The Basics

Display Name

Azriela *OnyxArcannaSugarFang* OkumuraSakata De'Law



My Information






Skyrie, The New World

Interested In

New Friends, Roleplaying, Gaming


Full Name: Azriela Mayer Kuroi OkumuraSakata-Law

Nickname: Real

Race: Proxy [Alien/Angel Hybrid]

Birthday: April 22

Occupation: Citizen Intelligence Bureau inspector [Former]

Grand Father: Donov Meyer [Deceased]

Father: Gintoki-Lucifer Sakata [SugarDemon]

Mother: Helena Yuriko OkumuraSakata [SugarDemon]

Real Siblings: Her twin sister Stella Rae Kuroi OkumuraSakata

Partner/Husband: Vincent Law

Son: Vince Jr. Mayer Law

Adopted Daughters: Pino and Ina’nis

Allegiance: GrandSugarClan 

Clan Name: OnyxArcannaSugarFang

About: Re-l appears as a detached, cold, insensitive and almost apathetic girl; as every Romdeau citizen has been trained since childhood to a rigid emotional control system to maintain impassivity, but in fact the meeting with the proxy has marked her more than she would like to show, so much so that the only occasions where you see her in tears are in the memory of that event. She behaves with others feigning disinterest and superiority, fact perhaps derived from her social position as the granddaughter of the Regent although she does not like to be called “excellence”. Upon being exiled from the city, in an attempt to clear Vincent from all his accused charges,  she finds them and in turn joins them in their search for answers and in the midst of the journey she was separated from them.

Arriving In Skyrie:  

She woke up in the fields of a land which had seen much bloodshed and it was here that her story really began. She was injured when she woke up due being outside the barrier’s protection in Romdeau City and now she was in a vast world known as Skyrie. She had ended up here due to her proxy powers activating on her disruptive effects of being thrown out of the city’s barrier and being out for so long had affected her body. She was saved by a girl named Stella and then taken to a medical center to be treated by a girl named Akane who she would much later on come to find out was Stella’s sister but she would find out herself that she was really Stella’s twin sister. She would then go on to meet with her mother and father and meeting her mother and connecting with her caused the proxy to regain her own sealed memories. It was here that she would remain in skyrieverse with her newfound family in the GrandSugarClan Empire.

After A time passed: She would bond with Vincent realizing he was her proxy soulmate and the both fell deeply in love and in being together they would adopt Pino as their own daughter. They met with an autoreiv child known to be the failed clone of Vincent codenamed “Vince” that they would take with them and later take as their son. A time later the lovers went on to meet a half demon orphan named Ina’nis who would come to stay with them and later join their family as their daughter. They all live happy together in the safety of the skyrie universe.