The Basics

Display Name

Kai Yuusuke



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New Friends, Roleplaying


Kai Kivatsugardemon Yuusuke


He was born from the shadows as then, someone shows Kai the way of light that fills him with all sorts of emotions as he takes form of a male human.


He is 6 foot tall with a light skin and sports a short dark hair with red streaks. His eyes is bright red and usually wears a collar on his neck. His usual clothing is black t-shirt as the inner and a red short sleeve shirt as the outer. Wears dark blue jeans and black sneakers.


Kai’s main abilities is fire element and his weapon is the Zanvat Sword as he have been blessed by the Kivat Family of their abilities. Due to his origin, he have a lot of form changes as he could adapt himself to any situation he’s in although there is time where he needs time to train and master the forms he gets.

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