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The exobody flies away for a moment and midair puts it’s claws through a concrete wall to bring it’s momentum through and an abrupt halt. The suits feet stick the floor and then stands upright on the wall. People point at it as it stands on the wall. The organism within the sewers echolocates and pings the wolf’s location once more. Then instead, she takes a different strategy. Choosing to stalk her as it jumps near her and follows her jumping roof to roof. Under it’s skin something is crawling and it’s back buldges. Soon. Out from the sac on her back from which substance being pumped into was stored, there is a a *POP POP POP* as the sacs burst open and thick droves of black insects erupt from her back into the air.
They float idly. Mirabelle makes a noise similiar to that a cricket makes and suddenly all the mindless, soulless insect drones swarm over towards the wolf. They scatter and surround it making it hard to see anything at all as their numbers do not allow much light in at all. These insects have no stingers. Only pincers and fat sacs full of methane. They do not attempt to bite and instead when they get near her explode loudly. They will crawl on her if she does not run and attempts by the scourge to gather them will result in them making large fuel air explosions. Their objective is to simply crawl on the wolf’s face to blind her while others simply detonate
The body’s metabolism increases as it cannibalizes it’s own fat stores. From this new energy store, Mirabelle jumps off the roof near the wolf landing as in the sewers below, eggs of more of these black insects are being made and filled with methane, and fed sewer matter. Mirabelle then has the energy to lunge Tas directly from the side running on all fours at high speed, easily 110 mph and the gap was closing quickly, and careful to keep her footing, so that if the scourge attempts to simply launch her away, she will stick her feet and hands to the ground to prevent herself from being knocked back. And irregardless of what happens the insects still unrelenting attack.
Mirabelle will not give easily, and under the body she still has control of is not going to allow this demonic thing control this lady, even if she hardly knew her.
Kanji hears Valena and hurries towards her. Reaching her in a minute, he sees Thomas and Valenia embracing. And he cannot help but smile. It was nice seeing this, something so uplifting as two friends embracing.
“Welcome to the world of the dead, Thomas.” Kanji said simply with some faint humor.
Kanji watched her cry, with a look of pity on his face. He didn’t say anything. He let her just let it out…Then she stood up and told him that they must be around here somewhere.
Kanji nods agreeing. “I was told that both angels such as I and devils such as you both go to the same place once we die. It would seem there is no danger here. I think it would be best if we split up and covered more ground. If you hear someone. shout. My name is Kanji, by the way.” When she replies, Kanji goes off to search for other signs of life. Other players who have also met their demise.
“It is alright.” Kanji says “I was angered myself. I still am angry.” She then asked if he Essentially, I wanted to stay hidden, and show myself only when I was needed. I almost revealed myself when a player attempted to kill you, however, your friend made short work of him. I appeared in the last fight to try and protect your friend…” Kanji had a grim look as he looked down to the side.
“However as I lost consciousness, I still could hear your cries for her name. I suspect I failed…”
Kanji looks around. “Though. I do not see her. Yet…”
Jerrel fell on the floor next to the stuff he dropped. “Welp, was kinna expectin’ that. Bein’ in her room and stuff. Oh well. Was worth a shot. I’m hungry…” Jerrel brought his legs to his chest for a moment then kicked up, bouncing off the ground to his feet. Jerrel paused as he heard the announcement of lunch starting early. “And now that don’t even matter anymore. He want us to fight? Aight but I noticed not every round here is exactly a fighter….oh well. You both should be straight.” Jerrel says to Umbra and Baylet.
She opens the door and he looks up at the giant of mountain of fruitsnacks. “Holy…” She throws it all on Jerrel and bowls him over as she buries him under it. Jerrel them pokes his head out the pile. “THAAAANK YOU.” Jerrel says politely. “I’m gonna assume niether if ya’ll want any…here he come again.” After he speaks. Jerrel replies. “Aheheh…..right.” A small tornado erupts around Jerrel, as the fruit snacks and surrounds him. It also picks up his stuff and he floats over back to his room. Putting the pile of fruitsnacks on his bed. “Shit me if I’m payin’ for lunch.” Jerrel starts typing the rest of his two page paper, finishes in 30 minutes. Brings his laptop to the library and then prints it out.
Jerrel then runs superspeed over to the cafeteria, hands in his research report to whomever will except it, and waits for his better lunch. This shit better be good…
Kanji heard what she said and he stood up. She saw he wasn’t youmg, but actually pretty at about 55. His Hair was completely grey and his face was that of an old man, though not his body. “We…are not alive…” Kanji begins. “This is the afterlife. If you are here then, I suspect that you are also dead…” Kanji had a rather serious face to let her know he is not joking.
“If you wish to be brought back to life, you have to travel there.” Kanji saya pointing to the beautiful city of the gods “To appeal to god for your resurrection.”
Kanji’s eyes flashed open. He was laying on the sand, as he got up, and looked around. Kanji couldn’t help but look around at this empty place that gave him a feeling of desolation. He wiped sand out of his face and flung it off his long hair. He hears a voice behind him “Hello.” Kanji slowly turns around. It was the young man he was playing chess with.
“So…” Kanji begins “This death?” “Yes…” “Pteh…” “This is the after life for both angels, and demons.” “I suppose I shall be expecting company then.” “Yes. You will.” The man points off to a city, the city of the gods. “This is where you are to go if you ever wish to walk on earth again.”
Kanji paused and looked at the man. “…….” There was a very long time that KAnji stared at the man, and the man looked back with a neutral face, not happy, not sad, not annoyed nor amused. There was a wind blowing. Then Kanji spoked. “I am expected….to go there, and appeal for my life on an earth being destroyed by god, who allows the other gods to simply wipe away millions of innocent lives…so that I can continue to fight for their amusement? MY soul purpose for considering joining these games, was to protect.”
Kanji walked around the man. “Perhaps I could have protected some of them, from other mortals who participated in the games. But I have ultimately failed. And if they are to die again and again. In a never ending cycle to only end up here…?”
Kanji then sat assertively down and crossed his leg. “I would rather stay dead and sit here, rather then live in a world where gods may run amuck and extinguish the earth of all life. I am tired of their game. Tired of their powers they have given to us. I do not wish to play their game anymore. I would rather sit and stay here, detach myself from earthly and materialistic desires and achieve Nirvana, then be gods gladiator. What is the point in living in such a dark and hopelessly bleak world as this? Damn your god for if he or she is truly all powerful and omnipotent, then her actions or inaction is the source of all suffering.”
“Things could have been different.” The man replies simply. “I cannot and will not make you go. I am only here to inform you. If you wish to stay here for an eternity, then you may.” The man walked towards a building, and then walked sideways. He looks up at Kanji. “I am only a messenger, and I am just trying to help you. Think past your pride.” Kanji up looks at the man as he stands at the wall relative to his position. “You only really know so much.” The man walked upwards and turned around a corner in an alleyway, and then he was gone.
Kanji sits in the middle of the floor, and closes his eyes. As he assumes a meditative position, with a still face. His brow furrowed at first. Then calming as he takes a sigh.
Kanji’s eyes flash open and he can hardly move. Kanji raised his hand as he reached for his sword. He didn’t see much, aside from Annie’s corpse, other fallen players. He couldn’t see thomas. His vision was blurry and disorted. It was easy to give up. And Kanji did, as he fell back to the ground. If the gods wished to kill off humanity, what was he to do? What where they to do? It didn’t matter anymore.
Nothing, matters anymore.
Kanji took a deep breath and sighed. Then he no longer moved. He simply layed there peacefully. It was so easy….
Mirabelle got up from a seated position, it had been a while since she’d lost her hand like that. She saw Vorgun running away. What was that attacked he used? It was a very good thing that Mirabelle’s bones were stronger and hard then steel, or that attack might have spread through the entirety of her chest cavity. Her muscles need work however. Her body was already increasing the amount of spider silk currently in her muscles. In order to make them 5 times stronger then steel, though still stretchy and not as hard.
Mirabelle sat back down, on her knees as the little rat returned to Mirabelle with the suppressor. She holds her hands down to the mouse. “Why did you do that? She could have went after you…” The rat twiddles it’s nose. And nibbles affectionately at her palm. “Aww….I don’t wanna risk loosing you like that.” Her DNA was already within the rat, as she had fed him her nutrients, so she decided to alter his DNA and organic composition, indeed. She was composing his muscles of spider silk and coating his bone in bioceramic foam to make it stronger and harder. He didn’t want to leave her, as Mirabelle knew it would be dangerious to allow this rat to live and reproduce. To pass his traits. An infestation of rats that can shrug off full force stomps and being run over by cars was not something Mirabelle wanted to do. She remembers all too many times where she as an unnatural artificial being created by man, has lead to unintended consequences. However. As her organism in the sewers grew, an amalgmation of fungus, plants and flesh, she took care not to block up the systems of the sewers. It often traveled in areas not easily traversed. As it grew. Mirabelle was growing more and more powerful the longer she was there. “I think I’ll name you, Apollo.” She says to the rat. And the connection from that point almost psychic between them from that moment on.
Vorgun was gone, and so was the large wolf….The wolf Mirabelle thought. She had help that woman. It was in her nature. And so. She used her abilities. She closed her eyes. Below the ground there were very slight vibrations let out. And using echolocation Mirabelle could see everything, using sound for give or take 67 miles. Waves bounced about in the ground. Humans unable to detect it. They bounced back. And Mirabelle opened her eyes as she had then ascertained both Vorgun’s location, and the wolf. The wolf took priority. It was more dangerous. Vorgun seemed frightened to Mirabelle. Confused. She wanted to talk to him, but the wolf was going to be more dangerous. It was a deliberately malevolent creature.
Mirabelle decided she had the time to forge an outer body. A shell. Something she wouldn’t have luxury of doing in a fight. Her injuries had healed. However, this way. She could also slowly alter her own body. While she moved in an exo-body better suited for combat. And so, vines and flesh alike began ensaring Mirabelle. And she enclosed herself in a dome of vines. She didn’t respond to anyone outside of the dome. The suppressor was also within the dome. As was Apollo.
What came out later, did not look remotely like the little girl inside of it. The dome’s pod bursted spewing fluid for as much as 40 feet. And then the figure Mirabelle controlled from inside stood. It stood tall, at 7 ft 9. And it was very muscular, male shaped humanoid giant creature, compared at least to the average male. It had long muscular arms in proportion to it’s body, the arms from a standing position touching the sides of the knee. The body was white, like silk, and it’s muscle was completely exposed as it was skineless. And without gentalia. It’s face was simple, it had only eyes. Monochrome, white eyes, without pupils or irises. No mouth. No nose. It’s build was not so much like the hulk, and more so like a body builders. This would soon change however as the skin grew over the creature. It was tan color, then changed color immediately to green on Mirabelle’s whim.
On it’s chest, a clear armor made of nanocellulose, a bacterial substance of nothing more then woodchips and hydrogen, , yet that still managed to be stronger then steel was attached to her chest. Molded around the forarms, her chins, her feet and finally a vine placed a transparent helmet around her head. Her claws formed nanoceramic, that required at least diamond hardness to puncture or scratch, made from a substance her father introduced to her as she integrated it into her claws. Her father had told her they found in plaque in the brains of patients of “Alzheimer’s disease.” Mirabelle’s teeth was composed of a mix of this, with a dense enamel core.
In Mirabelle’s back were tubes made of vines. 4, attached to the ground. It stood there, as it pumped fluid, and…something else into Mirabelle. The suit buldged as a sac grew on it’s back for a moment. Nutruients and fat being evenly distributed on the body. However not much more fat, but a healthy enough amount to where the creature did not look nearly as toned. The pumping stops and the creature pulls off the vines. Holes in it’s back seal up, and pours open in the check. As something seems to be moving along the skin, buldges appearing and disappearing, not following the route of veins. Claws grew
It inhales, appearently through it’s skin, as if it about to roar. And then it does so making a very loud alien noise. It was distinct, deep and gutteral, like a deep horn. It did not sound like any earthly creature. Mirabelle used this to locate the wolf creature once more. It must have moved by now. She looks sharply towards it’s location and starts prepping the as the muscles get loose, negating the need to stretch. The exo body starts taking steps running on two legs at first then on fours. A few people can get a brief glance of it, as they see it jump, and noticed how cracked the ground doing so, and looked almost like was flying as it 400 feet bounds. She jumps roof to roof.
The wolf creature is near. And Mirabelle contains the suppressor in exo-body. She sniffs the ground through her skin along it’s path, she crawls along a wall and jumps to another area as she sniffs the ground. The deep noises heard from her skin. She sniffs and below the fungus uses it’s echolocation to pinpoint the wolf’s location. Then it crawls a rooftop sticking to the walls. She climbs to a rooftop and briefly electrifies her claws for a moment. Then makes a 1000 foot in distance bound, 400 feet into the air as she bears her claws.
The wolf sees the moon make a shadow, and the shadow, is the exobody, about to pounce the wolf. In such a position in the air not dissimilar to a tiger with it’s claws outstretched and monochrome eyes looking in her direction as she was falling rapidly towards it. The shadow getting larger the closer it gets to the ground.
“…And what the hell was it, that happened today?” John asks leaning forward. “I don’t understand much of…any of this. If I’m to be honest. I’m pretty ignorant of it all…”
There weren’t that many people in the gym, and that was how Jerrel preferred it as he was just in a wifebeater practicing controlled jabs on the heavy bag. His hands scarcely able to be seen. A few people wondered why was it that each time he threw a punch, he made a hiss, but they also noticed how extremely fast his jabs were, and how he moved, looked like he was almost dancing around the heavy bag, able to move in whatever direction he wanted with ease and grace. Jerrel didn’t really want to use his powers to help him manuevre yet. He didn’t really expect to lose his powers. He couldn’t. He wanted better base. Boxing lessons for superman. That was a trope. Used for when a superhuman characters learn rather “mundane” things that enhanced his powers. Jerrel liked tropes. People looking at how a boxer fights, a real boxer, were rather surprised that Jerrel threw very few haymakers. He made a lot of use of his hips and his body in power punches. Like how Jerrel threw crosses and proper hooks to destroy a person’s torso. I need to buy some brass knuckles. Or some sap gloves. Or some shit… Jerrel was definately there are people stronger than he is. Much stronger. The thought of this urked Jerrel a bit.
*BOOM* People look up and the heavy bag explodes suddenly punched in half by less a 200 mph hurricane wind and more so a 1,500 mph blast wave from Jerrel’s fist. There was still a bit of the upper portion of the wall while the rest simply flew back partially burned, and the wall behind it was sort of dented. “Shit.”
Jerrel spins and generates a small vortex around himself. He sucks up the sand and then the lower portion of the heavy bag and directs a gust with the flopped remains of the bag to a trashcan. “Alright…ya’ll ain’t see that if ya know what I mean.” Jerrel took up his his sword, stuff and the laptop and left. He didn’t wanna get any rep from Godal or anyone else that heard that. Jerrel reached into his gym bag and tookout some water, then sat in the hallway sweating as he typed his paper, deciding to write on wind currents. “He ain’t say what we had to write about…” Jerrel stopped half way through at 1 page and some change. “Shit I’m hungry…” Jerrel stood up.
There was a trail of blood on the floor. Jerrel paused and looked at it with a poker face. Then he walked after it following the trail it lead through the school. The trail lead to a decadent room that made Jerrel walk in. He smelled like sweat and “outside” as he walked in. “AW HELL NAW HOW THE HELL-” Jerrel stops as he sees the girl from before in here sniffing the other girl holding her arm.
“I don’t even wanna…ey. You got some fruitsnacks?” He says to Adrestea. “Gimme least some fuitsnacks or some shit and I’ll leave. I ain’t so sure bout her though.” Jerrel says pointing to Baylet.
Jerrel was annoyed, as he extended his hand. His sword flew through the halls and into his hand as he rested it on his shoulders and walked away. Ignorin’ me and shit. “Where is the gym at…?” Jerrel wondered, he could at least work his appetite up before lunch. Jerrel liked to use his anger productively. “Got a while before we goto lunch too…” Jerrel goes into his room and grabs his laptop. Can type up my paper when I’m done…don’t want that dude getting money from me…I need to finda a job. Jerrel though. He looked up a map of the school in his room and locked the door with a key he got from inside as he headed off towards the gym.
Kanji was darting about speed blitzing gods in general. Some of them didn’t see they had been cut or even know, because they would at times fall apart after Kanji head left. KAnji dashes past one. Who scowls at him and as he turns his head. It falls off One god pointed his finger at a house and it levitated, then flung it at Kanji as he was high in the air fighting with another. The god raised his palm and fired and enourmous blue beam at Kanji that leveled the block behind him. He saw nothing as the beam ceased. Kanji from behind him then loops his head off with a lightning quick strike from his Katana.
Another god levitated a house with his finger, pointed at Kanji, and then the house simply flew at Kanji as if it were dodgeball rather then a full sized 150 ton+ house. Rather then dodging it, with a gust of wind surounding Kanji’s sword he cut the entire thing in half as a gust of razor flew at the god. The god dispersed it with a wave of his hand and grabbed Kanji by the throat and ripped the katana from his hand. He smirked as he was about to crush Kanji with but a thought. However, here is a bang and suddenly the god had trouble concentrating with a bullet in his skull as he dropped Kanji as he shot him. Suddenly on the ground as the god floated up regaining concentration, he felt Kanji’s flying guillotine envelope his head. The blades where outside and then Kanji yanked the chain. The blades of the flying guillotine then went inside neatly decapitating the god as Kanji yanked it back. Inside was the gods head, and Kanji dropped it to the floor as he narrowed it’s face in shock before it’s “demise” as it rolled onto the concrete and bled from the neck.
Kanji was then speeding off against at around 102 mph as he cut Annie’s spears out the ground. But he couldn’t save everybody. His speed didn’t let him turn on a dime to be able to help everyone and air resistance was a problem. Kanji had difficulty breathing when moving super speed, it was like trying to breath when you stuck your head out of a car window on a highway. It wasn’t easy. Kanji’s speed was not as complete as others with super speed. Kanji stopped dragging along the ground and still men women and children were dead. Kids running to mothers. However, then came felt a pain in his arm as his instincts kicked backed in. Raw adrenaline.
Kanji swatted anymore of the the nailstorm away with a swipe of his Katana, sending a gust of wind away from him and other behind him. However Kanji saw the nails were going to strike. Appears in front of the two from seemingly nowhere as two nails hit one. However, Kanji slashes Out the air, his blade moving rather fast, him averaging 6 slashes a second, aided by wind as he deflects them all with his sword, able to at least stop anymore from hitting Valenia.
Kanji sighed as he looked at the innocents. The poison was setting in already, there were 6 nails. Kanji’s stare then turns dead towards Annie, it is a cold stare he gave her. *Slash slash* The nails in annie were gone as air pockets in her formed to jet them out. She bled, however Kanji explained as he knew the nails were poisoned because he was getting sick. “They were poisoned.” He says. “Let it bleed out, before you bandage it.” Kanji turns around his back towards the two as he looked at the people in agony dying. People crying.
Kanji’s arm trembled, and then it went numb. He let a sigh, then dropped his sword, crumbled onto his knees and fell forward, off the edge of the roof as he passed out. He landed in the grass on his back with a large thud. The katana slide off the roof and fell. It seemed to be falling towards Kanji’s face however the blade stabbed into the ground, next to Kanji’s head.
Jerrel was getting bored in his room, and rather hungry. He decided to leave his room forgetting his sword. He strolled casually through the halls as he heard the announcement. Least this school got lunch at a normal time. But damn I’m hungry. What the hell up with thos nigga? “I am your good slaying principle?” Bitch. Quite feeling yourself.
The he heard gunshots. “Awwwww shit. Niggas already shootin’.” Jerrel thought. Should he got towards or away? ….Towards. Jerrel peeped around corner. There was a girl shooting into the ceiling demanding food. “The fuck? This girl is crazy…” Jerrel said as he laughed. Then he saw the other girl transform into a panther. With a celestial body texture. “Guess I really ain’t the only one with powers here.” He saw another girl walk over. She looked mad. Jerrel was walking over and he gasped and smiled as she told her to shut the fuck up.
“Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh shit. Are you fittna take that?” Jerrel said instigating as he practically floated over by the two on thin air by next to the celestial bodied panther. He then whispered. “Ey yo.” He whispered “I got twenty bucks on the crazy girl-oh shit he’s walkin’ over.” He watches the whole display. Then when the man walks away. “somethin’ I don’t like about that man. You” he says to Baylet “well, I kinda expected him to do you like that. But why he gotta go and make it your responsibility to feed her.” Jerrel says to Umbra as he shrugs “Seem a little fucked up to me.”
Kanji sighed and put his palm on his face but he couldn’t help but smirk. Kanji steps to the edge of the roof, as he puts his hands on the hilt of the Katana.
Annie feels gentle breeze as Kanji is standing in front of her. He isn’t looking at her as his hair blows lightly as the breeze passes. *SHINK* Kanji is now holding his katana, the human eye barely able to process him drawing it, at such speed. He held it defensively as a cherry blossom comes from seemingly nowhere while the wind blows and he looks up at the falling gods, with a stern unyielding facial expression. Like when an old man has his mind set on something.