Forum Replies Created

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  • Whatsyourface

    July 1, 2014 at 2:00 am in reply to: Life

    Kanji was sitting on top of Annie’s house out of site wearing a rather plain shirt and workout pants, with bear feat, sitting lotus to the back of roof, unseen. He had heard Valenia scream and when he arrived a contestant was already dead. Already people were trying to kill eachother for sheer sport. And now already they are threatening eachother, as Kanji sat cross legged in a mediative stance perfectly at balance and able to hear them well as he produced very little sound. In tune to his environment. His long grey straight hair blowing in the wind of the (night?) He sensed a trouble outside brewing. He kept watchful ear out to Thomas as he sat and listened to this group of fumbling females. This girl didn’t seem like she’d follow suit on this threat, but with one angry girl, one girl drunk and one unknown girl who simply poofed in to some unknown place, it seemed like a giant recipe for disaster.

    He kept an ear out for Thomas. He seemed a bit distraught. Should nothing transpire here, Kanji may go to him to attempt to offer guidance, as Kanji valued life, however if he were to kill someone tonight, it would not be his first and isn’t very likely to be his last. Recieved the message of 3 wishes earlier and he so far used none of them. He is learning his powers well, as if they were made for him. Things he had already learned could simply be used for these powers. These wishes could be used for a lot he would think. Resurrecting an ally, bringing himself back from a mortal wound, if it applied bringing himself back from beyond the dead or something bigger. He needed time to think carefully on these 3 wishes and wait for when the time is right to use them.

  • Whatsyourface

    July 1, 2014 at 1:35 am in reply to: RP 1

    (“Can you feel it now Mr. Krabs? Can you feeeeel it?” That’s what I’m feelin’ right about now.)

  • Whatsyourface

    July 1, 2014 at 1:26 am in reply to: Bio Formation

    Name: Mirabelle

    Age: (Total) 44. (Since third rebirth) 9

    Race: Synthetic life form

    Class: Wandering orphan

    Appearance: A short little girl with long snow white hair that goes down to her back and hazel eyes. Fair skinned. Usually wears a little completely white dress and walks around with bare feet.

    Personality: Naive at times yet, observant and eerily intelligent. Usually happy-go-lucky and friendly. She sees beauty in everything. She is very familiar with nature and likes animals of all kinds. She often associates with whatever animals are around, like squirrels deer and birds. In cities. She tends to associate with whatever may be around. Like rats and roaches. There much of the world she understands, but some things that she doesn’t understand. Often angered by violence. Sometimes unwittingly causes trouble and chaos when trying to have fun, indirectly, unaware she is doing something wrong. She knows and will associate with many different kinds of people. She is very warm, eager and energetic usually. Very very curious.

    History: Mirabelle is the third form of a continuous cycle of death and rebirth. She is a synthetic lab born life form, programmed with completely synthetic DNA and made to be a weapon of mass destruction. A shapeshifting programmable organism originally intended to be nothing more then a biological robot, as she is made completely synthetically from chemical elements. There was fetus to her creation. and no genetic engineering. She was simply made from organic and inorganic materials. However, with her power the head scientist saw something beyond a weapon. He saw something capable of potentially capable of numerous applications. One of which, was to heal his dying daughter, Aster. She requested to be brought home where the scientist would. He stole the life form in vial form from the lab and attempted to program it in his home. He injected it into his daughter and they shared their sentimental last words of their love for one another. However, Aster died much to the scientists horror, in her bed in her room at age 12. In his grief the next day, he heard crying in the room his daughter had died in. He found there was a baby laying in the sheets his daughter had died in. Blood and other thick tree sap like fluids staining the bed. The father looked at this….thing. That layed where his daughter once did. And the first word out of it’s mouth was “daddy.” From that point on the man cared for this child for 8 years, on the run from the government. Naming her, “Delphine.” However, Delphine sacrificed herself for her father and died. Her father took a new identity and she was again reborn as Pyre. The longest living iteration and easily the most powerful and skilled. She had a life of 22 years until she was reborn once again as Mirabelle.

    Current doings: Wandering the world and seeing everything there is to see.

    Abilities: Bodily manipulation. Mirabelle can form any organic material and change her body to suit different situations. A shapeshifter. She can form different materials from herself. She can assume many different forms of organisms and contain other organisms and manipulate some of their biology as well. Can alter her own DNA. Can make other organisms from herself and various editable materials. She has bio-organic nanomachines within her. She can essentially take on the abilities of any earthly organism that exists. Can produces blades, armor, tendrils, claws, sharp teeth, many sort of natural and at the same time unnatural weapons. Increased strength, agility, senses and durability. Healing factor. Not afflicted by most terrestrial disease. Most toxins one can be immune to do not harm her. Can breath underwater. Contains memories of each life before her. Provided she has energy in the form heat, radiation, sunlight or nutrients she can live indefinitely. Can heal. Often grows plant like organisms

    Weaknesses: Fire of high enough temperature and amount is a threat to her. Although, you will not be able to fight her with say a match stick. Flamethrower, yes. She can form materials with limited resistance to fire. She cannot mimic magical properties. Is limited by the amount of mass she capable of carrying within herself. For example. She cannot be a little girl one second and then grow into a 40 ft tall monster the next second. Growth rated limited by the speed of chemical reactions. Larger organisms tend to be slower. Even though she has memories of Pyre’s fighting skills, she is not as skilled at fighting. She is bullet resistant but not bulletproof. Sufficiently powerful guns (.50 cal+), explosives, powerful enough punches and melee weapons in general harm her. Melee weapon effectiveness varies. Mirabelle cannot easily break down or shapeshift the more durable she is generally. Things like armor and claws cannot be easily broken down and often not malleable. Being shot or struck in the eyes hurts. Can be distracted by people being harmed, put in mortal danger or held hostage. She must make herself very light in order to fly. Cannot transmute elements.

    Weapons: Her body. Objects like cars, lamp post, car parts and generally whatever she can get her hands on.

    Half full or half empty: “Um…Oh! oh! I know I know! Both! I think the cup is half empty, half full!”

  • Whatsyourface

    June 30, 2014 at 9:08 pm in reply to: After Averon

    John had more questions, however when she mentioned Drakel he noticed that he wasn’t there. “Maybe he’s still catching up? Most people can barely run 3 miles in 20 minutes….” John looks at the window for only a brief second over Sonara’s shoulder before he goes off. “Hold on. I’m gonna go outside and wait for him.” He walks up to the front of the mansion his hands at the ready. John was very well known for having sleight of hand.

    However, he saw Drakel on his phone, and he seemed…troubled. “Hey Drakel. You alright?”

  • Whatsyourface

    June 30, 2014 at 5:08 am in reply to: After Averon

    “Sometimes its an overrated experience….but everyone wants what they don’t have.” John says shrugging. “So, um…” John scratches the back of his head. He asked for clarification. “Those charms let you have memories? Remember your past? But your doesn’t work….somebody rip you off? Con? Someone hustle you?”

  • Whatsyourface

    June 30, 2014 at 4:45 am in reply to: After Averon

    John looks at the boy as she nods to him. And looks generally at everyone in the room. His eyes scanning about curiously. “Hm? Reboot? What? They wiped their memories?” He raises an eyebrow. “Or….they want to start over, or something?” John’s head subconsciously tilts a little as he looks at her.

  • Whatsyourface

    June 30, 2014 at 4:31 am in reply to: After Averon

    John caught up about a minute later.Panting as he slowed to a walk. He didn’t pause much after and simply kept walking his heart racing until he stood in front of the abandoned mansion and looked up at it. “What is this place?” John asked as she said that, walking up next to her with his fists on his hips as he caught his breath.

  • Whatsyourface

    June 30, 2014 at 4:23 am in reply to: Los Angeles

    -Eric Bradshaw/Kaiser–

    Only the scientist sees who shot the arrow. The marines get distracted with an infected among them. And soon the evolved scientist took out the camera as he came up on them and formed a blade as landed slashing about on all of them. Then proceeds forward to the hangar.

    Bradshaw’s helmet came with thermal goggles by default. He gathered a squad and took point. He got no objections and he looked about. Bradshaw looks around searching through the halls. Looking around every corner as he hurries to where the gunfire came from.

    Soon he arrives open area of the base and sees the floor covered in blood, organs and spent cartridges. The hallway to the elevator that leads to the lab open. Near the front of the base in the hangar, with tanks and APCs about. “Jesus…” A marine says. Suddenly an infected marine then lunges a marine and he shoots. It bites into his neck as the rest gun it down. The marine bleeds from the throat. Bradshaw with an M1911 shoots him in the head. A mercy kill. His windpipe was practically gone. “Stay. Sharp.” Bradshaw says. “Aim for the eyes. Try and blind him…” Bradshaw looks around the ceiling, and there he is watching them, like an animal watching his prey. “There he is OPEN FIRE!!” Everyone fires on Kaiser, bullets dinking off and cracking chest plate armor and the armor on his face, and piercing armor on his face. Each shot to his armor was wearing it down. Kaiser jumped out the way of most off the bullets around and from his wrists shot solid webbing with a gun like *BANG* at the lights as then shot a web and swung. Clawing light after light and fooling people into shooting out some until the whole room went dark.

    “SHIT” People began firing blindly in the dark as not everyone had night vision or thermal. Each shot lighting the darkness for milliseconds. Kaiser jumps off a wall at Bradshaw at blurring speeds. Bradshaw leans and he instead grabs a marine. Who yells as he shoots at Kaiser as he jumps off with him. Kaiser gets onto the man when they are further away from the ground as he yells and shoots Kaiser haplessly with a pistol. Kaiser punches him in the face, crushing his skull as he continues to beat the man to death and then consume him gaining his skills in addition to earlier marines he had killed. Bradshaw’s squad gets on him and Bradshaw fires one of his three panzerfaust rounds at Kaiser.

    Kaiser leans and barely dodges the 666 MPH projectile as it speeds by and explodes. The H.E.A.T round punching molten copper through several feet of the concrete wall like its made of cardboard, but since it is more focused, it doesn’t very much of an area of effect. Kaiser then immediately dashes at Bradshaw who drops the launcher and pulls out his knife. “Back away and make a circle.” Bradshaw jumps aside as dodges a punch from Kaiser as he hip fires his XM at him.

    Kaiser’s hand then snaps forward as he lunges Bradshaw faster then he could process at this distance. Bradshaw has his neck armored and as he stabs Kaiser in his clavicle as he is electrified inside out as Bradshaw says “Get your filthy hands off me.” Kaiser barely control his muscle movements with the extremely high voltage shock. The stab itself didn’t do very much damage as it only part of the way in. Howeverthe charge doesn’t last forever and Bradshaw pulls the knife out. Kaiser punches him straight in the chest and Bradshaw rolls with the blow. Still getting sent dragging back 20 feet and hitting his head on a wall. The armor he was wearing saving him from damage being killed. It wouldn’t be far fetched to say Bradshaw could survive getting hit by a car with this armor. However he had a concussion and a broken rib as he staggered up to his feet. Kaiser focused on the rest of the soldier as they fired on him. A marine aiming a javelin at him.

    Soon the evolved scientist opens up the door a runs down a hall to the front. He putting his hand on a bio scanner standing next to bloody marines. Infected pour in the front. Hunters and other large infected cannot fit through. However a large hunter then walks over and roars at the other hunters to stand aside as the huge hunter begins to tunnel into the building.

    On the radio people hear something that makes them smile. “Red Crown to Sector 6. Strike package now available. Sending air-to-ground support” A Blackwatch troop commandeers a laptops and another mans a radio as outside F-35’s fly in the air. They circle the base as the thick swarm of flyers obstructs them. A blackwatch a mortar.. They drop Napalm bombs in front of the area burning infected alive. Mortar fire files away fires beehive rounds into the air. The rounds mid air release flechettes. They come down and the metallic needles rain down on the base flocks of flyers falling out of the sky. Far. Far into the sky is a MQ-9 Reaper flies in the air over 10,000 feet in the air. It is armed with Thermobaric AGMs. Much like the recently approved napalm. It is recently approved. It continues raining flechettes in the air and now the skies are clear as another shot shreds walkers as it rains metal hell down on the area. However, the rounds do moderate-little damage to larger more powerful infected. Though it manages to kill a few hunters after the 3 barrages. The needles simply lodge in the large hunter. It has little effect. None of the flechettes penetrated the reinforced building.

    3 F-35’s screech through the air as they drop a line of napalm. Cutting off and killing walker infected who walk into it. The Reaper drone fires a thermobaric round at a pack of hunters who run through the rounds. The round strikes the ground and makes a huge fiery explosion as it destroys the entire pack running in and at least 85+ infected outside. Dimming the numbers of those who run inside. Though it aims at the large hunter, it cannot fire for risk of damaging the building and wounding personnel. “Everyone on alert.” A blackwatch trooper yells on the radio. “There is a very infected tunneling it’s way in the building.” Bradshaw laying on the ground shoots at walkers as they run about the hanger. Walkers getting shot as the marines continue engaging Kaiser as he essentially is dancing around them, jumping around the area at mad speeds. “Can’t get a beat on him.” A marine mutters. “Shit! Cover me!” The marine with the javelin says. A with a grenade launcher begins clearing out 10 walkers at a time. However, the large hunter is getting closer and closer as the marines protect the man. Kaiser runs on the walls dodging gun some gun fire and keeping bullets hitting him to a minimum. “Damn he’s fast…”

    Outside the evolved scientist jumps up towards a building. looking for who he saw shoot that arrow. Taking cover looking out a window at the building.

  • Whatsyourface

    June 29, 2014 at 4:07 am in reply to: After Averon

    “Aw damn.” John runs after them. Humans have good endurance. Better then most animals. And John made sure to run a lot when he could walk. So he ran after them to catch up with them. Having an exoskeleton to help you carry your stuff helped as he strived to catch up. “I’m comin’! Wait up!” John says running after them.

  • Whatsyourface

    June 28, 2014 at 11:02 pm in reply to: |Rules|

    -Voided by author-

  • Whatsyourface

    June 28, 2014 at 12:24 pm in reply to: |Rp Bios|

    -Voided by author-

  • Whatsyourface

    June 28, 2014 at 9:19 am in reply to: After Averon

    John smiles warmly, with a bit of nervousness. John felt he’d been rude. He did feel he was a bit rude. There were a few mechanical noises from his lower body exoskeleton as he extends his hand to her. “I’m John.” He says genuinely. “Nice to meet you.”

  • Whatsyourface

    June 28, 2014 at 9:13 am in reply to: |Gotham Rp|

    Nemaz lies there in a pool of own blood. His regeneration was good if everything was contained but with all internals strewn out, it was over. In the end Nemaz found this was fitting for him. This was ultimately what he did feel what a hero was bound to be like. He smirked and awaited the snap kick and he flew into the wall of the building and dented against it.

    *Clank clank clank* A 9 bang clanks against the floor *BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG* Delay *BANG BANG BANGBANG* In that 10 second time frame Nemaz’s body is long gone. Away from the area. Nobody bothers trying to blow the building or shoot at the assailants. All they here is the ambiance of Gotham.

  • Whatsyourface

    June 26, 2014 at 10:18 pm in reply to: After Averon

    “So. Where you headed? I’m making my way back to up town for a little. Before my next job comes in.” John says as he stands idly. And looks around for a second. Before returning his attention to Drakel.

  • Whatsyourface

    June 26, 2014 at 6:00 am in reply to: After Averon

    John looks up and sees Drakel. He then starts waving and hurrying towards him. “Drakel! HEY DREKAL!” He runs up to the pair. “Wait up for a sec.” He slows to a walk. “Hey…long time no see…” He looks towards the Haerich. “Who’s your friend?” John says with a rather casual demeanor. John looks to be about 19 years old or so. He looks rather young.

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