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The Doktor sits in his seat with a leg crossed atop another, then he seems to swipe his hand across the paper. And on the paper, instead of a long line, is his signature. “We are done, yes?” The Doktor stands. “Time to have a bit of fun…” He walks off and disappears into the shadows.
Cessily sounds more casual. Urban lingo mixes with proper language and longer words. “Oh nothing. Just business. I was just delivering Mr. Larx his *AHEM* unprescribed pharmaceuticals. Most of the uglier things are done in the crust. And the other jobs are up here. This is actually where I sell most of my pharmecuticals…can I just go ahead and say drugs? I sell drugs man….People up here do this crap more then most people. Got nothing but money and plenty of time. People don’t have shit to do. So if ya wanna have yourself some happy feely trips, they call me. If you rich snobby types wanna stoned. Then well. That’s what I’m here for.”
Cessily puts her hands on her hips. “You wouldn’t tell on me. Would you? This girl doesn’t want no problems with the po-po.” She raises an eyebrow. “Those guys were lucky that that ugly business ended with some piss on the floor rather then a lot of crimson if ya know what I mean..”
Name: Real name unkown. (Goes by many) Current name: Lambert Hughes. His most universal alias is simply. “Doctor” “Doktor” (DOK-TOUR) or “Doc”
Age: 94
Appearance: Looks like he is in his lower 50s. Very few wrinkles though his faces aged yet healthy. His body is that of a young man, fit and in it’s prime. Almost always wears a suit of many different colors with a tie. Balding. Hair on the top of the head is bald, hair to the sides and back remains. It stays like that. Wears glasses. Green eyes. (unless he changes color).
Enhanced physiology- Doktor was the one who developed and gave Nemaz his enhancemen. Doktor has genetically engineered himself and has had surgical enhancements. as such his abilities are similar. However Dokotr has engineered synthetic. However, most of his are simply better. Since Doktor does not have a metagene and he simply has an earthly genome, many power dampening effects will not work on him. The Doktor can control his body’s functions with his mind, able to control things like metabolism.
Superhuman durability- Doktor’s bones, instead of using a titanium foam, uses an extremely durable flexible nanoceramic foam that insulates from heat and electrity to reinforce his already dense bone structure. The joints like Nemaz’s are mostly with an engineered spider silk. Denser then regular spider silk. His joints are stronger then steel. Doktor’s muscle is denser. Making it somewhat like iron. Like Nemaz, most humans cannot harm the Doktor. He has a very high G-Force tolerance, making him more difficult to knock out and primarily to pull off very agile manuevres with aircraft without passing out. He can thrown significant distances, put through several walls, get hit by a train and survive with moderate-severe injury. Some blades like common kitchen knives cannon cut him. His head and other areas with bone are nigh-bulletproof to conventional small arms.
Healing Factor/Diseases/Toxin immunity- Doctor’s body has a potent healing factor due to cutting edge biotechnology and organic nanomachines his own body is capable of producing. He can recover from being cut if someone manages to do so in a few seconds with optimal help. Can recover from ghastly wounds. He can regrow organs, regrow limbs and if he is somehow decapitated, his head can be reattached. Can regenerate many portions of his brain. Even able to have the nanoceramic and spider silk built into it again just as before. Doktor is immune to all terrestrial diseases. Toxins are contained in inert material or soaked with nanosponges before they can reach even his already powerful immune system, which would fend most of it off anyway. Bullets lodged in his flesh can be broken down by his body and removed through…various means.
Superhuman strength: The good Doctor is very strong. His muscles can be compared to that of a Gorilla or Cheetah on a human body, with seemingly indestructible bones. How much he lifts depends on mostly how he lifts it. He can bench press 3 tons and backlift several tons for example. He has high isometric strength, comparable to Nemaz’s, and support/bear weightes. The doctor can tear people’s limbs off, put his fingers into a man’s chest cavity, crush people’s bones with his grip, kill someone with a single strike, send people significant distances away with his strikes, throw grown men around as if they were children, run up walls a significant distance, crack concrete with a punch, break down some walls depending on the material, bend iron and some steels depending on thickness and type of steel, put his fingers through bulletproof glass, jump many feet into the air, etc…If the doctor exerts to much force on his body, he risks hurting himself.
Superhuman speed- Due to his human shape, the Doktor can run at 45 mph steadily. And go faster. If the doctor too fast, he risks harming himself. The doctor also has the ability to if he wishes reach these speeds almost immediately. From close up, he can very easily dissappear from ones sight. The Doctors hands can also move very fast, at speeds the human eye can scarcely process. Often times, he uses this to simply do things very fast.
Superhuman agility: The Doctor is able to pull off various acrobatic manuvres and will do the most practical ones in a fight.
Superhuman senses: The doctor has enhanced overall senses as well as additional senses. Any of these can be turned off.
The Doctor has the best eye human biotechnology could possible give him, beyond perfect. Doctor has optical magnification abilities of up to 10^14 fold a human beings, and is able to see molecules. He has additional visions, and can see UV light and infrared.
Hearing- Extreme hearing, able to a coin hit the ground as far as 20 miles away in a city. Can “tune” hearing to the point he can stand in a crowded and hear the conversation of someone 50 feet away while ignoring/dampening ambient sound of the commerce. Hearing levels tunable. He can turn his hearing off completely for whatever reason necessary. The Doctor can also echolocate, essentially see with his ears or see blind.
Echo/seismolocation- Doctor can feel ambient vibrations. His range is approximately 30 miles in all directions at all times. 67 miles in all directions underwater. 80 when standing on any surface or putting his hand up against something. The doctor can distinguish a BB pellet from a corn kernal 70 meters away. Can map out people’s internal organs and find structural weaknesses in things. This does not work in a vacuum if the doctor does not touch anything.
Electromagnetic sensing- The doctor can locate things by emitting subtle EM waves from his head such as radio waves and he uses this to detect faster than sound objects. He can also detect things using earth’s magnetic field in a way similar to foxes.
Complete nervous system control: The doctor can control his nervous system completely, and is able to control what are normally involuntary muscle such as the heart, stomache and throat. He can adjust his sensitivity. Can adjust and remove pain, or keep pain and remove agony. He can exert himself beyond normal means at the risk of injury.
Superhuman endurance/Stamina: The Doctor can very often go for days without food or water by controlling his metabolism and cannibalizing fat. Normally, the Doctor can operate at his peak for 5 days. He can hold his breath for up to an hour. His oxygenation processes are more efficient then most other organisms. The doctor does not produce lactic acid and does not experience muscle fatigue.
Superhuman cognitive abilities: The Doktor can process data extremely quickly and remembers virtually things very. Very far back with extreme detail. He has a very high intelligence and is a polymath. He can learn
Photographic memory/Reflexes- The doctor can emulate any move or skill he sees. Able to learn entire martial arts in seconds and copy people’s moves. He uses this to also memorize books
Superhuman reflexes- The doctor’s nervous system has an increased conductivity, allowing him to adjust his reflexes at will if he chooses. Reflexes automatically increase in the presence of danger due to adrenaline.
Superhuman accuracy and dexterity- Excellent marksman and good with his hands. Good with many weapons.
Wall crawling: Hands and feet can stick to wall
Stasis: If the Doktor is put in critical condition, damaged to the point that his bother can no longer function properly, or the Doktor will enter stasis. Genetically engineered Pseudomonas syringae Bacteria will freeze water in his body at room temperature as his functions cease mostly. Preserving his body until he receives medical attention. This is a state of being on the brink of death. He will enter this state if he is somehow decapitated.
Immortality/Agelessness: The doctor has never age naturally. As long as he eats, he will live indefinitely and retain his youth. Unless he is killed, he will never die.
The Doktor may add abilities to himself through whatever means.
Many weapons, gadgets and equipment.
The Doctor knows many fields of science due to his cognitive abilities (which he has had since he was 35) and the fact that he has had ample time to learn them. He specializes in Biomedical engineering, Cybernetics/Advanced prosthetic, Biotechnology, Biomimetics, structural engineering, medical nanotechnology, genetic engineering, synthetic biology, biochemistry, Virology and pharmaceuticals. He has knowledge of others as well of varying degree depending on the field.
Th Doktor knows many martial arts. However, at his base. He specializes in Boxing, Muay Thai, Brazillian Jujitsu and German Longsword Fencing. He has learned moves from countless martial arts including and not limited to Wing Chun Kung Fu, Eskrima and more…
Aligment: Neutral/Villain
Where are you located: Gotham city
Cessily was looking this woman up and down. Dayum she fine…. And looked at her while she spoke. She smirked upon her complimenting her skills and saying they could both do great things together. Another opportunity it seems. Her eyes lit up as she said payment and a plus as her eyes snap to the money. “Why. Thank you nice lady…” Cessily takes the cash as she counts it. She smiles at it. Augh dammit no pockets. Cessily raises her skirt’s side a bit at her thigh and it shows the rather large knife she has strapped to it and a spare pocket on it that she spends about 5 seconds stuffing the money in. “Get in…there.” She grunts as she stuffs in. She gets it in and closes it.
Then extends her hand towards Elara. “Yup. You got it right. Names Cessily. Nice to meetcha Elara.”
“Hold on Hold on!” Mirabelle yells her yelling at her. Mirabelle places here hand on the woman’s side, where her broken ribs are and extremely thin small spines eject from her fingers, too small and fine for her to feel or for the naked human eye to see. They inject a relaxant and it numbs away most of the pain…and also at the same time most feeling period on her side. She then picks her up off the ground and sets her on her feet and allows her to lean on her for support. “The pain should be gone but your still hurt…” sniffle
Mirabelle looks around. She sniffles and wipes snot from her nose. “I-I don’t have any money….I don’t know where we can get clothes…” She says looking around the area.
Cessily looks at this man as he seems to mouth…something…Staring at him for a moment his eyes capturing her and she almost gets lost in them, not hearing less besides everything this man seems to say. Her eyes eyes snap back and fourth as the crowd just returns to what they were doing with a finger snap. This guy definitely got some kinda mojo going for him… Cessily’s eyes go to his horns and then back to his handsome face and she brings herself to smile.
“Cessily.” She says smiling politely as she takes his hand. This guy is probably gonna have questions. Better keep it cool….and be…girly.“Aaaaand your name? Mister?”
“Hm. You know…” Kanji says as he watches Thomas walk off thinking “I do wonder…what has become of my garden?” Kanji says seemingly rather randomly. He thinks back on his garden. He has been maintaining it steadily in his spare time for years. Before some of these people were born. He lived there for a long time. Living the life of a simple gardener. Kanji tilts his head curiously.
He then decides to turn back to Annie and Valenia. “I am going. Do you wish to?” Kanji looks off at the city. “Not much to do here.” Kanji looks forwards. “Unless you both would like to join me in seeking Nirvana. Even if I am not convinced of much reason to plead for resurrection. I would a least like answers and to see this city for myself.” Kanji then walks off towards the city. Behind Thomas at this time. Kanji is walking faster to eventually catch up to him as he too decides to make his way to the city. Seeking answers…
Cessily looks up at him. “Uh.” Is the first thing she says and the only thing. She pauses Who in the hell is this guy? This pretty boy right here just pulled a Moses on these rich bozos like it wasn’t shit. Something….something weird about him…he has such a creepy stare…and why do I like it? It would probably be better not to refuse… “…Sure…yeah, the last one. A dance. Let’s dance.” I need to make myself look good. Whoever this guy is. I cannot stand him up.
“But first…” She says holding up her bag of things that looks like a purse, not to him. But the area in general “Can someone take this for me?” She asks nicely. “I’d just feel better if it were somewhere safe. Then we can dance.” The dance would make her look better then simply drinking with him, and guns and violence are not the only means to attaining power. There are a lot of rich and a few powerful people here. Watching. Especially this person in front of her. Cessily wanted to get on his good side…and what harm could a dance do…?
Cessily was at the front trying to get through to the building. Cessily is in the lobby. With a man at the desk bickering with her while she texts. She is wearing a rather nice dress actually rather then casual clothes with boots. She is holding a large purse “Little girl. Do you honestly expect me to believe that YOU are the courier for Mister Larx’s *Ahem* medication?” “Yup.” Cessily sways back and forth, her purple dress swooshing. He sighes. “Little girl. This is not a place for you to play your games. This is a private party. And I will not have your shennagins.”
Cessily’s tone gets dark. “Now look here you prissy little shit. I’m getting paid top dollar for this gig. You know how much this itchy piece of crap you people call formal wear costs? I’m not leaving without my money….” “You vulgar little wench…” “Bitch…” Cessily says rudely to him and proceeds to The man snaps his finger and two 6 ft 3, 250 lb muscular men in matching suits walk blocking the entrance to this roughly 120 lb girl.
“Please escort this street vagabond in a dress back to the dumpster where she belongs.” Cessily charges the man as he rears back shielding himself his eyes wide in shock. The men grab Cessily and restrain her. “Let me go! If anyone should be in the trash it’s you, you spineless rat pussy. Come here and say the crap to my FACE.” Cessily was making a scene as a few people came to see.
The man replied “I would. But I do not strike little girls.” “HMMMM. I don’t hit little girls either….but for you I’d make and exceptiiiiion! Oh snap. Burn. You walked right into that one pal.” “Please…take her away.” The large men pick Cessily up off the ground easily and walk towards the door with her as they then walk to the door with her.
Cessily then kicks one of them in the crotch with a swift snap of her foot. The man loses all strength in his legs and lets go of Cessily. She wrenches out the other man’s grip from her wrist and brutally headbutts the other man in the nose cause him to bleed profusely from the nose as he falls to the ground. The other man yanks her. Cessily reaches into her bag while this man overpowers her strength and she take out an electrified knuckleduster. She strikes in the gentials while simultaneously she them. Then man kneels over pain down to Cessily’s level hardly able to stand. At that moment the electric shot to his genitals causes the man to lose all control of his bladder and relieves himself. Cessily then backs up and gives him a hook to the temple and then an uppercut to the jaw. The man’s head recoils him upward as she looks at the man. Cessily looks at the man as he stands for a moment. Then she blows lightly and he falls over making an enourmous thud as he hits the floor, out cold. As all his continues to stream and leak from his pants all over the floor.
Cessily turns to the man and runs at the desk the man rears back as Cessily vaults over the front and strikes the man with her knees and shins as she flies into him and bowls him over as he screams like an old woman. She is sitting off his chest. She whips out a closed butterfly knife. She flicks it intricantly through her fingers and then stops as the blade is revealed and she holds to his throat. The man trembles and cannot even scream. “Now you listen close…” Cessily begins “I’m gonna walk through those doors, from this lobby into this nice party so that I can do business. Or so help me…” Cessily leans very close to him, to the point where her eyes and inches away from his now wet sweaty face “I will drag you outside into an alley where I will tie you up, cut your nuts off, bring them inside and come back out in two minutes with your two testicles served to you on while you bleed to death on FINE FUCKING CHINA….do we have an….understanding?” The man nods quickly. “Good.” Cessily says and whips the blade as she flicks it through her fingers skillfully as the blade folds back into the hilt. People looking at her as she does.
Cessily walks to the door and now she is met with a large crowd of guests who witnessed the whole ordeal. Cessily then puts her bag down, and she then very politely, curtseys to the crowd. Bowing as she slightly lifts her skirt up to her chins.
The crowd looks at her in silence…then the silence is broken as one person starts clapping. Another moments later. 4 people people turned to 14. And soon the entire lobby was filled with people clapping and cheering. Cessily looks up smiling and bows to the left. Then bows to the right. “Please. Please thank you. Your all too kind.” Cessily blows kisses out to the crowd. Then she gestures to the two huge men she may have just robbed of the ability. “Please. Thank these two men. For their genuine fight choreography.” The crowd cheers for the two men. “And this man. For his brilliant acting. Could you not feel his fear. See how he was dripping with sweat.” The man is sweating bullets at this point and looks like he is recovering from a heart attack. He stares at Cessily and then at the crowd with complete disbelief. “You….cannot be serious…” The man mutters lowly, barely able to speak.
To the crowd. Cessily then says “I am sorry, but excuse me.” The crowd parting so that she may walk, them still clapping as Cessily walks. “Please. Your all too kind!” Cessily walks through with her bag. The party is now buzzing and Cessily searches for the man whom she is to partake of exchange with. Rarely do these people get to witness such things. Many found it entertaining. And commented on how that was “quite believable.” Many of them men, with less to do, with a good portion of the women oggling one certain handsome man.
Bradshaw hops out a tank still in the yellow zone stationed in another base and Bradshaw noticed this one was larger then his previous one. And a lot more advanced. There were infection sensors all about, and small portable ones that check people walking towards the building. Instead of allowing anyone to get in who passed a bio scan, they had to pass a viral detection test and must be willing to be scanned.
Bradshaw once he entered the base was separated from the rest of the marines. Someone wanted to talk to him.
Dustin gained knowledge that marines and blackwatch are marking specific areas, infected hives. And marking these places for destruction. He learns marines do more to attempt to help people and generally are kept in the dark concerning what actually happened and what really is going on. Blackwatch in large part is taking samples. But the marine knows little more than that.
Kaiser’s eyes have returned to looking more human under his mask.
Kaiser and the evolved scientist, Wilheim, had reached the red zone. Wilheim was speaking with Kaiser.Infected civilians were everywhere, they flooded the streets. Kaiser didn’t know where this infection came from at all. It just seemed to pop from seemingly nowhere. In the yellow zone before Kaiser was captured, he heard a lot of people and the news speculating. Some people were speculating it was Alex Mercer. His name was out. However, people did not know much about Heller. Though photos floated about on the internet of him and people speculated he may be the cause as well, based on sightings of him and his activities from survivors of the New York Crisis. Wherever this virus came from, one thing was clear to Kaiser, there is currently no control over it and he found that suspicious. Kaiser managed to get hunters under his control and even a Goliath from before. Though the Goliath was gone, it was not irreplaceable.
However, Kaiser’s plotting came to a halt when he sensed a dense infected near by. He turned and looked at Kaiser and Wilheim. Kaiser looked back at him from beneath his featureless mask which was just a black covering over his face. Kaiser did not speak with words as he aimed the crossbow at him, he simply let his claws unsheath and took a wide legged stance like he is ready to spring at any moment towards the side or even at Dustin. Kaiser was already making a battle plan in his head. His echolocation let him detect Dustin based on his shape and even let him see his weight. This infected was likely heavier howerver, Kaiser likely a lot faster. Though he doubted this infected was slow. Even so. Kaiser’s striking power was superior to many regular infected like hunters and some strikes rivaled juggernauts.
Wilheim has a rather neutral and calm look. Keeping his cool. “There is no need to fight.” He puts his hand on Kaiser’s chest as he stands in front of him. Wilheim recognized that this infected used arrows. Then he said “We can be friendly, we’ll only be your “foe” if you give us a reason to be.” The only verbal response heard from Kaiser is a strange cackling noise, which sounds oddly like the noise the predator makes.
The exobody abruptly gets up, there is a cracking noise and the armor on the chest falls off. Suddenly. The chest begins to spit open and from inside, Mirabelle falls soaked in fluid eyes a closed, a cord connected to the body to the brain. It disconnects. And Mirabelle’s eyes flash open as she shoots up. “I’m sorry! I’m sorry I’m sorry!” Mirabelle shakes the woman she didn’t mean to harm as she gets frantic and tears stream down her eyes cheeks. “Are you ok I’m sorry I-I didn’t mean to hurt you!” Mirabelle sounds rather frantic and distraught.
The armor stands by with the chest open. It has an extremely large heart, and behind it, a space large enough for Mirabelle to fit in. The size of some people’s heads. It’s stomache seems to have a burning fuel in it, like a gas tank. And it has an organ that is surging with electricity and that seems to be it’s soul purpose. There is a lack of intestines or a traditional liver, and it has many organs that are unrecognizable/it is hard to tell what they even do…
The rib cage closes then the armor’s organs can no longer be seen and the armor is autonomous at the moment. Ready to be commanded by Mirabelle. Hardly different from a machine. A wholly organic machine.
Name: Cessily Sternum
Age: 14
Race: Human
Residence: Crust
Gang affiliation: N/A
Job: Mercenary, Courier and drug dealer.
Powers: No supernatural powers. Abilities are usually due to armor, training, gadgets and having general a whole lot of guns. Cessily is extremely intelligent and can make her own guns and get her hands on some rarer weapons. Cessily from the start has no defenses against the supernatural aside from sheer willpower.
Appearance: 5’3. Straight hair. Stops at her neck. Fair skin. Freckles. Green eyes. Actually looks rather small. Usually wears a collar with spikes on it, which actually is used to stop people who are stronger than she is from strangling her. She is skinny but stronger than she looks, very fit and looks agile.
During mercenary jobs she will often wear full black body armor, with an armored faceplate. Often wears different clothes. Hoodies, jeans and sneakers. Or skirts, shirts and fingerless gloves. Shirt, tanktop sweats, etc….Depends on what she is doing that day.
Bio/history- Born to a single father, Cessily lost her father at around age 7. He was not one of the most peaceful, sane or non murderous of arms dealers but eventually he got caught up in some business. Cessily after this, combined with training her father had given her and what she watched, was raised by the streets. Cessily found out she was good at a lot of things and indeed like her father had told her “if you’re good at something, never do it for free.”
Bouncing place to place and picking up skills, Cessily does what she would like to for money. She is not amoral. Often, she evades selling drugs in the crust, often opting to goto the mantle to sell. Courier jobs goto the mantle and the core even. Cessily is a very good courier because nobody suspects much of a kid. She handles herself well. She usually takes neutral stance concerned to mercenary jobs and will work to protect people or will take sides on a gang for as long as they pay her well enough. Cessily has a short fuse when she doesn’t have to be professional and at times seems like a sociopath, though she can be and is nice to someone depending on who they are. People tend to know her reputation as a mercenary as one you would not like to piss off. Myths circumvent on how she “puts lead in her cereal” because she has been shot many times.
If you wish to hire Cessily can be contacted via email, texts, phone and often through her contacts if you hear about her from them for a job. Her business number is well known but difficult to trace because her business phones are disposable and sometimes crudely home made. Contacts can also be called if you cannot reach her.
“Alright. I won’t tell anyone about this place…” John says simply and honestly. He isn’t gonna sell this place out. To his next question, John replies.
“He wanted something from her. I saw him putting parts he took from her in little containers and then taking it with him. I guess, for scientific reasons, I would think. He wanted samples for something. I don’t think he was even trying to kill her. I think he wanted something and got it, and just, didn’t care about how it affected her…” John says based on what he witnessed first hand.
Mirabelle tackled her rolling with her dragging on the ground as she stood over to hold her down by her paws while struggled. Mirabelle might have been able to lift around 50 tons of weight in this body due to her muscles being made of dense spider tightly wound spider silk, but she could still be knocked away and it leaves more to be desired in healing, as Mirabelle as a human had far better healing and more endurance than this body. It body weighed approximately 750 lbs at the moment. She leaned down closely to her face, not letting her push her hind legs onto her. And sticking her feet to the ground to anchor herself and give her more leverage as from her back, A tendril sprouted, made of web holding the suppressor.
It creeps behind Mirabelle and then like a snake as bugs blind her. Then she thrusts it into her neck and injects it as she continues to try and restrain her. Running out of fat to burn due to her high metabolism.
“Ok. I’m alright so far. Bad reboot means god beast. You don’t come back from being a god beast. God beasts disappear, and nobody knows…where they go. You keep the amulets, to stop that. I remember Sonara telling me that you all do not have your memories…” John sighes
“And Sonara came back from being god beast twice today. And she passed out because Drakel cut a vital nerve? Alright. And your blood heals, painfully. I think I got a lot of it. Keep going.” John was listening intently. He didn’t like the sound of “god beast.” All of these new, unknown things to John was a lot to take in. He didn’t spend much time getting to know Haerich. He was listening intently to make sure he caught everything.