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“Take ya’ll? Out in public? At least this school pretty empty. Ya’ll try that shit out there and people can get hurt….or we can hurt….sheeeeet. If we do go out, I don’t really wanna be out with them two for too long a time. Any one of them is fine though. Baylet and I are pretty cool. Takra don’t exactly like me, but he don’t start gettin’ mad just cause I’m there.”
As Baylet spoke, Jerrel looked at her and chuckled. Then he said. “Baylet….gurl, for one thing. You like a teenager. Ain’t nobody fittin’ sell you no alcohol…..legally. And the other thing is I’m pretty sure they ain’t gonna take human souls as money.”
Jerrel did not hesitate to call Takra out on when he stated he doesn’t recall hurting Miwa. “Uh. Yeah you did brah. You knocked her out when you went full demon and I had to pick her up and bring her to my room cause of yo ass.” Jerrel didn’t really think Miwa wanted to say that, though he could tell from her shifting and uncomfortable that she didn’t want to tell him.
“You do gotta learn how to control yourself or come to some kinda mutual agreement, cause you well. Can’t control yo own body. Soon as you get mad, fox come out…” Jerrel couldn’t really ever understand what it was like to have something inside of him, controlling his body. But that doesn’t mean that he wanted Takra to submit to something that could possibly be fought.
Jerrel noticed himself floating and the air he lays on turns to ice as it falls to the ground and shatters….perhaps this is a time to lighten up the place. Jerrel gets up. “Huh, looks like I got the ability to freeze da air too… I guess you can say that power is…”
Jerrel seems to put an imaginary set sunglasses. “…pretty cool.” Jerrel stood there….seeming to wait for somebody to do something. For someone to get that reference and then perhaps say what comes after.
“Yes…Sister.” Strife said begrudgingly. Then she disappeared, to Strife’s relief. Now that she is gone, Strife began to contemplate what to do in his own pocket area alone. Most of his time was spent here. Building the place and making or gathering the materials for this place. Other parts of the mansion he hardly went to, as he saw no need. Certainly no need to go outside either. But, as at home, as Strife felt in this lab he basically lived in, he was tired of seeing it and wanted to see more than simply this. Perhaps earth was a planet for the sheep, whom Strife questioned the existence of. But, the planet was a large and varied one….
Strife took his ring off and left it there in his lab. He decided to go over to earth sooner than he’d originally planned. Not for purposes of the apocalypse. Simply to explore it and walk about it. Strife ceased floating as he walked around, to the portal. And then jumped into the water portal as if diving ,and ended up plunging into the murky, sunbathed water of an dense uninhabited forest of Cameroon. Then swam up to the top of the river and climbed out into a few trees as he jumped down. Perhaps the human were sheep. But Strife at least wanted to know why. Perhaps some of them held answers. Sheep as they were, they were clever creatures. Strife was simply, annoyed with how “sheepish” they were. And generally had a pessimistic opinion of the race in general.
“Well…” Jerrel said. He did agree with some of what Godal said. He started to cool down and think. As the air around him literally got colder. “I guess we do gotta learn how to work together. But smackin’ us around just for sayin’ shit ain’t gonna work..” He sighes and crosses his arms. “And well. We can’t work together all the time. But we can benefit one another sometimes. Not like we can all do everything. And yeah there is a gap in powers. Different stuff everyone can do. And maybe stuff that don’t entail fighting. Like solvin’ problems.”
Jerrel thinks. “And ain’t nobody here superman. Far as I can tell. Can’t nobody here learn anything whenever they want, move 871,000,000 miles per hour, bench press septillions of tons (a really big damn number) or shoot beams hotter than the sun. I wouldn’t take Takra or Baylet with me on a hostage situation. But really, we should all be learnin’ to work with each other at one point and know how to work alone too. And try and keep Baylet and Takra from tearin’ eachother apart. Takra just got smacked across the gym so I can hit him without breakin’ every bone in his body. Baylet can just heal from a lotta damage I deal out. But…”
Jerrel says floats “I don’t really have super strength or much durability. I just move the air to make a forcefield or make my punches stronger. Though I can get put through a wall and be fine…but I know an attack coming to block it”
Jerrel then comments about Takra and Miwa “Ya’ll two can be seperated from eachother. You at least gotta know how to function independent of one another…” Jerrel lays down on a dense cloud of air and just floats around for apparently no reason without realizing it.
Jerrel propelled himself forward a blur, like a jet. And then came to a stop as he seemed to push on a wall of air and his sneakers squeaked as the slide across the ground as the pair left.
“HEY!!” He yelled at Godal. “That shit just wasn’t right. You keep askin’ us to respect you just ’cause you powerful. But you actin’ like a real dick man. How you gonna keep disrespectin’ us like this and then expect us to go and respect you? I been goin’ along with watchu been saying but just cause you more fuckin’ powerful than us doesn’t mean you right. And if what you really want is for alla us to become heroes and go on to do amazin’ things then you can’t keep fuckin’ expectin’ us to metaphorically bend the fuck over fo yo ass every time we don’t agree with you.”
Jerrel crossed his arms. “We bend over for you now, then what we gonna do if we we encounter something that really is powerful? Fuckin get beat down and take it’s bullshit? Naw. I’m not gonna bend over for that thing and it don’t matter how much it or you smack me around.” Jerrel looked him right in the eyes with a fire in it. As he concretely and unyieldingly believed in every word he spoke.
“I ain’t respectin’ it, or you. You should learn that you ain’t always right, G. Can’t expect us to not question you just cause you bigger and badder than us. You trying to raise us to be a flock of bitches and I ain’t blamin’ nobody who question you when you say some questionable or just plain wrong shit. Someone disagree and you hit him? Sound like you nothin’ mo than a bully with his head so far up ass that he can’t take bein’ wrong. Just that you a bully more powerful than alla us combined and you make your word law only because you more powerful than us. But bein’ more powerful don’t make you more right…” his eyes narrowed as he looked dead at Godal.
“Nuh uh.” Jerrel shook his head. And then looked to see what Baylet and Takra’s reaction would be. Especially with them both having to work together. Awwwww shit son….
As Fenris was in the air, it noticed the woman moving at supersonic speeds. The mini gun tracking her speed, but not firing. As it began to touch the field, it’s hind legs hit the ground first, as 15 feet was not big enough to entirely envelop Fenris. It was repelled back along the ground and dragged back. Then stamped down to bring it to a rather abrupt halt, as it walked forward away from the lava. It raised it’s bladed tail as it saw her there. It extended and brought it down with enough force for it to cleave into and through a mountain, even though Fenris’ tail in truth would just cut one by being in contact with it. The goal of this attack wasn’t really to hit her. More to make her move.
If this attack were to actually hit, it is expected that if it didn’t cleave her in two, it would drive it into a hole in the ground like a nail and put her roughly 15 feet underground. If she moved, even at super sonic speeds, the mini guns on it’s shoulders and hind legs would be moving, tracking her, prepared to fire.
Seth sat on the ship, starting to loose a bit of his hard earned physique. This was no way to really live, and it was hard sitting here. From inside this room. He hardly knew a thing about what was going on. Though he did sneak out, every now and again once they were at port. However Seth did contemplate his thoughts however. He wondered if he actually could do anything for Silver, but he didn’t want to just let her rot in a prison. He hated problems that couldn’t just be solved by his physical strength, and he knew that Silver would be either heartfelt, furious or a combination of both if she actually found out that he still followed her irregardless of what she said.
But, if she really felt that she deserved to be punished, what could he do? He could not give her penance….he himself did not see what she did. However, at the same time, Seth could hardly allow his shipmate who he spent months with, just rot in there, when he had the raw power to free her. He saw Silver as his sister and Tatakami as simply as his highly regarded Captain. And he was determined to re-united with them all.
When silver returned to the ship, he listened, and heard that she would be given a room. Only one week left. Seth smirked that same smirk he had at the very beginning of this long journey that had started months ago.
“Nnnnnnope.” Jerrel commented. I’m just fittna go wit da flow….
Fenris looked as it saw what it identified as another demonic entity approaching it. Then suddenly it felt heavier as the entity uttered an enchantment and suddenly gravity increased. Causing Fenris to be heavier. This did not seem to do much to Fenris itself, besides cause the ground beneath it to noticeably buckle. Even it’s organs were capable of working fine. It’s strength made it able to withstand much higher levels of gravity than most any organism could, though it would slow it down. It’s attention turned to the “elf” that spoke to it. “Your statement has been acknowledged.” Fenris said loudly and monotone, without any actual movement of it’s mouth. It was…difficult to ascertain the meaning of what it actually meant. “Seems our pups killed the mood.” “Indeed.” “I hope you have my money ready.” “It isn’t yours until the battle is over.”
Suddenly it felt a shift as a structured erupted from the ground. Fenris hopped 100 feet in the air, away from the wolf creature and grew lighter as it left it’s gravity field. It landed and shook the ground from it’s weight as it did. The battlefield has been split, and it would seem Fenris has a new opponent. “How about another bet? I’ll bet that wolf thing will take out the Fenris.” “Hmm….not quite sure what it does yet. But I was not exactly sure about what they could do either. So why not? Let’s see how this show goes…”
Fenris observed it’s opponent. Deciding for a moment on it’s next possible course of action, and circled the demonic thing. Like how a predator a predator circles it’s prey.
Name: Erol “Jackal” Hanson
Species: Human
Age: 19
Physical description:
Jackal is roughly 5 ft 10, 158 pound male with who wears hoodie, cargo pants, a light bag, sneakers, fingerless gloves and sports a fully painted face. Sometimes carries visible weapons, such as a spiked club or mace.
Very tired eyes…. Personality: For a human being, Jackal lacks much “humanity.” He is very ruthless and sometimes outright sadistic to both demons and his own kind at times. Though he can like anyone, and shows a surprising amount of kindness to some demons, he shows little remorse for people who he doesn’t like. He often does not hestitate to kill Clerics and hunters if it will benefit him. His at time psychopathic nature is complimented with a large amount of savvy. He is very very “gifted” mentally and has a great many skills. He is clever, pragmatic and often unorthodox in his tactics. For a “normal” human being, he does not seem to hold much fear in the supernatural, but will run from it if it is too great a threat for him to face head on. He does not seem to affected much by pain. In fact he seems to revel in it. Enjoy it.
Background: Jackal was a hoodlum in his days in the city, and raised in a rather broken home he seldom speaks of. He seemed to constantly “vandalize” the city, spray painting messages over areas. Often goading people on, telling them to stop being “Sheep.” After some time he was caught. And threatened with exile promptly. Jackal willingly left and was actually found to have, before he left, killed at least 20 people. One of them a rich official. The others were sick people he “put out of their misery.” Jackal has lived outside the city for four years and if he is to ever be found to return to a city and identified, he may be put on trial and executed.
He resides in an abandoned, military base in a town, rigged with traps.
Jerrel flailed for a moment and shot up from his seat as Godal whistled. “Huh? What? Groups?…..Oh yeah…I forgot we was doin’ shit.” Right….he wanted us to….facilitate our learnin’….but that wasn’t workin’ out so well. Jerrel jumps from the bleachers and lands near Godal. Then crosses his arms and waits for everyone else.
Kal listened to what Jet spoke of the girl, and then replied to Jet’s comment of it’s restraint. “I was not trained to destroy all targets. Civilian casualties were unacceptable. As such, I wad taught to be able to control my lethality when necessary. I was also not always used as a weapon directly, sometimes, a tool. I did not kill you, because you were viewed as no threat to me.” Kal blinked at the part that he said children were benevolent.
“All children are benevolent?” Kal asked for confirmation.
Jerrel starts snoring loudly in the bleachers as he falls asleep due to boredom and the lack of things to do.
Input command> LEAVE room and enter purple door to see what is behind them.