements come and Jerrel’s eyes open as he lays in his bed. “Arrrrugh. That time already?” Jerrel yawned and got out the bed. He holds his hand out and yawns as his sword flies to him. He looked at his phone. “Yup. Fuck that 50 page essay. I’m headin’ to the gym. ” Jerrel walks off with his sword and walks in Godal’s office to get a key. Then goes back to his room. Locks it and goes into the gym.
Jerrel takes out his phone, alone in the gym, and plugs some earbuds into it. He puts them in, turns up some music nobody else can hear and then starts jamming to some songs and dancing.