Forum Replies Created

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  • Whatsyourface

    June 19, 2014 at 8:16 pm in reply to: |Metropolis|

    SR listens to her advice and simply nods and then turns and looks at the man who approached him. SR doesn’t say anything as he watches her, being incapable of any facial expression. He watches him. And allows her to do the talking. When he ask her what SR is, SR then says “I am not of this earth…” And says nothing more for the rest of the conversation. He simply kept looking at John the entire time while he was in the room until he left. He was about to leave, when Cassandra told him to follow John. And so when he left the building, he did.

    SR jumped roof to roof and wall to wall. Crawling along the wall like a giant black gecko. He had seen John and kept on going to him. SR gets closer and jumps to John landing right in front of him with a large ground rattling *THUD* people near by feel. That whole time SR made no attempt at stealth or at being inconspicuous. “I am told to follow you. I assume it is for your protection, Mr. Muse.” SR says looking down at John.

  • Whatsyourface

    June 18, 2014 at 10:19 pm in reply to: |Gotham Rp|

    “Aww.” Firefly is disappointed as her flames die down. He then hears Dur-El’s comment. Firefly smirks and snickers. “Ooooh. Fiesty.” He says mentally to the officer. “Yeah. No kidding. Definitely not batman. He never swore. Not the way everyone else talked about him. Right?” “That was years ago. Before my time.” Firefly replies. “Place doesn’t looked to damaged at least.” “Ooooooh contraire, my friend. The rapid heating of a cool substance like that will cause it to undergo thermal shock. Now the concrete is gonna be a lot weaker. I doubt its gonna safe for anything reasonable heavy, like a truck to drive on. It might sink right in. You can’t just thaw something that quickly like that. If the road wasn’t damaged from him snap freezing the road before, it is now.” Firefly comments.

    “Huh…” The officer says “Would real sad and kinda funny if he did that to a person.” Firefly smirks. “Person would fall apart like clay in front of his very eyes. Clearly he isn’t as smart a batman was. Guy was a genius. But this guy is clearly new. An Amateur.” “You seem to know a lot about the cold too.” The cop says.

    “Cold is nothing more than the absence of heat my friend. Nothing more. I payed attention in physics and chemistry.” “Maniac with a degree. I’m not sure whether to be scared your that smart. Why do this? Be a criminal? Why not use your intelligence to do something like be a chemist. A lot of people got thrust into this life.” “More money. More fun. This was my calling. I would have gone crazier as a chemist. Just reading scientific journals all day? That isn’t the life for me. Just be glad we have a sense of order. Gotham’s gonna be a lot quieter. All those criminals that got taken out. And now we run things. And we like to make our money in quieter ways.” The officer doesn’t say anything. Firefly continues to watch from a distance to see how this will transpire.

  • Whatsyourface

    June 18, 2014 at 9:38 pm in reply to: |Metropolis|

    SR had done much to clean the city, clearing the streets. However, the humans were coming. He heard them. So he’d thought best to jump to one of metropolis’s very high skyscrapers. He jumped roof to roof to around where Cassandra was. He looked around and formed a disguise for if someone decided to become Savvy enough. He mimicked the gargoyles pose and around him, the fog forms a perfect imitation of a gargoyle statue. He watches Cassandra greet people, and watches people in general interact with one another, watching them speak and pose each Cassandra questions. She was done soon after. And returned to her duties. However SR continued to watch people. As a statue. As they spread throughout the city. Analogous to a growing forest. He watched for several hours, he simply watched and listened. SR could have stayed there in that pose, for days, or weeks. Absorbing the environment around him.

    Eventually. People were getting closer. Nearer to the rooftops. He felt the need to avert himself from their general presence. He looses the disguise and jumps great horizontal distances, seemingly galloping on all 4s roof to roof. And then makes a large leap. Soaring through the air as he then lands sees centinnial park. He lands on a building and hops towards it, and then lands in the parks small lake. Making a large splash. He walks deeper into the water until he is fully submerged then sits.

    The surface of the water bubbles as SR makes seemingly random noise under it. However, he ceased eventually. People enter here as well. There was hardly anywhere these beings did not roam. Eventually he will be discovered. However. SR eyes no longer glowed and he sat curled up. Most people mistook him for a a large black rock. Soon it became night. And everyone seemed to be gone. There a splashing at the lakes surface. SR’s fog flew into the holes of his head. Internally arranging itself within him, to form some makeshift structures in his mouth However he kept hearing some strange noise obscured by the water. He then sees a head dunk under the water calling to him. “HEEEEEEEY!!” He hears as the a voice yells under the water, bubbles foaming to the surface.

    Tommy flops back pulling his head out the water. He got water inside his nose and felt very uncomfortable. He clenched his nose and blew. Snot dribbling out. A head rises from the water as SR approaches Tommy. SR steps the water and looks down on this small little being, who seemed to be so different from all the larger beings.

    “Hi!” Tommy says wiping snot from his nose. “I saw you land here.” SR stooped down to the boy and sniffs him on his chest. The boy rubs SR’s head, and SR’s eyes begin to glow dully. “That’s a good boy.”

    “I am not a boy….” SR says to the boy in a rather deep voice and he startles him. SR then says “I have no reproductive organs to speak of, and therefore, I have no specific gender.” SR pauses frequently when “You….talk?” “Yes.” SR says simply. “How come you didn’t talk before?” “Because I did not know how. I was never intended to speak in my creation.” “What’s your name?” “I am unsure.” “You don’t know your name?” “Where I am from, we lack much verbal communication. People spoke without language. One simply knew when one was being referred to.” “…..What?” “It is a difficult concept to explain. Identity was known, and not every thing had a name. I was a weapon, and I simply only was required to know identity.”

    The boy the stands up. And SR stands up. And looks down on this little thing, that apparently had many questions. “Where are you from?” “A planet far away.” “Is it mars?” “No.” “Is it where superman is from?” “No. It is a planet that exists somewhere that no one would look.” “So your an alien.” “I would suppose so.” “Are you a robot?” SR pauses. Then he says. “I am unsure.” “What are you made of? Metal?” “I am comprised of many things. Primarily various forms of carbon, internally. And flesh.” “So you are like a cyborg.” “I suppose so.”

    “THAT’S SO COOL!! YOUR LIKE A SUPERHERO SPACE CYBORG GORILLA THING!!” SR stares at the now excited boy. Wondering primarily what he’s going to do and ask next. “Can you fly?” “With a vehicle perhaps. Or more foglets.” “Wait! Why are you here? Are you going to invade us.” “No. I was not here intentionally, that much is clear. I suspect I was being transported, and that my ship was destroyed while I was being transported.” The boy looks at SR

    “Well” the boy starts “Is someone going to come and get you? I mean. Your cool but, I understand if you don’t wanna stay here, and that you want to go home.” “Most likely, no one will come to retrieve me. There are many more like me, and it is likely they will not come all this way simply to retrieve me. When they can simply make more of me. Or use one of the many more of the weapons like me, and the weapons they have who’s power surpasses mine.” The boy blinked. Then asks “Are you sad?” “No.” “Do you feel emotion?” “Yes.” “Hm…well. What was your planet like? Just like. In general? And how do you like earth?”

    “My original planet is much the same and yet different from this one. Your planet orbits a star. What you call the sun. Mine does not. It is also very cold. However, the planet itself produces much of it’s own heat, and people live primarily in subterranean habitats. We also do not have oxygen in a gaseous form as you have it. Some time ago, the our sun turned into a black hole, and which is in turn caused the planet to freeze and be consumed by near complete darkness from the outside. Had you seen our planet from the outside, you would think it lifeless and desolate.”

    Tommy looked with much intensity and extreme interest as SR described his world. He then asks “Wouldn’t your world be sucked in….by the black hole…?” “No. At such a distance the gravitational pull of the black hole does not change or alter our planets orbit. To be pulled into the black hole, we would need to be passed the event horizon of the black hole.” “Uhhhh….yeah. Yeah. Of course…” Tommy says pretending to understand. SR assumes wholeheartedly that the boy does in fact understand.

    Tommy changes the subject. “Well. What are the people like?” “They look like your race does. Consciousness is collective.” “What does that mean?” “It means everyone is mentally connected. Without boundaries of the mind. There is no war, and all understand one another.” Tommy also did not understand this. “Although, we do not have “Children.” like you” SR points at Tommy. “So then how do you make babies?” “Both artificial means and more natural ones. That includes the merging of ones genitals. However, they are almost within a day, already mature…”

    “….I thought babies came from Cranes. I saw it on TV.” Tommy says lowly. “Cranes also produce offspring.” “Oh so babies do come from Cranes.” “Yes.” SR had mistakenly thought that Tommy had meant that Tommy meant natural reproduction of cranes, to produce more cranes, when in fact Tommy did not think this.

    “I’m getting sleepy. Do you want to come and live with me?” Tommy yawns. “I do not think that will work well.” “….Oh, Ok….That’s alright. We can meet tomorrow night. You’ll be here. Right?” “Yes.” SR says simply. Tommy however still seems down, and a bit disappointed. Then SR, has a question for Tommy.

    “How you like to fly?” “What?” Would…like to fly?” SR looks at Tommy tilting his head. “Sure how! That would be so cool. “Be still…” SR says as fog seeps out of his pours within his shoulder. And orbits Tommy. He floats up. “Simply point and you will go in the direction you wish and you will be flown there.” “YES. I WANNA FLY MAKE ME FLY MAKE ME FLY MAKEMEFLYMAKEMEFLY!” The boy was extremely eager

    And just like that he is swept in what is almost a wind around him 40 feet in the air. And the boy was not afraid of heights at all. He looked down at SR as he flew away. Most people not looking up. The boy could not help but to pose like superman as he flew with a look of determination on his face. Body flat, arms in front extended, fists clenched as he was brought to his home as he directed himself, SR adjusting the child as he simply flew through the air and touched down in the backdoor of his home in the suburbs.

    SR jumps up through the air jumping rooftop to rooftop. Going back to Lexcorp. A few moments later the door to what is now Cassandra’s office is open. And SR walks in on all fours and starts to her desk. Then he stands upright as he stands before her. Then SR begins speaking to her. Asking for guidance without any semblance of introduction or greeting. Or actually letting Cassandra now know he is capable of verbal speech. He just…talks. “These people…” SR begins. “They fear me. The mere sight of me causes them panic and distress. I am sure of what course of action or inaction I am to take…you and one child accepts me yet I am incapable why the rest do not.”

    SR looks down towards Cassandra as a fraction of the fog returns to him and goes back inside her. He awaits her answer. Standing there very still, like a statue. His dull glowing orange eye fixed on the first organic being he met upon his awakening here.

  • Whatsyourface

    June 17, 2014 at 4:54 am in reply to: |Gotham Rp|

    From a rooftop a man with a heavily scarred face looks down from a short rooftop at the fire. His scar are that a burned face. His face is tanned from flames with pale patches of white discolored pigment scattered throughout it. He is bald and has no eyebrows. He has on heavy boots and is looking down with high tech binoculars. Camoed pants, a skull cap. He communicates in a manner almost like telepathy, with technology. Sound is beamed directly to the person, and it vibrates their skulls, letting them hear it in their heads. Firefly says mentally to an officer. “Hows it look down there?” “Not good.” An officer replies.

    “Who’s doing the robbery?” Firefly asks. “It isn’t a robbery. We’ve managed tap into the footage. Its some kind of humanoid lava creature trying to destroy all the alarms.” “Not a fellow arsoniste?” Firefly says with an e, in a way the indicates what he does is an art. He likes to watch things “heat up” so to speak.

    “Ah, nothing like someone cause rampant fiery destruction. Makes my heart warm.” Firefly sees the bat mobile. “Is that the bat mobile and batwing. “Yeah the new batman showed up with this girl.” “I wanna see the girl. Looks like batsy did a number on the street.” “Yeah. At least the real batman cared about collateral damage. It’s real good to see our hard earned tax payer dollars get to be spent cleaning up after this shit. He hasn’t even fought yet and already he’s broken the place up. All the money in that bank probably couldn’t even cover the damage he just caused.” “You think thats really batman under there?” “I dunno. I don’t think so. The batman was legendary. This guy….seems kinda new to this.” “Have anything on him?” “Not much. We do have some footage. Apparently he has superhuman speed. We had to slow the cameras down a lot to see him. Those insignias just started popping on the film.” “Interesting…” Firefly says.

    Firefly then says “So what are you guys gonna do? Sit back and watch.” “Pretty much. What else can we do? Shoot him? Everyone seems to be immune to bullets these days.” Firefly laughes. “A lot of people are scared of him.” Firefly comments. “Yeah. All everyone saw was him threatening us. Nobody knew why he was going off on us. People are making conspiracy theories. Some guys think he might be behind all this. Other people saw him beating up criminals the other day. He just took em all out in a few seconds. Whole shootout just done. Then he just said if he could get this done in a few seconds then why can’t we? Or something like that. I can’t remember. Well. I’m goddamn sorry we don’t have your high tech bat gear and super speed.”

    “Careful. He might hear you” Firefly chuckles. “Aren’t there a lot of crooked cops in GCPD?” “Some shit goes on. But not everyone is crooked. He’s taken it out on all of us.” “Heh.” “It kinda worked though, a lot of people knew and a lot of people went straight.” “Right.” Firefly says.

    “Well..” Firefly begins. “Let’s watch the show.”

  • Whatsyourface

    June 16, 2014 at 3:02 am in reply to: Let Us Begin

    Eric stood on the street in his police uniform. He looks down on the paper and shakes his head. “Kid his age shouldn’t be writing this kind of stuff….not healthy.” He threw his paper away in the tray. “Kids.” Eric walks in the street looking for trouble. He hears a thud in a dark alleyway. And some punches being thrown. He walks down into the alley. “HEY! HEY YOU” He sees two guys brawling outside a club. “Oh shit!” Both run. Eric shakes his head. He’ll let em go. They weren’t hurting anyone else but themselves.

    He sighes and walks back out the alley.

  • Whatsyourface

    June 16, 2014 at 1:10 am in reply to: Character creation

    1. Name: Kaiser

    2. Race: Prototype

    3. Role: Infected

    4. Appearance, gender and weight: Simply camoed pants, military boots, no shirt. Grown armored plates in the torso. All armor is an obsideian black, including most armor and thick flesh over his head. Weighes 1200 lbs at the start

    5, Abilities, equipment and skills: Standard prototype abilities, including consuming and shapeshifting. Very strong for his weight. Spider silk enforced muscles. Can produce webs. Claws. Tendrils and spikes from many parts of the body. Abilities progress with story. Agile. Fairly heat tolerant. Has naturally grown thick armor plates growing on body. They are black in color. Echolocation. Sonar. Thermal vision. Extremely enhanced hearing.

    6. Bio: Revealed through story, or reading his file.

    7: Morality/Alignment: Kaiser wishes to save himself and those he believes should be saved. And those he believes, should be killed, killed.

  • Whatsyourface

    June 16, 2014 at 12:56 am in reply to: The Inn

    Elliot was going to say something to Poseidon. But he hurried off to comfort his daughter. Elliot had no objection to this, and as he left, sat quietly to himself and sipped his rum.

  • Whatsyourface

    June 16, 2014 at 12:52 am in reply to: Life

    It is a peaceful day in the park and the sun is beginning to set. There are two men playing a game of chess. Both strangers, to one another. One is Kanji, old and fresh off work. In gardening clothes. The other is brown haired wealthy strapping young handsome man. They are chatting. And playing chess. “Tell me friend.” A man starts as Kanji makes his move. “Do you think of life, as a game? Kanji moved his pawn forward. “I believe, that life is a much a game as you make it.” Kanji replies to the young man. “Personally, I don’t think that not everyone has a choice in whether or not they’re a playing a game….” The man makes his move, a pawn taking one of Kanji rooks.

    “This is true.” Kanji says in his rough, aged but still firm and powerful voice. “Do you believe you are playing a game?” Kanji moves his pawn forward, to get taken out by a knight, only for the man’s knight to be taken out by another knight. “Perhaps.” Kanji moves his queen forward. They don’t say anything for a little. Then Kanji wins, taking the king. “That is checkmate friend.” “Well played.” The man stands. Kanji gets up.

    “It was avery good game. Something tells me, you are not simply here to play game.” Kanji says. “No, no I’m not. Truthfully. I’m here to bring you into another game. A game, of angels and devils.” Kanji raises an eyebrow. The man continues “who you are matters less then what one would think. This is a game with high stakes. Not just for you. But everyone around. It is already happening. All I’d like to know, is if you would to be able to participate.” The man looks at Kanji, who stares straightly at him. “I won’t lie. It is a dangerous game, and as result. People will be hurt. You are man who I am interested in giving a part. A part of your choosing.” He extends his hand “Perhaps you would not like to play their games.” Kanji looks into the man’s eyes, and see something, that is hardly human. “But the choice of what you will do with you power is yours, in this game. You can accept now, and take your part. Or I can leave. And never again bother you.” The man continues to stand. “The choice is yours, Kanji. As to whether or not you regret this choice, well. That is up to you.”

    Wind blows. A leaf pink petal flows from the cherry blossom tree as the man awaits Kanji’s answer….Kanji looks down, and shakes his head. Then takes the man’s hand. There is swirling of wind. Kanji shields his eyes and pulls away from the man, who will not let go. The gust vortex blows fast. A flash and boom is what Kanji sees and hears, before everything is black.

    Kanji awakes in his own home, on his mat. He walks out disoriented. Holding his head as he clears his long grey hair from his face. “Use your power wisely.” He hears in his head.

  • Whatsyourface

    June 15, 2014 at 9:17 am in reply to: Los Angeles

    Bradshaw had a few options as people began to retreat. He shot one HYdra and pierced it with a round. They loaded again and shoot another. He backed into the side of the building. “Everyone out. We’re getting back in. The tank is stationary as it mows down infected. Shooting hunters. Bradshaw got out and so did the rest of the men. He took out his XM and launches all 3 grenades from it. A juggernaut approaches. Lumbering.It takes a shot from the round. And gets knocked back as the round impales it. Then it keeps coming. Everyone abandons the tank and climbs the ladder as the tank is smashed and mauled by hunters and the juggernauts. A hunter grabs a marine climbing the ladder. And bites his head off. Bradshaw retreats to the roof. They get back inside. Bradshaw heads down the hallway and they step over bodies. “I’ll take point.”

    Bradshaw steps over bodies as the marines followed. “They fuckin’ got Johnson man…” A marine comments. “Come on. We have to kill these fuckers.” A marine comments. “Now you have the right attitude. Bradshaw says weaving through the halls. “This way.” He gets lunged by an infected and shoots him. More come and he fires as do the others. They lower their guns. “Let’s move.” Bradshaw says as he runs forward. They keep going. It is quiet for about a minute before Bradshaw hears footsteps. He gestures everyone to stop and listen. Everyone reloads. One person is out of ammo and pulls out a shotgun. Bradshaw looks to the corner and sees figures approaching.

    *Klch klch klch* Bradshaw is face to face with Suzi are her squad his narrowed aiming him XM right in Suzi’s face, between the eyes. The marines behind Bradshaw guns readied.

    -Green Zone-

    The greenzone is not a safe place for infected. New security measures are everywhere. Drones look to the rooftop and there is an increased presence of marines and blackwatch. They noted from previous incidents that runners, prototypes and powerful infected traveled openly often on rooftops. Pressures were on every time only in bases. Super soldiers were everywhere on the streets, seemingly around every corner with high tech detection gear. It’s very difficult for an infected who weighs more than a normal human to be here.

    People see the infected and it lunges a person. Biting into a woman. The woman screams as blood leaks from her. People scatter and there are gunshots as the infected is shot on sight. People scream and panic. Running away as the infected tears into the womans throat. Her body going still.

    Marines and Blackwatch look at the roof as one person points to where it came from. Drones begin scanning the area. They look for high heat sources and Dustin is glowing brightly as their Cameras lock on him. Him being the only person on that rooftop, combined with his high heat, make him easy to single out. An alarm sounds as the drones follow Dustin. Super soldiers jump to the alarm as they hear it. “Tango sited! Take him out!” On rooftops near by soldiers take positions and aim launchers at Dustin. A Super soldier gets into an offensive stance. And begins to lunge Dustin ready to grab him. Helicopters are already on the way.

  • Whatsyourface

    June 15, 2014 at 8:31 am in reply to: |Metropolis|

    SR was in an alley and a little boy of about 7 years wanders from his mother. He hears noise in the alley. It is dark as power has not yet been restored and many electronics were fried because of the EMP. The boy wandered deep into the alley until he saw SR. He paused and looked at SR. SR was setting a dumpster and trash floated over into it. He paused and looked at the boy and he stood straight up. The shadow of the eight foot tall behemoth going over the boy.

    “Are you the garbage man?” The boy asks looking looking at SR. SR replies with a stare. He doesn’t have an answer. “Your big.” The boy comments. SR made people look tiny, he was eight feet tall and generally….huge compared to any human. SR’s fist and forearm alone seems almost larger than the kid himself. SR stoops over now all 4s. “Your like a gorilla man! Where are your hands? Can you talk?” SR slowly shakes his head at this….this little mysterious creature. SR had never seen anything like it. “Sit down right here.” He scampers off and SR sits upon his command, leaning forward on his knees. Waiting.

    The kid yells out. “Come on!” SR gets up and walks to the child. A woman comes as SR comes closer to the light outside the alley. “What is it Tommy?” SR steps out the alley and looks down on the woman. She freezes. She then says to the boy, her son. “Tommy. Tommy come here. G-Get away…come here Tommy…” “Mom why are you scared? Its ok.” The boy says naively. He turns back to SR. “Come here. Take my hand.” SR walks towards the boy.

    “What the hell is that thing?” “Oh shit” “I think its a monster.” People are very unsure of what SR is actually. “Is that man in armor?” SR reaches for the boys hand and the mother snatches him away from SR, instinctively. She backs away and SR walks forward extending his arm. People generally back away. It does not occur once to anyone to try to do anything that would seem to provoke this thing. Most just stand by and watch. SR keeps walking for a moment and stops. He looks up. A jet is overhead.

    Nemaz’s jet screeches over the city. He has helmet off and a rather stiff facial expression. He tilts the jet as it screeches by. SR looks up at it, thinking it a drone or hostile. His claws eject out as he gets in a defensive stance, instinctively. Everyone down below looks like ant to Nemaz. He’d received the message from Cassandra, and wanted to see if it’s true. He saw people already returning here. “Hm…” Nemaz says to himself. His face does changes as he looks about metropolis. The cleared. wastelandish empty city. Like an empty cup filling. His jet screeches through the sky and ascends. Disappearing from sight as quickly and briefly as it appeared as Nemaz continues to fly North West.

    SR looks down, and people are petrified. Looking at his dully colored grey claws. Nobody says anything. People back away slowly. SR stares at them for a very long time. Then takes a step forward and reaches. “GET AWAY!” The woman shouts. SR turns around and walks off without much hesitation. Then jumps off much to the surprise of the people nearly a mile away as people gasp. The woman puts Tommy down. She stoops down to him holding his precious cheeks looking down towards his face. “Tommy are you ok?” “Yes mommy I’m fine he didn’t do anything.” “Stay. Away from it.” “But Mommy-” “Stay. Away.” Tommy hears her tone, the darkness and seriousness of it. And he only nods in reply and never spoke a word of it again, as he looked off to the direction SR jumped.

    SR leaped over two miles away. Having very fine control of how much of his strength he uses. In midair he runs along the walls of a building and lands with a thud rolling on his back trying not to damage the concrete as he moves most of his momentum horizontally. SR looks back towards where everyone is and then looks forward. He continues to clean the area as his fog flies around picking up things. He sees traffic cars in the the street. And starts moving them aside so as to clear the street. Shoving them to the side of the road to clear the way.

  • Whatsyourface

    June 14, 2014 at 7:25 pm in reply to: |Metropolis|

    SR heard and understood the command, and the fog flew off as SR continued setting things in the city. Mostly picking up large objects. It reappears in Cassandra’s basement about a minute later and a toolbox floats up. The fog a few minutes later floats over to Cassandra in the office building and drops the toolbox. Then it flies back over towards SR.

  • Whatsyourface

    June 14, 2014 at 6:18 am in reply to: Rules

    Yes. I will agree to these rules

  • Whatsyourface

    June 14, 2014 at 6:05 am in reply to: Bios

    Name: Kanji Namoto

    Age: 55

    Gender: Male

    Personality: Quiet. Philosophical. Observant. Calm. Eli comes across as very stern and cold. When he is not. He can be nice. He is very pragmatic and efficient in combat. Sometimes, appears ruthless and unfeeling. He has an affinity for gardening.

    Appearance: Kanji is a 5 ft 11. Normal height Japanese American man. He has long free neat straight grey hair. Clothing varies. Middle build. Similar to the that if a young man….

    Crime fighter or game player: Crime fighter


    Air manipulation: Can direct air currents for various uses likes jumps. Recovery. Propulsion. Can channel air with weapons. Can make small vortexes and temporary vaccums. Can shift air with great force.

    Electricity manipulation: Can channel electricity and hold vast amounts of it within himself, as well absorb it. Can control his own conductivity. Water is not harmful to him. Many things take more power than others. Can channel through conductive objects and weapons to melt them, heat them up, conduct or make them vibrate.

    Angel or devil: Angel

    Weapons: Katanas, meteor hammer, flying guillotine, throwing knives, chain and sickle, his bare hands and body, Kyoketsu-shoge, Bo staff, Eskrima sticks, A CZ75 pistol

    Location: Lives in a feudal Japanese home off in a beautiful garden, with a cherry blossom tree, off to itself in a certain region of a local park. The garden in itself is large and anyone can walk around it. The hut is off to itself and does not seem like a place to be approached, as it is at the edge of the garden. It has a rosebush grown around it away from the garden.

  • Whatsyourface

    June 14, 2014 at 5:23 am in reply to: |Metropolis|

    SR hears her even from this distance away. He walks over to the rooftop and jumps cracking the ground from simply leaping as hard as he did. He is a momentary blur before he lands in the street. The ground shakes as he shatters it upon his landing. SR walked away from the broken ground stepping over the rubble, he caused and then turned back.

    He stared at the ground behind him, as if he was expecting something. He stands there for a solid 10 seconds, before he walks over and looks at the ground where he landed. It then occurred to SR that the ground here does not heal, as he is normally accustomed. He walks away from the crater upon this realization as the fog reassembles the ground, rocks and dust floating and reforming imperfectly, the best as SR could.

    The fog flies around almost independently. Sweeping up glass easily making small tornados setting in piles. SR takes near by signs and tilts them straight. He takes signs laying down and spears them in the ground where they once were. Debris and trash is swept up by the fog as it floats about. SR notices trashcans are about. And he realizes their purpose apparently is to actually put unwanted things in them it seems. SR puts broken glass and trash in these small cylindrical devices apparently people used to dispose of unwanted items. He uses the fog to reassemble brick, stacking them back into walls and other things. While he generally lifts heavier objects himself to assemble them best as he could. However. SR was not capable of welding things together. However, anything that he could simply stack or lift back into place.

    SR walks over to a building and there is a giant globe sitting in front of it. It read “daily planet” across on it. SR looked at the globe from the bottom and apparently it belonged at the top of this building. It had to get up there somehow. SR was going to learn something today. That the softness of this environment would his bane.

    SR grabbed the globe sticking it to his hands, holding it in a manner similar to hugging. It creeks as his picks it up *Crack* As SR begins to picks to pick it up. The ground cracks *Crack* the cracks get larger and propagate as SR picks it up off the ground.

    *Crack* *CRASH* SR puts the giant globe down and looks at his feet. SR has his too feet buried in the ground. He steps out of the two holes in the ground he made. Apparently, the ground is too soft. No matter how strong SR is, the ground below him will give as he tries to pick up the globe. Him picking it up, will drive him down into it. This will probably cause more damage to trying to get up to the area. He opts to leave the area the fog following him and go repair other things. Obviously. He has to get very accustomed to this new planet. For there are many differences of this planet from his own.

  • Whatsyourface

    June 13, 2014 at 7:17 am in reply to: |Metropolis|

    SR in response to her question. Merely looks down. And then back up at her. He watched and stood idly as she made her announcement. So far. SR understood of what she said concerning the speech. However, SR was incapable of interpreting her facial expressions. He wasn’t good at it as he never needed to learn what these facial expressions meant. Cassandra was somewhat of a curiosity. He never interacted much with those who mastered him before. She did so many strange foreign gestures and SR noticed her eyes changing as she felt differently. SR was very slowly, but surely beginning to recognize human emotion….

    However, right now. As Cassandra poses that last question, SR tilts his head out of curiosity. He lacks a face of a classical sort and is more or a brain and eyes in a self contained reinforced helmet like container for a head. However, he instinctively it seems has thought of another way to convey emotion. And subconsciously fog formed above his head, a 3 dimension question mark. It was grey and solid as it hovered over SR’s head. As if this was some sort of comic book or a cartoon. The question mark hovers there for a few seconds and then disappears as now SR watches Cassandra. Waiting for her to say something else, or issue an order.

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