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John walks over and places Sonara on the table. “I think….I think that you’re right.” John says nodding agreeing. These walls seem like they’re made to contain. And John didn’t know much of what he would see if he stayed. He watched him strap her in and then went outside. He opts to hang around. He figured he would do surgery maybe, but what else could happen? That steel was there for a reason. Could this possibly make her go beserk? That is what it seemed like John. Maybe I’ll stay. Just in case. John thinks to himself. Calcifer seemed more thabn capable to John to handle things if something goes array. However, anything can happen….
John’s eyes flash with data in front of his contact lenses. There was a grey mist eminating from within hi sleeve. And then it promptly went back into John’s clothing. John sat down and leaned his head back up against the wall, down the hallway from the room. As he for a little bit looked at the ceiling. Then took out his phone and decided to browse around on it checking for various statuses on equipment. He looks at the battery life on his walker exoskeleton. Its enough for him to last about 2 days before he has to change or recharge it. That should suffice.
“If she chooses to attack. Then I will aid you. You seem to think that you have to do this alone when you do not…” Kanji raised his head and something didn’t feel quite right. Outside the alley a lot of people were gathering around a TV. In time square there was seemingly an emergency broadcast of fire all around Brazil with an unknown source a massive fire. Kanji had his eyes narrowed as he looked around at the crowd and was dead silent as he listened.
A few people in the crowd gather around Mirabelle and the man. Seeing this little girl gathered around this man, whom some thought was her father or guardian. He seemed fine to Mirabelle and the Circus was going to start. She took the man’s hand and helped him up. “Well, I have to go Mister! But I’m sure these nice people can take you to a doctor if you need one.” Mirabelle then ran off too fast for the crowd to ask. On her way to the circus she heard lightning flash in the sky. She looked for a moment but was to caught up on catching the show. She’d never been to a circus and she figured it was a spring shower or distant storm.
Mirabelle goes up to the front as the show was about to start, and she handed the man the ticket she was kindly given before. However she walked to the tent and sat waiting. However there was smoke inside for some reason. Mirabelle blinked and looked curious and she could hear the thuds of people dropping and bit of panicked noises. Was this apart of the show? Mirabelle thought. Something didn’t feel right. Her pupils shift. They dilate and dilate as her vision changes to thermal and she sees people laying on the ground, dropping. They all looked like human shaped clumps of orange. It took a few moments for them to drop often but she could see the fear and confusion in them though. She stood up and every one in there was down. She heard creeks and she knew everything was coming down and she yelled. “THE TENT IS GONNA FALL!” People begin to run and try to make their way out but not everyone could find their way out. One of the beams supporting the circus was already beginning to fall and Mirabelle saw it was going to crush an unconscious clown.
Mirabelle jumped out of her seat into the ring and ran towards the clown as she stood over him and held her arms up as she caught the giant beam and stopped it from crushing the clown, the wooden beam denting in her hands. The entire tent collapses and the other beam falls and the area shakes a bit a bit as dust flies out and the rest of the tent comes down on her and many people still trapped inside. Mirabelle is holding the giant beam with a look of determination throws the beam aside. She forms black transparent hard claws that sprout from her fingers and tears out the tent. Then picks up the clown and takes a large leap with him over her shoulder and lands outside, setting him down. She then rips it open and jumps out with the clown over her should clear out of the tent. A few people look up to see Mirabelle as the smoke clears setting the clown down.
She jumps back to the tent as the smoke begins to clear and startles some people from how fast she jumped away. Mirabelle lands on the tent and claws an opening for the trapped audience to escape as the crawl through it. Other circus staff like those at game boothes and rides if there were any were there looking distraught however. Mirabelle ran around tearing open several areas of the tent to reveal unconscious performers and trapped people. With these tears made Mirabelle slung two clowns on her shoulder and her hair moved on it own and wrapped a clown onto her head. Then she ran with the three jumping obstacles at rather quick speeds. She then sets them down. How many people she can carry seems less of a matter of how many is she strong enough to pick up and more of a matter of how many can she balance. She was small and it made it wouldn’t be easy to balance a large amount of people. However she turned back and people were being carried out by circus workers and even some people in the audience. People combined their strength to lift heavy objects off people. People of all kinds assisting however they could.
Mirabelle looked around and her vision returned to normal and she could see a few people staring at her, and she backed away, her claws going behind her. She took a few more steps back, walking backwards for a bit, as her gaze went down. She then turn and ran. One man called out to her “wait!” Mirabelle turned and was about to leave when she saw someone leaning up against the wall. She didn’t look well. Mirabelle went up closer. “Hey, are you okay-” She reached out to this person, however she then pulled her hand back as her pupils shrank out of fear and she backed away. All the ambient noise of chaos was drowned out to Mirabelle as just focused on this creature. She heard the panicked heart, she heard the blood rushing within the creature, the shifting her muscle and bone. Already she could smell the adrenaline. Mirabelle’s eye became less something of fear as she slowly came to the realization of what was happening as she brought her blackening hands to her face.
Mirabelle stepped back. There was hesitation as she bared her claws. She gulped. “No…” She thought to herself. Her claws went back into her fingers. She was about 20 feet away. She took a calmer stance and gulped. A non confrontational one. “Hey…I can understand, understands whats happening to you” She said softly and gently. She was however ready for an attack. A lunge specifically. She kept her distance and she had to beware. A lunge was no so easy to just sidestep. She had to be prepared to redirect the momentum of something potentially much larger and heavier than she is.
“I’m here…” She said again, irregardless of what sort of creature was now before her.
John looked at Sonara for a second then at Calcifer and without much question he walked and followed Calcifer. He was a bit curious in the back of his mind and John couldn’t help but wonder a bit why they couldn’t go upstairs. The way he said it struck John as ominous. However didn’t pause or hesitate at all to follow Califer as he stepped up the stairs holding Sonara bridal and looking around at where he was headed. John didn’t want to bother with questions. He walked up keeping up with Calcifer and seemed to be in a bit tense. How fast John went all depended on how fast Calcifer went.
“Drakel what…what are you doing?” John asked. He didn’t get an answer, and he didn’t know what to do. He just looked at Sonara and she was just as confused as he was an even more unfomfortable. “Drakel! What the hell man?” She jabbed something in her and John went to intervene, however when he cut that vine from behind her she just…dropped to the ground. It kind of reminded John of seeing someone who got shot. “Sonara?!” He ran over and looked her over. He shook her calling her name with urgency over and over. “Drakel! The fuck did you just-” He didn’t answer as he apparently disposing of evidence. John noticed him putting something in containers and then he was disposing of evidence. It was pretty clear to John that this wasn’t some assassination attempt because he could have shot with that gun had he wanted to get rid of her. No he needed something off her. And whatever needed, he got it and ran off. It happened pretty fast.
John ran after him for a second but came to a stop, dust flying up from him breaking hard, as he looked back at Sonara. “FUCK!!” He yells. He runs back over to her and looks over on one knee. He checks her pulse and then listens for her breathing on her chest. She’s alive but John has no idea what’s happening to her. For all he knows trying CPR could make it worse. He picked her up in his arms and then hurried over to the house as he opens the door and bashes it with his shoulder to fling it forward and walk forward into the area. “HEY!! I need a doctor or…something!” “What happened?” Someone asks. “Someone…someone cut her vine.” John holds the specific vine that Drakel severed. “Where….where do I take her where does she need to go??“
“I have been watching you all for some time. You seem conflicted on the matter of whether or not you should take a life. However. You must do what must be done to protect your friends. Which may involve taking a life. There is nothing wrong. With taking a life when you are only defending yourself or the people who is right for you to defend if you must. Sometimes in sparing a life, you may gain and ally. Sometimes you will simply have an enemy who will know more about your abilities. Who will not stop until you are defeated. Who is simply too dangerous to let live. To take one’s life, must be done out necessity. You will fall down a dark road once it is for pleasure. One I have seen too often, and I have seen where it leads….”
He sits down. “As for learning the sword, such a thing takes time. You seem to know the bat well.”
Jason looked at the woman and the man from up on a rooftop above them as she had the man cornered. He took out his coil rifle and hopefully he wouldn’t have to do much more then a warning shot if things got a little TOO ugly. It charged in his hands as he aimed a scope on it to get a better view on what was happening between Lyrika and this man as he quietly listened and sat on one knee. Like a sniper as his rifle charged.
Kaiser jumped through the air and he caught Javelin with his hand and threw it at a Squad of blackwatch. They dived as it exploded and killed one. He gets shot in the head and chest. And falls to the ground as they explode within his armored face plat. He thuds against the ground and rolls as he dives behind an APC. He regenerates more slowly due to the fire on his face. Kaiser’s eye now revealed under his helmet, it is slit, like an animal’s and inhuman.
Kaiser looked at Bradshaw and Suzi’s brother and springs off the wall like a bullet at them both. Bradshaw kick’s Suzi’s brother away from him as Kaiser comes down with an axe kick hard enough to shatter the ground where he struck and send both Bradshaw and his brother rolling back a few feet from the small shockwave it made. He lunges Bradshaw immediately as he rolls and tackles him while Bradshaw stabs him in the throat. Kaiser on top of Bradshaw is electrified while Bradshaw sticks a C4 to his chest and then a semtex to his face. Then he actually is able to push Kaiser of with his legs despite the fact that he weighes Approx 750 lbs at the moment due to him being stunned. Then Bradshaw gets to his feet and dives. *Beep beep BEEPBEEPBEEP* *Boom* The semtex goes off right in Kaiser’s face and riddles him with hot shrapnel. Bradshaw then behind an APC detonates the C4 on his chest.
Kaiser gets blown back into the concrete wall hard enough to dent it. Then he puts his feet to the wall and does not let himself be vulnerable as he springs forward. Bradshaw leans as Kaiser nearly takes his head off. Kaiser rolls and then jumps behind an APC for cover. Behind the APC as Kaiser was sitting thinking. Looking at his environment. His bat like echolocation allowing him to see everything for several hundred feet with only ambient sound. He was very calm as he thought up his plan. Was being shot at he pulls it towards his feet. Kaiser sticks the APC on his feet as he balances himself on his head and hands, somewhat like a hand stand. And picks up the APC with his feet. And then launches the 10 APC using his rather strong legs into the air in an arc right at Suzi.
Then infected swarm both Bradshaw and Suzi’s brother. Bradshaw guns them down as marines support and assemble a browning. With this machine gun they begin shooting through infected in droves turning body parts into paste. Blowing limbs off as rounds over penetrate and kill several at a time with one bullet. Kaiser then jumps onto a tank and tendrils sprout from his back. He rips the hatch open after 2 seconds taking bullets being at him and he gets blown up as takes a Javelin to the face. He gets blasted back however midair he shoots two webs towards the tank again and pulls himself right back on top. Forces the hatch open and the jumps in. Kaiser from the marine he consumed learned how to pilot this vehicle.
Kaiser was good at multi tasking as within the Abhrams he operated the entire 4 man crew tank. He aimed the turrent at the entrance blew it open. Causing the large hunter to run inside and trample infected as it roared. The hunter did not feel the need to attack him as it stomped throughout the base. On the squad of blackwatch it grabs one up easily with its speed. That and the fact that a javelin was heavy, it weighing nearly 50 lbs and severely hindered movement speed. It crushed the blackwatch trooper causing him to miss his last ditch effort javelin and then the hunters is preoccupied for a bit as it eats him in two bites, like a candy bar.
Kaiser then drives out, simply driving over any infected in his way. Gunfire bounces off the tank. Grenade launchers do no visible damage to it at all and Kaiser merely is rattled inside the tank a little a high explosive javelin does nothing to it and neither does Bradshaw’s thermobaric grenades as Kaiser drives out the base. He drives straight through the napalm and into the streets. However, soon it is blow up with a H.E.A.T round from the Reaper predator drone. The tank doesn’t explode however it has a large hole melted through it from the top and it damaged beyond repair.
Kaiser is a bit cooked and riddled with shrapnel again as he climbs out. However he jumps on a rooftop meeting with scientist as he and the scientist meet up. And then they both take cover as Kaiser rams through a wall into a building to take cover. His skin charred a bit as he walked around in what looked like a clothing store. His face now showing do his mask being blown off. Kaiser had slit yellow reptilian like eyes. He was beginning to heal and was breathing heavily. His teeth gritting as the scientist walked in with him. “Are you ok?” He asks Kaiser. Kaiser lets out a guttural growl as he opens his mouth for a moment and then turns away forward, and nods his head. “What did they do to you?” His only response from Kaiser as he walks forward in front of Kaiser is a snarling and a bitter scowl on his face.
Kanji does not have his hand on his katana and he doesn’t react to Thomas’s abrupt standing. Kanji looks back at him and his eyes are not as calm as his body “I am no Samurai.” His eyes are narrowed once he points to the bat looking right back at him. His eyes indicate more caution rather then anger. As he asks him that question “A master of what?” Kanji asks Thomas in a curious tone now raising his eyebrow.
Mirabelle stopped and looked at the man as he rolled by on the side walk on a skateboard and faceplant some distance away. Mirabelle then runs over to him and stops as she rolls him over onto his back. “Oh my gosh Mister, are you ok?!!” She examined this man with her large bright eyes, worried about his well being. Her new friend staying hidden.
Kanji sat listening for a bit. Then stood up. It seemed as though these 3 will mostly likely get along just fine. Kanji jumps and is quite literally gone with the wind. He could easily find other participants, as since all the people in this “game” could sense other players, it wouldn’t be difficult to find whom he was looking for.
Thomas felt a breeze of wind as he stared at his back and there was a shadow standing over him. There Kanji stood in his loose clothing. Sweatpants, a white shirt, his katana sheathed at his side and a bo staff on his back. These two were the weapons visible. He looked down at Thomas and simply said “Hello.” In his scratchy, but deep and firm voice.
Mirabelle walked through the street going towards the circus when she hears a large BOOM! and she could feel light vibrations and the directions they came from. Mirabelle stands there for a moment with a straight face that convey’s neither happiness or sadness. In her head she was hearing things she tried so very hard. Loud noises, that of yelling, gunfire and explosions. Words of a past life rung in her head as she simply stands there as the crowd walks her by.
“You are an almost unearthly abomination. You think we can just let something like you run free? Something that can do the kind of things you do, a blight on the face of nature? Your existence in itself is an affront to god. If you cannot be controlled, then you must be exterminated…”
Mirabelle stands there for 2 minutes or so wrapped in thought until someone touches her shoulder causing her to snap around gasping for a second. Mirabelle sees that it is only simple man. “Hey kid….you lost?” He asks her genuinely concerned for her. How often does one see a little girl of her age walking alone in the streets, let alone standing there stare into space. “…No. No I’m not. I’m fine, really.”
“Where are your parents kid?” “I don’t have any.” “Really?” “Yes…my mom died giving birth to me and my dad….I don’t know where he is.” Mirabelle did not like telling lies, and that was not a lie. “Well. If you’re not lost then kid, where are ya headed?” The man asks looking curious. “Oh, I’m gonna go look over there, then to the circus” Mirabelle says actually sounding happier simply because he is talking to her. “You have a place to stay?” Mirabelle paused for a second, and then her reply was “Sort of, but, Mister” she smiles “I have to get going. Thanks.” She turns around abruptly and lives. “Hey kid wait!” The man calls out. Mirabelle turns into an alley and runs. The man jogs behind her “Hey kid-” The alleyway is a dead end. He stops and walks in looking around it and she is gone. “What in the….” He looks strangely about the alleyway, then turns and walks back into the street. He lets out a sigh of defeat. He walked out the alley and had not much else to do, besides continue his day.
Mirabelle sees a crowd gathered. And she sees them all looking at this girl. People were blushing and it was awfully quiet for a little bit. Was she the source of this explosion Mirabelle looked curious as a guy’s face turned red. She never quite knew what this meant. However, everyone seemed to be staring at this girl, and what Mirabelle did know was what it felt like to be stared at. “HEY!!” Mirabelle says a bit loudly. “It’s not nice to stare at people!” A bunch of people looked at this random little girl who came from appearently nowhere. Mirabelle’s face straightened and she came became a bit more nervious and passive as all the older looked at her. “Get lost kid.” It felt almost like being hit. She felt it in her chest. Mirabelle then sifted through the crowd and ran off.
Later Mirabelle is standing on the rooftop of a two story supermarket near the circus with a rather gloomy and quiet air, alone, her bags with stuff she bought earlier sitting off to itself. They’re just mean…. she thought to herself. Mirabelle didn’t really want to care what they thought, she felt only the opinions of nice people mattered. They’re just a bunch of bullies. She thought to herself trying to ignore what they thought as she crossed her arms and grew red with anger making a pouting facial expression. She had been told simply before to ignore people like that for advice. But even if she did, she stilled cared about what they thought and she wondered why to herself. However, Mirabelle looked down to her belly. And she took a seat to herself. Suddenly not much of what had happened before mattered to her anymore
Mirabelle began to cough and hack to herself. *Hack hack* She took a deep breath within herself and focused. She wanted to do this right. She resisted the urge to cough as she closed her eyes and sat there on her knees for a few seconds. She tilts her head up, her throat tingling. *BLEH* Out of her mouth suddenly a head poked out. She spat and a rat jumped out of her mouth leaping off her tongue. *ahem* Mirabelle clears her throat. This rat was the very same rat she found before dying in an ally from starvation and disease. She had decided to swallow and nurture it from inside of her and keep it in a sac. She ate so that she could provide the rat with food, water and naturally produced medicine from her body.
She stared at the rat as it looked about and scurried around in circles in front of herself and smiled to herself giggling for a second. Mirabelle knew what death felt like from her past lives. It was very scary at first, the fear of the unknown. Of where you will go. Of who will miss you. However, soon you often are swept with a calm feeling, a feeling of peace and detachment from unearthly things. It was a peace so hard to fight, and it made the fear fade away. The feeling of knowing death’s embrace didn’t scare Mirabelle much at all. However, she couldn’t bare to watch the rat die like that. Cold, alone and so slowly. She felt if she could have so many chances at life? Why couldn’t other things sometimes?
“Go. Your free now. Go on.” She knew this rat could and probably would die off on it’s own. Poisoned, or killed by a person angry that it stole their food. However, at least when it would die, however it may die, it would die knowing that something cared for it. It was now immune mostly to disease and carried none on it. The rat didn’t leave Mirabelle however. It simply ran to her and on her foot. She stood up and it ran up her clothes. “Hey hey! Haha that tickles!” It comes from underneath her dress to the front of her neck nimbly and then climbs to her shoulder giving her little nips, licks and rapid nibbles to her neck that made her giggle. She took it from her shoulder and held it in her palm as it sat up. “Ok. If you wanna stay with me that’s fine too.” She puts it on her shoulder and reaches to her bag. And gives the rat a piece of bread and she out of sight walks off the building and drops 30 or so feet the rat clinging and she lands. As closes her eyes and listens, hearing everything of the city. She listens specifically for circus animals, and begins to walk towards the Circus again.
Earlier Mirabelle looked back at the woman, and smiled back at her for a moment as they both stood at the poster before she left.
Mirabelle smiles her embarrassment leaving as soon he smiles at her. She smiles as he announces to her giggling through it and giggling more as he rubs her hair. She sees him pull out the ticket and her eyes get wide and her jaw hangs opens. She reaches out and takes the ticket and looks down on it and flips it over seeing a map on the back and then looks up at this large man who was standing before her. She didn’t know what to say. She watches bobby’s hand as it lights a blaze and takes a step back for a second a bit frightened. She had fire used as a weapon against her before, but she was actually beginning to understand it, especially after having witnessed it in nature. She steps forward again and looks at the fire leaning close, but not close enough to feel any heat. “Wow…” She continues to watch it until he stops. She looks at him as he stands up.
As he explains to her where the location of the circus is she nods “OK!” She sees him take out his wallet and hands her money. Wow this man is really nice! Now I can goto the bakery. I should repay him…oh my gosh I forgot to thank him! As he was leaving “Thank you so much Mister! I…I won’t forget this!” She says waving at him as he walks off into the town.
She counts the money. “Sixteen dollars. Wow. This is a lot.” She walks over back into the bakery and towards the bakery. And walks out with slice of red velvet cake, two cupcakes and some bread all in a brown bag. She eats the bread first walking through the streets and i s gonna save some for later. She spent about 6 dollars on that. The rest she was saving for maybe some cotton candy. She started to eat the bread rolls as she was saving the sweets for the show.
She closes her eyes listening. Her enhanced senses allowing her to hear the animals of the circus.She then sees the lights in the distance and starts to make her way towards the circus. She was planning on cheering extra hard for the man. She nommed bread as she walked over towards the circus in a very bright mood.
In the town was a young girl wandering about in a dark alley. The alley is dirty and hardly anyone can see in it. Hardly the type of alley most people would walk through. Mirabelle was skipping through the alley as she saw a black rat twitching on the floor, breathing intensely. She stopped and stooped down to the rat, looking on it with some sorrow and pity in her before gleeful eyes, as if she could feel it’s pain. “It’s ok.” She says as she gently pick the rat up with her two small hands. It drooled from it’s mouth onto her hands and looked at her with one eye. Mirabelle then opens her mouth and slides the rat in. She does not chew as she swallows it whole, her jaw stretching very wide. She swallows as it slides down her throat, it visibly buldges as it does, the tail hangs off her lips and she sips it in as soon the rat goes all the way down.
Mirabelle then stands up and now walks. Where Mirabelle walks in the alley and then walks out the alley. When she leaves her footsteps make a fungus, as it begins to glow a dim blue. This fungus begins to glow all over the alley and into. Some people looked at her as she goes into the street. Wondering what this little girl seemingly fully content is doing walking through the street. Mirabelle sees a bakery and her mouth waters. She scampers over to the front of it as people walk by at her. She then stands looking at the window. She stares intently at cake and cookies her mouth watering on the inside. She shapes her hands on the window and looks inside trying to see better. She gulps the drool down and licks her lips a little. Then frowned. She didn’t have any money. She frowned and sighed as she took her face away from the window. Then walks around and moved on. She walks down the streets and sees a poster. It looks like the circus is in town. “Clowns. Animals. Man of flames….That sounds fun!’ Mirabelle thinks now smiling.
She walks around a corner scampering along searching for where this circus might possibly be when she bumps into someone and falls back on her butt. She looks up at the huge man she sits before and her eyes get wide and her mouth hangs open for a moment. He is the man of flames front the picture. Before he even helps her up she springs up to her feet pushing off her arms and almost propelling herself a few feet in the air for a second.”I’m sorry mister! I didn’t mean to bump into you! I’m sorry! Are you the man of flames from the picture?” Her words begin to mush together into one giant sentence of excitement. “The man of flames from the picture who’s gonna perform in the circus for a huge crowd OH YEAH ummm…” She slows down. “I was wondering if…ummm you knew where the circus was mister…?” Mirabelle looks down and swivels her toes on the ground a bit and puts her hands behind her back. She is a bit embarrassed at how excited she was an is a bit self conscious. She looks up at him “Your him….right?”
(*Starts to chant* Eridan eridean eridan eridan! Eridan! Eridan! Eridan! Eridan! Eridan! ERIDAN! *Gets louder* ERIDAN! ERIDAN ERIDAN! ERIDAN! ERIDAN! ERIDAN! ERIDAN!”)