Location |
Skyrieverse / GrandSugarClan Empire / Nekomatalandia / RawSugar Studios
Biography |
Riku-zo and Kai-zo
Members of the SatouUltharian Branch, the Ultharyst Nekomancers Unit, and Sato Demone branch within the GrandSugarClan
Band: Trichronika
Twins BirthDate: Oct. 9
Parents: Daniel Crow and Cindy Cyan
Older brother: Shu-zo
Adoptive younger brother: Sleepy Ash Kuro
Race: beautiful blend of several GrandSugarClan family member races but predominantly Human/Neko/Shinigami/Demon/
Riku-zo’s info:
Fullname: Riku-zo LeChatHijirikawa OkumuraSakataRokudo
StageName/Nickname: Riku
Younger of the twins
Eye Color: teal / Hair Color: blue/black
Instrument: Bass
Personality: Caring, shy, hardworking
Kai-zo’s info:
Fullname: Kai-zo LeChatHijirikawa OkumuraSakataRokudo
Stagename/Nickname: Kai
Older of the twins
Eye color: emerald and blue / Hair color: blue/black
Instrument: Drums
Personality: superiority complex, excitable and energetic
//Admin note: No messages or chats please! And we aren’t looking for mates or lovers. Thank you