Randomness On 2 Legs
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“And you’re sure? Nothing at all?” Aryemis asked.
“Shape shifting.” Artemis said “And when you got that power, did you happen to notice any sort of strange markings etched into your skin?” He asked.
“Thank you.” Artemis said with a nod of the head and out then in his bag. “But might ask, now this may seem like a weird question, but since arriving have you noticed anything… unusual about yourself? I mean like have you gained any sort of power?”
“If you don’t have anything to share it’s quite alright. I’ll be on my way if you want.” Artemis said and followed the girl.
Artemis sheathed his dagger. “Don’t worry, I’m just here to find supplies.” He said and held up his hands.
“Well for one, you can’t clobber somebody with a knife. And two, with the few people that are actually on this island, it would be a waste to just go around killing people.” Artemis said and closed the door behind him.
Artemis stepped in and scanned the area. “Who’s in here? Show yourself.” He said rather loud.
“Shit. Alarms.” Artemis said and unsheathed his dagger as he walked inside “Somebody’s already in here.”
Artemis slowed down and turned back into a human as he approached the church. He pushed open on of the large wooden doors and took a step in, quickly scanning the place.
As Artemis walked through the forest like area, he spotted what looked to be an old church in the distance. “Eh, seems lootable.” He said and turned into a wolf. He took off running towards the church.
Artemis looked around as the voices began to grow louder. Suddenly, a harpy like creature sprang from the darkness lunging Artemis. Quickly he sidestepped and drew a small, crude dagger, that was made out of stone, and sliced at the creature. It was already heavily injured, as it’s wing was curled up and bloody. He sliced through its stomach and jumped back as it fell to the ground with a thump and a loud screech. He shivered as it breathed it’s last, and fell silent. Slowly he approached it and knelt down beside it.
“Man I hate doing this.” He said to himself and held the knife up to its chest area. Quickly he stabbed into it and cut open its chest. He stuck his hands in the warm innards and pulled out it’s heart. “Here goes.” He said and bit into it. Slowly his body started to contort, and twist into the shape of the creature. Slowly, he stopped transforming and turned back into his normal form. He wiped his mouth clean of blood, pulled a few of its feathers and put them in his bag, and carried on.
Artemis put up the rough sketches and looked around. After searching for a few minutes he found nothing that held his interest. Artemis turned and started to walk through the forest when he heard faint voices from somewhere.
Artemis hopped down from the pillar and turned back into his human form. “Huh… same markings as before…” he said himself as he pulled out a small piece of parchment and charcoal from a small leather knapsack he was carrying. “I wonder if they mean anything…” Artemis said and held up his arm, which had the same blue writing, burned into his skin, as was on the pillar.
Artemis stalked along the tree line of the island. A few days had passed (I don’t know if that much time has actually passed or not but I’m just gonna go with this) since the plane had crashed. He had always seen these kind of scenarios on those survival shows you would find on the Discovery Channel, but he had never thought he would have to live it out. As he silently walked along the branches, he took a leap of faith, shifting into a hawk about halfway through the fall and landed on a rather large stone pillar.
Name: Artemis Moonglow
Age: 17
Power: (not sure if taken but I’m to lazy to look) Shape Shifting
Appearance: 5’9″ with a fit build. Not to muscular but enough to hold his ground in a fight. Pale, ginger coloured hair, and deep blue eyes. Wears grey cargo pants with a black v neck shirt and a worn out pair of converse. He also wears this jacket.
Backstory: (again, to lazy to do something so ya know… *insert Backstory here*)
Personality: He’s stays quiet for the most part and only really talks when he’s putting two bits in. Besides that, if you gain his trust he will follow you into battle. Metaphorically anyways.
Extra: Loves food.
Extra: Straight
Extra: May or may not be a slight pervert *insert Lenny face here*.