Forum Replies Created
“It’s weird, because nothing has really happened since we formed. I started this group air a week ago, but not much crime has occurred.”
“We’re a ragtag group of superheroes. There is 8 of us: Me,Vlora,Dakota,Jax,Sky,Wisp,Cloud and Kai”
Blaze laughs then shrugs “Don’t know how it could.”
Blaze shakes his head “I’m fine.” He walks over to Fallen “Hey, I’m sorry. I know how you feel.”
Blaze smiles and nods “That’ll do. Where’s your brother? Is he still around?”
Blaze follows Fallen into the house “One question. Do you have super powers or any kind of special gift or some kind of gadgets? If you do, I’m the leader of a team of heroes called the Outsiders, and this place is a little run-down, no offense, so if you want to join us, we’re right by here.”
Blaze shakes his head “It’s fine, it wasn’t any work at all. Well, see ya.”
Blaze shrugs “I’ll see, won’t be hard putting out fires and restoring power, I just need to put the wires back together.” He then puts the fires out with his hands and starts taking the ends of wires and putting them next to each other and welding them together with some sparks. “Should be good now, just need to put some electricity into the generator.
“Watch your step, you might end up fried if you keep talking like that.” Blaze retorts. “ALright, now let’s fix that lightbulb, it’s somehow the only interesting thing going on around here.
Blaze looks at Sky and Jax “You too should go back. You’ll just get in my way, and if you go back, you can’t practically eat each other while making out.”
Blaze runs outside after them “Phew, I could feel the awkward from inside. I’ll help you with your electricity problem, since sky would probably electrocute herself.”
Blaze rolls his eyes “Nooooooooo” He says, a lightning bolt crackling between his thumb and pointer finger.
Blaze backs up “Yeah, I’ll pass on the kissing.”
Blaze shrugs “It’s OK, I’m getting sick of them canoodling already. And load me up with some grub.”
“What did you make Cloud?” Blaze smelt food and went over into the kitchen.