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Hey Kaz, I started this group, not Nero, get cho facts straight boi
“I’m fine, it’s gone.” He pushes her arm away
“What?” He looks over at Fallen
“OK…..” He isn’t sure what’s going on, but follOws Fallen anyways
He nods. “OK. But what do we do with the other guy?” He gestures over to the other guy who was still sleeping, and was covered in dirt and mud
“What is it?” He sighs before asking
“Jesus!” Blaze jolts up, breathing ragged “What the hell was that?” He looks over at Fallen with his eyes wide and mouth open.
“Why do you have a mark? I thought you can’t be hurt.” He cocks his head to the side, looking confused and not understanding why she was hurt.
Blaze wakes up “Who is that?” He asks no-one in particular. “And why is he sleeping next to me. If you got me drunk and I did the frickle frackle with this guy…” He glares at Fallen
“Yeah, well we got a month before The Four Stooges come and kill us. And I don’t know what we can do.”
“Thanks” He drinks it and sighs “Why do you care about me dying? Not like you can. I’m just a random 17 year old with a rough life. Your an angel, literally, not in the flirty way. Because, that top with those shots, girl you cray-cray”
He flips her off with both hands “You know. Fuck you.” He doesn’t get up, just lays on the ground being mopey. He rolls onto his back and takes a nap. (I wasn’t gonna stay dead.)
Blaze takes the knife and shakes his head “Too bad.” He then stabs himself in the heart and falls to the ground, his face happy.
“Go. AWAY.” He pushes her off. “You deaf or something? I’m pretty sure I made it clear that I don’t want anyone here.”
“That’s great. You got there way after I called for you, and I put everything I had into this. And I’m still gonna die, just like everybody else I’ve ever given 2 shits about. So go away and Fuck Dakota or something before you die, just get out if my sight.” He slaps her sharply before running off