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Mirabelle looks up and there is a light. A captivating. Beautiful light, with something. Spinning it. It looked strange to her. “Is that a giant legless duck…where are it’s legs….? Where are it’s wings…..it looks….cool. Kinda funny.” she chuckles as she stares at the light feeling fear and adrenaline seemingly fading. Her grip on the vial loosening. Mirabelle didn’t exactly know what she was looking at. She did feel an air of benevolence
Vorgun was yelling something. Mirabelle snapped out of a trance looked at Vorgun and heard yell “ENOUGH” her eyes got extremely wide as she was right in front of him when raised his mace and she was caught off guard as he slammed it down into the ground and caused a shockwave that hit Mirabelle off guard and sent her back. She flies into a game booth and through a wooden wall then gets up. “Ugh.” She looks around. “The thingy…” She says. She looks in her hand and she no longer has the suppressor. She sees it bouncing on the ground and laying there was suppressor. Mirabelle jumped out the booth and jumped at it. Mirabelle then grabs it. She examines it for cracks and doesn’t see the red heading towards her as it goes forward. Mirabelle slowly turns and her left hand comes off in front of her as her eyes widen in shock. The pain at that moment didn’t even render her able to scream.
Mirabelle looked and there were more as her hand dropped to the floor and she had to back up. She attempted a dodge and gets stabbed through chest in one of her hearts, causing it to blow up. Mirabelle was being pushed back by the tendril then pushed herself off it. She fell from the air and rolled to the ground in the dirt, and pushed with her two hands because she had to get up. Her vision getting blurry as she cough up blood to the floor. She stood with a limp and by now she had turned her pain receptors off. She looked back for a moment, then jump some 100 feet away back to the tent. Everyone was gone. Nobody…else to get hurt. Good…where…?” Mirabelle can hardly stand. The plants around her rot as vines grow over her chest and her chest and held her body seal the wound almost immediately. Her hands was starting to grow back. She had noticed her friend was gone. “Oh no…” She says to herself
As all the flowers begin to rot and fester as the rat scurried along the ground in this chaos. It jumped and vaulted over red tendrils. Duct some. Went in between others. Then grabbed the vial. With it’s tail as it jumped over vines and scurried off under a booth. This way if the wolf went after the vial. It wouldn’t be after Mirabelle, while she was more vulnerable. She sensed him running off elsewhere, under the tent. She watched as the energy tendrils were drawing closer, ever expanding. Mirabelle felt the vines embracing her…
The flowers by now looked a grisly green as they let off a putrid scent now. The scent was of fecal matter, sewer waste and a horrid oily smell of significant amounts of methane.
John looks at her, and she can hardly stand up straight. When she was falling John stepped forward to catch her, but as Calcifer caught her she stepped back. “…Ok. But. Uh. Let’s set her down some place…” John makes sure Sonara can get somewhere to sit down or lay down. Whether it be a spare sofa, a bed, the table in the room or if she chooses to sit some place. If she seems alright enough to walk, Calcifer insists or Sonara tells John to leave her be, John goes to Calcifer.
“Alright. You’ll have to…bare with my ignorance here. I don’t know all that much about what happened to her. But, what is it that you wanted to talk about?” John says looking at Calcifer once they are wherever he takes him.
Jerrel is wearing sneakers, cargo pants and a hoodie opened at the sides. He is holding his sword resting it on his shoulder. It is double edged and clear like a pale blue glass.He has a bag with all his stuff.
Dayum this dude don’t fuck around. “Aight teach.I see how you roll. Eye for an eye….” This nigga crazy. “Well, you ain’t fittna introduce yourself?” Jerrel walks over to grab a tie and puts it in the side of his pants as he walks past him irregardless of whether or not he introduces himself. “I’ll see ya’ll later.” Jerrel walks over to the door *Woosh* Jerrel is a blur as he blur as he flash steps off a blast of wind, stirring dust and paper in his wake as he is gone in .7 seconds loose in the school ready to be the first to find and take a pick of his own room.
He looks through rooms in whatever area the school is in. He opens a door. “Nope.” opens another “Naw.” Another “Uh uh.” Another. “Cool.” Jerrel puts his stuff on the ground, puts his sword in a corner and jumps up. And then flips before landing in his bed. “Yup.” He says simply as he lounges in his new bed in his new room.
Kanji was sitting down on the house’s roof. Clearly somebody was lying. One of the girls. He couldn’t quite tell but there was an unsettling air to one of them. He couldn’t quite tell who. One of the new girls. However, Kanji’s eyes then narrowed, as he watched the skies. Whatever it was falling from the sky, be they aliens, divine beings or other players. Kanji knew one thing…
Nothing good can come of this.
Mirabelle ran towards Vorgan to see if he’s alright. She puts her hand on his chest and she shakes him. “Are you ok…?” One of the agents then comes over and swoops towards Vorgun to help him up. Mirabelle looks at the agent with hostility, however, turns her attention to something more important.
The flowers as they grew felt a presence, a bright illumination. What was this she felt? It didn’t matter now, she had to focus on the situation at hand. Her friend jumped off her shoulder. The man in the suit was speaking, but Mirabelle didn’t listen as she saw the genetic suppressor on the ground.
Mirabelle strikes her right hand into the dirt as something moves underground towards her. White fibers erupt from the ground and surround Mirabelle’s arm. Her skin literally dissolve into steam and exposes her pink muscle, then the fiber surround her arm and latch to it, her right arm now a large appendage of white silk muscle. She stands up and out of the ground with it is a 2 ft long, dull yellow blade.
The appendage shaped itself into a muscular arm with a blade at the end instead of a hand. It was limp for a moment and Mirabelle could not move it. Then electricity sparked through it, and it pulsed for a moment, tensing, thorn like spines shooting piercing out her arms. Her arm relaxed, and the spines retracted back into the arm.
Mirabelle looked at her friend, as he wrapped his tail around the suppressor and started running back towards her. She didn’t let anyone jump to the rat while he scurried, the appendaged then stretched and shot forward, stretching some 30 feet to get to the rat as the blade pierced the ground, and the rat jumped onto to her arm. The rats feet were stuck to the arm like glue as the arm retracted back towards Mirabelle. In her normal hand she held the suppressor and held it reverse grip with the needle readied in her hand. “Two experiments!” She heard as she looked up at the man, listening to the rest of what she had to say.
Mirabelle held the genetic suppressor in her left hand and, standing defensively in front of Vorgun. Her weaponized right arm in front of her. Looking between the two, the black wolf and the man about to speak. The right arm extending spikes….which begin to dissolve and change some shape on the spot, emiting steam. The thorns are now a line of serrated blades on her right appendage, the blade at the end waving on her arm, looking like it’s about the shoot out at any moment, if it has to. If the wolf tries to bite her, she can block it with her right and it’s own biting would cause the blades on her arm to stab it in the mouth. However, she waited patiently. Maybe this man could calm the wolf down. Or maybe not. She didn’t know. Behind her determined eyes, was a fear, a hesitation….but she had to be ready. The wolf could lunge her at any time….
“Keep it clean? Ehhhh…..aight. Thats cool…..yeah….yeah aight. I agree.” Jerrel rests his sword on his shoulder. “Now where this school at..?” He sees the school. “Ah.” Then, Jerrel walks over to it and looks up the flagpole. Then he walks over to the front door of the building, and goes inside.
As soon as Sonara had come to, when she seemed to remember who they were, John felt like it was safe to open the door, he did so and left it open and then walked in looking at Sonara. “You uh…you alright?” John says looking at Sonara with a raised eyebrow worried about her. “I think we need to get you a bed. You look a little…winded.”
Name: Jerrel
Age: 17
Grade: High school junior
Gender: Male
Appearance: Clothes very but is often very casual. Rather dark coffee toned skin with brown short hair. 5 ft 11. Brown eyes.
Gift/Talent: Controls air. Carries sword. Controlling air leads to abilities to manipulate fire, plasma and electricity. Can use this to achieve super speed. Iron like durability. Jerrel can fall great distances without much harm and take blunt impacts well. Punching him may result in you harming your own fist His bones are denser then a normal human’s because he was simply born that way due to non supernatural reasons. However hitting him with something or generally striking him enough times can hurt him. As well as other normal things like drugs, poison, sickness, direct contact with fire, sharp objects etc…. Jerrel can’t swim. He sinks like a rock.
Jerrel is overall very physically fit and competent even without his powers. Knows, boxing, general fighting, and has knowledge of grappling from experience. Is rather acrobatic. Can do backflips, side flips, front flips from simply practicing. One armed pushups/pullups.
Back story: Jerrel grew up with a single mother, and discovered his power when he was about 10. Used to be bullied in school, for a short period of time, until he learned boxing, And eventually discipline through fencing. Jerrel left his old high school in the tenth grade to come to this school.
Goal: To graduate and live on his own.
Good or evil: Good. Generally however Jerrel acts arrogant and mean to certain types of people. Jerrel will really be on whoever’s side he believes in more.
Subject you study: “Hold up hold up hold UP! I get to choose what I want to study? Aight. Science.”
Live in school: Yes
Other: Jerrel is rather brash, arrogant, flirtacious, “thinks he’s the shit” and is somewhat of a loner.He doesn’t really expect everyone to like him. Rebellious. However, Jerrel is not one to gloat or attempt to talk down to general “outcasts” or quiet people and will often defend them. He is very loud mouthed and obnoxious at times, unafraid to speak his mind.
Th little girl’s eyes widened as the man pulled out the mace and she stood between the two. “No no no no. It’s not her fault!” Much like many animals, and dogs, Mirabelle could sense the emotions of people and other animals. And this man had air and anger. The little girl was getting distraught. Now there are potentially two problems on her hand and people who were going to fight, violence at this point seems almost inevitable. But the man asked her question, it seems like she should answer it. However the first word out of her mouth was “uuhhhhhhhhhhhhh” She was trying so hard to keep calm in this situation.
Mirabelle’s eyes were darting about. She was at wrecked circus in between two people, both of whom are becoming so dangerous that they both are telling her to run from them. However, Mirabelle wasn’t going to run from this. It was in her nature to try to better things for others. To try to make sure everything turns out alright. She had more power then most people. If things go awry, Mirabelle is most concerned about one of these two killing eachother rather then herself. It then struck her that she still needed to answer the tall (relative to Mirabelle currently who is about 4 ‘6 range). “A werewolf…is a half man…” Mirabelle was gathering her thoughts. “Half wolf….creature. That is very strong. And kinda big…”
Mirabelle stopped there. And looked around. What she could she do? She saw the man in the suit. She narrowed her eyes at him again. “Why don’t you just give her the cure?!” She yelled angrily at him. He should have given her the cure if he had it! Why didn’t he! It made Mirabelle want to run over to the man and punt him in his sensitive area hard enough for him to fly 20 or so feet into the air. However he was probably heavier then a normal human, so he wouldn’t go up as far. He armored himself so, it probably wouldn’t kill him, like it would any regular human. Then the idea struck her. She looked at the troll trying to get his attention and was hopping. “ITS HIS FAULT!!” She whines as she points at the man in the suit.
She hops up and down. Her sentences began melding and mushing together as she repeated and bantered endlessly jumping up and down “IT’S HIS FAULT IT’S HIS FAULT IT’S HIS FAULT IT’s HIS FAULT!” Mirabelle stamped her foot down assertively, shaking the ground briefly and causing cracks in the rock below. This made it easier for the fungus to sprout from the ground outside of view, within boothes and crevances about the area, hidden mostly from sight. It began to turn from fungus, to a green flesh like material, web like muscle fibers and plates of armor what looked to be mostly transparent armor. Mirabelle wanted to keep mass near by, just in case she would need it….
However, flowers were growing visibly from the ground around the area and they were sprouting rather quickly in a variety of colors…
John was against the door, his ear pressed against it. He really….really wanted to open it. But. Not yet. He listened to her. She seems to not remember anything. When she asked who he was and who Calcifer was. He didn’t like that tone Calcifer had, it wasn’t reassuring. However, John wasn’t sure on opening this door quite yet. However he spoke. “We’re your friends.” John says behind the door. “Or, well…I met you a few hours ago I think. But uh you knew Calcifer for, a while now. He helped you, just saved your life. I thought I lost ya there, for a second, Sonara.”
John was very ready to open the door. He had to restrain himself from doing so, however, he wasn’t so sure if it was such a good idea to do so. However, if she was going to harm Calcifer, John was gonna try and open the door. And close it on them. What the hell have I gotten myself into?
Bradshaw took the card and looked down on it then turned his attention immediately back to the situation at hand. The hunter was distracted by the napalm. “Alright.” Bradshaw turns around. “LET’S MOVE OUT!” He yells. Marines all take. Non flipped over APCs and Bradshaw gets an Abrams. He is the last to go in as he looks back and says “Enjoy your new fucking Napalm hair due.” He says to the large hunter as jumps into the hatch and drives off. The Napalm goes out after a minute as the hunter is blinded and has much flesh melted. Bones exposed. Bradshaw and marines in their tank and others in APCs drive off, rolling over infected who have overrun the area. Air strikes are on their way to pummel the area and squads are released all around as helicopters drop marines all about as well as other blackwatch. Their job, is to clear the buildings and mark infected on rooftops, while the streets are heavily bombed to clear them of infected.–KAISER–
Kaiser looks about the building. He is not alone, in the clothing store. He looks around the clothing isles. And he snaps to the side and spreads a line of a jean hangers. He sees there is a kid hiding within the clothes. Trembling looking at Kaiser. Kaiser narrows his eyes and then closes the hangers. “You saw something?” The scientist asks. Kaiser walks past him and gestures for him to come, as he points to up. Footsteps are heard. There are gunshots heard as a body hits the floor “Room clear. Move up.” A soldier upstairs says. The evolved nods as Kaiser makes a door with his fist through a wall and then rips out another door. Moving towards the redzone. The evolved takes point, ripping the door out to the next building as they cross an alley. They see napalm paint the streets. There is a walker in the room, Kaiser to heal his wounds grabs her by the neck to hold her still, the puts her finger through her skull, as he then consumes her. His wounds now regenerate as tendrils pull her in to merge her flesh with his body and turn her into biomass for Kaiser’s own use later. He continues walking with the evolved. Both making their way to the redzone.Dustin heard someone trying to get in the apartment he had locked himself in. “Its locked.” Someone pushes on the door and turns the knob. Pushing on the door but not able to get it and not trying to bust the door down yet. “Someone in here?” A marine asks Dustin. Others are searching the building. And gunshots can be heard downstairs as people kill infected, by shooting or knifing them as they attacked them. There is a scream heard “CALM DOWN MISS.” A marine says. Dustin was not the only one who had the idea of hiding in a building. In fact, most civilians not caught in the crossfire were in the surrounding buildings.
Everything seemed to be happening in Brazil. To get there from new york would take much time. Kanji could not tell how fast thomas was going, but he was going fast and semmed to be generating a sonic boom, a minor cracking noise wherever he ran. He seemed to be going at around mach 1. At that speed, it will probably take him some 5.7 hours to reach Brazil. Kanji himself making such a trip would not be easy. Kanji could travel at such speed, but only for brief periods of time. Air would cause a lot of friction and he would have to make a vacuum around himself to stop the friction from wearing away or ripping away his skin. So, Kanji decided to use one wish.
“I wish for an item that allows me to safety transport myself to wherever I choose instantly withiin the terms of the game.” The wish was granted as a small grey runic rock glowed blue in his hands appears in a flash of light in kanji’s hand. He wemt back to his home to gather some things. Eskrima sticks. A pistol. Armor. Some clothes. And the rest of his arsenal in bags and a case. Kanji mentally commanded the rock to take him in Brazil. Below Kanji on the floor an insignia appear. After about 12 seconds Kanji is then instantly teleported to Brazil, he appeared near the area, and rented a hotel room. Then, he was soon off as he then went to the group, still trying to remain hidden. He arrived and Thomas was there with a sword. Kanji watched from a rooftop of a house as they chastized him sarcastically. The fire was put out
Thomas fell asleep on Annie’s shoulder eventually. Kanji shook his head. He also wondered to himself Thomas would wish for a sword if he was against lethality. A sword it not a weapon that allows for easily controlled lethality. If his bat was not sufficient….perhaps he should have wished for it to become indestructible. On Kanji’s person he had Eskrima sticks, his katana sheathed at his side, his bo staff at his back. His pistol holstered, throwing knives hidden within himself and a his flying guillotine at his back…which looked like a flattened paper lantern…rgight now. Kanji listened to their conversation. It did strike him someone may sense him, however they didn’t before, so he stayed hidden.
It had been a while, John had stopped browsing his phone for a long time. He just couldn’t. Her screaming was filling the air and all John could do was sit there and stair at the ceiling as he rocked a bit idly and restless. After some time, he couldn’t help but for a long time just sit there and listen, attempting to imagine what type of pain she has to be in. He couldn’t help but wonder why Drakel did this. From John’s perspective, it seemed Drakel knew this was going to happen, and that this would be the perfect distraction for his getaway. It all seemed to work out well. John wasn’t gonna chase him, he’d be pre occupied with Sonara if he cared a bit about her. John wasn’t just gonna leave her there, he was just talking to her moments before Drakel took a snippet of her for some reason decided to snip a peace of her. To John the screaming was noise he eventually began to become a part of the environment. John expected to hear it for as long as it went. Like wind blowing, like birds chirping, it was the noise of the house, and John didn’t think about the screaming anymore while he was wrapped in his thoughts.
John did notice however, when the screaming abruptly stopped. Then there was a forboding silence. There was a piercing feeling of alert in the back John’s neck as heard a howl, he didn’t even notice as his heart skipped a beat when it came from the room and it took him a moment to notice how he slowed his breathing so he could hear it. He then turns over to the door. Looking at it. Waiting. For something. Listening. Watching…
Mirabelle looked at the horned man for a few moments, only for eyes to snap to the man in the suit. If there was anything Mirabelle was weary of, it was a man in suit, or anyone or anything that looked even remotely military. Her eyes narrowed a bit and her face goes from concern for the woman to an sort of bitter scowl for a bit. Then he seemed to turn to metal to her surprise. He then said he had a “gene suppressor” that she needed. Mirabelle then stopped to think. Could I make one? Mirabelle thought. She could not only manipulate her DNA, but manipulate the DNA of other organisms as well by sending her own micro organisms and bio-bots into their bloodstream, or even have an organism grow inside someone and manipulate their DNA as it grows. However, this would be dangerous, Mirabelle did not know her DNA nor did she know where in the woman’s genome the problem was. What gene or what genes were causing the problem, if that was even the problem.
Mirabelle’s face softened as her mind went back to woman, she could worry about that man later. There was tall man in front of her. Maybe he’d know what to do? She went closer then looked at the strange talking troll. and looked up at the troll, tugging lightly at this tall man’s slacks so she could get his attention. “Hey Mister Hey Mister!” She said as she did so. “Something bads happening to her…” She starts. “I think she is turning into something and its bad. She’s trying to hold it back. I think she might be a werewolf, or something like that…I think she’s gonna turn soon! Very very soon!” Mirabelle looked up at the troll now quiet. She gulped. She didn’t say it, but she was not sure what should be done. She looked to him with her bright hazel eyes as child would look to an adult, for a guidance. She had a look of fear and uncertainty.
Mirabelle puts her hands over her mouth to hide her gasping as she saw her fall. She wanted to help, but she knew it could be dangerous to get too close. It then occurred to Mirabelle, she could tail her. “No! I’m not just going to leave you here like this!” Mirabelle retorts. Still. She looked for something to run and duck behind if need be. Her friend on her shoulder was hissing at the lady. His hair standing on end like a cat’s. The little rat himself, was nipping at Mirabelle’s neck trying to get her attention and trying to get her away from the creature.
In the sewers the fungus she planted before was moving towards her. SLithering, rather slowly. People looked at in the alley as some of it even crawled into the sewers. It was slow but not too far away. And if it could do anything, it could exploit a weaknesss. From the sewers, it start to press into crack and make them larger. Growing through solid concrete, the rate of growth causing the fungus itself to heat up as it begin to burrow. Sewer walls around where they do this, begin to have large propegating cracks. The fungus itself growing feeding on fecal matter and ambient methane…. The fungus’s DNA altering as they begin to become more…plant like and capable of producing silk. Should Mirabelle need it.
However, the plan was not to fight. If she fully lost control, she could be dangerous. Other people can wander over too. What’s gonna happen to them if she sees them like this? “YOU CAN FIGHT IT!!” Mirabelle yells. “I know you can! Fight it!” She exclaims loudly and encouragingly at the woman.