The Basics

Display Name

Sugar {TinySnowFairy}



Date of Birth

February 14, 1996

My Information






Skyrie Universe

Interested In

New Friends, Roleplaying, Gaming


Name: Sugar Faery

Race: Fairy

Age: 9 [In human years]

Season: Snow

Hair Color: Pink

Eye Color: Blue

Instrument: Flute/Piccolo

Allegiance: Loyal friend of the GrandSugarClan


Sugar is a snow fairy apprentice working to learn how to be a full fledged season fairy. She gets sent to the human world for the final part of her training which requires her to find a so called “Twinkle”. Sugar acts much like a child with a clumsy nature who often tries her best at things and she loves to kiss anyone that she is close to or is fond of on the cheeks or forehead when she is happy. She treasures each one of the friends she makes by giving them snow art trinkets she makes from jades or crystals materials she finds or is given as gifts.


[[More will be added in soon but for now here are the basics thanks! I HAVE EVERYONE I WANT TO RP WITH THANK YOU]]