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Minor error: Fallen is a Standard MEmber and there are only 3 members with no bio.
February 7th, 2015
Team Leader:Blaze
High Activity/Senior Members:Sky,Jax,Vlora
Decent Activity/Standard Members:Dakota,Cloud,Kai
Inactive/No Activity in Past Few Days:Wisp
4 members with no bios and not in RP.
Blaze goes outside and stands behind Dakota, looking down at him “What’s up with you, Newbie?”
Blaze punches the wall “I don’t know if you 2 are blind, but she’s upset. So both of you get out, unless you want your ass fried, quite literally.”
Blaze arrived at HQ right then and walked in to where Jax and Cloud were “What the fuck are you 2 doing! Cloud, get the hell out and leave Jax and Sky alone! Just because you’re related to Sky doesn’t mean you have to be a douche!”
Blaze shrugs “There’s that guy Kai, but that’s really it. Honestly, Nothing’s really going on lately.”
He taps Vanessa on the shoulder “We should go, it’s only gonna get worse.”
He shrugs “Sure.” He then pulls Vanessa aside for a second “This guy is bad news, alright? I don’t really want to ditch, but I didn’t think that you should be alone with this guy.”
He walks past 2 kids that were talking about leaving. He turns and walks over to them “Sweet, I’m in.”
Coop stretches out and raises his hand “Hey teach? Can I leave? Cool, bye.” He stretches out and walks out the door, not really caring since he already knew all the stuff they would teach him.
Blaze walks out behind Vlora “Wow, we were there for a while. I can take some of those books for you, if you want.” He offers his hand out.
He nods “It is, and I know it can be used for really bad things. We shouldn’t get too worked up, but we should no a thing or two about it. We should now about anything that could be thrown at us.”
Blaze wraps his arm around Vlora’s shoulder and smiles “It’s ok, we’ll be OK if we have to go against this kind of stuff.”