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Austin “Tin Tin” Johns
Powers or abilities:
At a young age, her body took to a strange mutation by some unknown variable, which caused her hands and forearms to suddenly grow in size, and shift from flesh to near-indestructible stone, as well as a lost of a digit in each hand. The mutation also gave her enhanced strength, considerable amounts of durability, and high stamina.
When she she was around eight to nine years old, Austin’s mutation somewhere during the night, and by morning, it was done by the time she woke up that morning. Seeing this, she panicked, and tried to get help from her parents. Instead of being sent to some specialists, and her parents being that type who care more about appearance than their suddenly mutated child, sent her off to go live with a distant relative to live in isolation until it ‘wore off’. Many years later, she ran away, and decided to try and find some social interaction. Kinda hard too when your hands are practically wrecking balls, though.
Name: Bloomer Hellion
Nicknames: ‘Bloom‘ or ‘Cry Baby‘
Race: Demon
Age: 16
Personality Traits: + nice, passionate, hard-working. – typically lazy, easily upset, throws bad tantrums.Clothing Item: Frilly bloomers
Weapon: Studded paddleAnything else we may need to know?:
- She has a little Lion-like companion named Gag.
- Hates being late for anything
Name: Glü
Species of Pokémon: Scrafty
Gender: Female
Appearance: Wears a red bandanna on upper right arm.
Move Set: High Jump Kick / Brick Break / Crunch / Thunder Punch (by breeding)
Were You a Pokémon Before Mew Brought You? Y/N?: Yes
Any Defining Features: N/A -
Tweek yawned, finally waking up from her ‘nap’… Or, at least she thought she had taken a nap. The scarf-wearing Rotom could hear a strange buzzing sound— in her ear? Around her? Kind of like electricity buzzing, mostly.
“Aahhwwwwn— what the…?” That was odd, she heard talking, but there was no other person here except other Pokémon. She then noticed something… different, as in; as she was getting up, she could not feel her legs. Or see them, for a fact.
And then, she realized another fact; the people talking were the Pokémon.
“Wh-wha-what?!” She was starting to freak out, pale, blue plasma sparks jumping from her form.
Name: Tweek
Species of Pokémon: Rotom
Gender: Generally genderless, but is considered female.
Appearance: Looks exactly like any Rotom you would see, but wears a long, vivid green scarf around her ‘neck’.
Moveset: Thunder Shock (This move changes when she possesses appliances) / Ominous Wind / Shadow Ball / Electro Ball
Were You a Pokémon Before Mew Brought You Y/N?: No.
Any Defining Features: Nothing but the scarf, bro.
[[i’m sorry, i’m just going to try and help ur poor luke c:>]]
It’s not every day that a person walks into a place and finds such a ghastly sight; a man bloody and looking damn-near dead.
And it sure wasn’t a sight Daeleon was accustomed to.The firekin’s colour seemed to drain from her face, and she was quick to put her shot gun aside so she could aid the unfortunate soul on the floor. Her first idea was to sit him up, but she didn’t know just how bad he felt at the moment, so that was a definite no-go. Daeleon settled for getting him clean instead, hopeful that it was as bad as it seems… A very slim hope, but it was hope, nonetheless.
“Sir…” The firekin says quietly, removing her jacket so she could begin the process to clean him up. So much blood… The coppery smell was revolting, but she’d had to tough it out so she could wipe away what she could from his skin and the floor.
“Sir… Sir, I’m here to help. Can you hear me?”
Trace chuckled quietly, looking over at the once proud alphas become nothing more than a bunch of potty-mouthed brats. It was always fun to see an alpha put in their place, a sick pleasure, to be put in her own words. And the woman? Kudos, was all the beta had to say, or at least mumble to herself.
It seems her booth had become empty again, as the other betas had somewhere to be, or wanted to go and sit up at the bar. She sighed heavily, drumminf the pads of her fingers on the table in boredom. Damn it, the boredom was beginning to sit in, and she didn’t feel like leaving just yet. -
Daeleon strode through the streets, gun held over her shoulder. Normally, it had been slung over her back, but some of the ‘Kins have become restless and, to put it lightly, violent. Even before she was able to get to the main part of the city, she’s had to deal with two or three of them.
The firekin whistled tunelessly to herself as she made her way peacefully down the way, waving at the passing people as though she were a normal human again. Of course, with a gun resting over your shoulder, you don’t really get any friendly looks, haha.Oh well.
[Uhm, excuse me, is there a good point to jump in here or should I wait?]
Name: Daeleon ‘Leon’ McHowels
Age: 92 (Was converted at 19)
Appearance: Leon is a teen who stands at 5’9″, and weighs 208 lbs. She has red-brown hair , which is curly, fluffy, pretty wild, and stops just at her jawline. She has many freckles on her face, most of them around her cheeks, and she has noticeable bags under her eyes. She also lost her left incisor, so there is a gap.
She wears a simple black T-shirt and black jeans that tend to hang low around her hips. She wears tan work boots. She wears a pair of goggles, but she either lets them hand around her neck or uses them like a headband to keep her bangs out of her eyes, and wears black racing gloves almost all of the time.Species: Firekin
Affinity: Leon appreciates a good tussle. She also loves a good tune, and any sort of chocolate-y delight. She also loves children.
She also likes people who do not piss her off to her extent, because she becomes hella scary at this point.Powers/Weaknesses: Aside from regular shooting fire out of anywhere, Leon has become somewhat aware of just how powerful she might be:
Volcanic Conjuring: She can make a mini-volcano for emergencies, and cool it down on a whim in case she needs a shield for herself or others. This takes a lot out of her, and hurts her depending on how big she makes the volcano.
Shooting Stars: Using a double-barrel shot gun, she can hone her energy in it and shoot out fire balls. The hot balls of energy look somewhat like stars. -
Name: Claude T. Percival
Age: 19
Gender: ♀
Species: The fabled Jackalope
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Appearance: 168 cm, 64 kg. Claude’s fur is almost snowy-white, with an unnoticeable pink-and-blue tinge to it, and her eyes are a pale pink colour. Her ears are the kind that tend to stay up, and the insides of them are a bright green. Her horns are black, and sprout from her head at least a foot or so. The pawpads on her feet are bright green, as well as her tongue and the claws on her feet. Her hair is styled in a stylized bob hair-cut.The clothes she usually wears consist of a slip on hoodie and baby blue gym shorts with white trim. At other times, she wears any sweater-like shirt with a repetitive pattern (most often with stars) with a blue button-up underneath, and no pants (the shirt covers her well to not require any). She does not wear shoes, but when she does, they are a custom pair of baby blue DCs with white stars on the tongue of the shoes. She often wears a baby blue bow in her hair, which also has a white star on it.
Personality: She is almost a true lolita at heart. Claude is a caring, sweet, childish jackalope, who enjoys skme excercise when she feels like it… Which is almost never, but she will go out for a short jog around the park or something.
She is almost always curious about anything, and can be easily misguided without her catching onto it. That is to say, she is not a complete idiot, either. She is of average intelligence, and people find themselves surprised when she can tell them the entire formula for photosynthesis without having to think about it. She is easily offended over some things, like how she dresses or how odd her appearance is. How would you like it if people yanked on your horns just to make sure they were real?
Like(s): Candy, stuffed animals, cute animals, sleeping, eating unhealthy food, sweets, carrots, meat, playing with hair.
Dislike(s): Scary people, being made fun of, her ears being touched, her horns being touched, her tail being touched.
Other important information:
-She pretty much latches onto the stronger member in the group.
-She tends to end people’s names with ‘-chan’. This is something she had picked up when she was little, and it stuck.
-She freaks out when you touch her in certain places (see ‘Dislike(s)’), and caused her to become anxious. -
Trace scoffed at what tid-bit she heard from the group, shaking her head in disappointment. Had she the body strength, or even the haughtiness, she’d give ’em a what for. Honestly, had no one any sort of shame? Or a sliver of conscience? Either or would probably help them in the long-run… The chance might be slim, though.
After a while, Trace’s little booth became occupied with other betas, and she soon began to make idle, quiet conversation. Mostly the news, the weather… Hey, how’s your parents? How’s your job going? That old rag.
“So, how’s the scholary work treating you?”
“Hm? Oh, coming along finely. A few months, give or take, I might be able to run a florist shop. Maybe become a teacher, and—… Oi, the smell of heat is killing me.” Trace huffed, taking a sip of her water. “And the phermone spray is even worse… No offense to anyone who hears.” -
Name: Equi’dr
Title: Slick
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Race: Alien – a Squtarean
Powers/Abilities?: Can climb on walls, jump about 10 to 15 feet from where she stands, and can use her tail(s) as a weapon.
Hero or Villain?: Hero
Appearance: 175 cm, 59 kg. She is very slender, with very slight curves. Her hair is an indigo color, and is styled to spike backwards, with her bangs split down the middle.Slick’s hero outfit is a black, full-body suit, and she bares her empire’s symbol on the left side of the chest. She wears a loose, leather belt, which has 3 smaller tool packs on it. She adorns a gold cirlet upon her head, along with a silver chain around her left ankle. She carries a tan satchel around with her, and is never seen without it.
Personality: Slick is somewhat of a bubbly-type, but retains her aggressive nature as all female Squtareans do. She loves competition, and when she gets competitive, you better believe that there’ll be some sort of injury during her rough play.Slick is also known to be a sort of cuddly-type. This goes unseen, however.
Bio: Slick is the heiress to the Squtarean throne. However, her role is currently with-held, as she travel to earth some time before her coronation. She has made her current home in a small, watery area near Jump City, where she collects data about earth via internet… An occasional thievery, which she is totally oblivious to this crime.
Likes: Bugs, cuddles, competition, video games, collecting data, shiny things.
Dislikes: Reptiles, spicy food, intruders, losing.
Affiliates: N/A
Other Info: She loves kids. She also likes to scare and trick people, sometimes using their emotions to do so. -
Trace shuffled slowly into the club, fixing the collar of her dress shirt as she tried to find a less crowded area to lounge about in. Honestly, she would not have been here at all; wasn’t her style, nor anywhere she would see herself being in. Unfortunately, it was her parents who made her come here, mostly in hopes she’d find someone to settle down with… Such a believable cover-up, did Trace not know that it was purely for the fact that they wanted her to stop her scholarly work. Oh well, she already spent the money, why not just hang around and make idle chit-chat?
Trace found a nice little booth in the corner and took her seat, ordering a small glass of water. She wasn’t too keen on any alcoholic beverages, never was, and never will be. So she just watched the hustle and bustle of the club, wondering if anyone might even notice the beta in the corner.Probably not, which is good on her part.
Planet Name: Squtarae
Government: An Empire
Ranks: Emperor/Empress, nobles, and common people.
Basic Appearance: Humanoid figures, and an amphibious-type species. Squtareans of all genders share horns, and a prehensile, slimy tail that splits into smaller tails (up to five). Squtareans also have hair. They are somewhat slimy and sticky, and all of them sometimes drip from their ears, tips of their tails, and elbows. Their ears are almost elf-like, but they protrude straight out from the sides of their head. Also, it is noted that their blood colour depends on their eye color. There are minor differences between the males and females.Males– A male Squtarean’s horns tend to be small compared to their females. Their skin color is an almost pastel/bright red color, and their tails tend to fade into a yellow color as it gets to the tip. They are also less aggressive than the females, but are stronger.
Females– Their horns are bigger than the male’s horns. Skin colors are often a pastel/bright aquamarine color, and their tails fade into a light purple color as it gets to the tip. They are aggressive, and are basically the dominant gender.
Reputation: Squtareans are known to be a strong, independent race. People also have come to recognize that they are a polite race, but their empire is a force to be reckoned with. Their empire has spread to mainly minor planets, who could not sustain their selves, and are mainly there to help them out. However, resistance is not very welcome to the Squtareans, and they will act aggressively and accordingly.
Strengths: Their slimy-bodies and tails, aquatic terrain
Weaknesses: Dry terrain, any sort of non-stick surface, high heat, any reptilian-like persons
More Important/Extra Info on you Species?:
– They secrete a mucus-like irritants on their skin.
– Their diet consists of mainly insects, but they will gladly eat whatever is given.
– They are currently being ruled under an emperor.
– Squtareans have the ability to switch their genders for reproductive reasons. However, their skin colours do not change, as they switch back once the reproduction process is finished.