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Blaze turns around and punches Fallen in the face then stabs her “I THOUGHT I SAID DON’T FOLLOW ME.” He kicks her torso and skull before walking away again
“You know what. Screw all of you. I don’t give a shit if I die. Maybe if someone had helped me sooner instead of smooching each other, we’d be IN A BETTER FUCKING SITUATION. SO YOU KNOW WHAT, LET’S DIE, I DON’T CARE ANYMORE, EVERYBODY I’VE EVER CARED ABOUT IS ALREADY DEAD, SO WHO CARES. FUCK. ALL. OF. YOU.” Blaze starts to walk away, but turns back “IF ANYONE FOLLOWS ME,I WILL KILL YOU, EVEN FALLEN, I WILL MAKE YOU DIE.”
“Woohoo! Power of the melon!” Blaze cheers before pulling out a bucket of chicken “And on that note, this fighting makes me fucking hungry.” He eats the fried chicken
“Big deal. Let’s just kill this Crank and get this over with.” He then throws an assortment of grenades at Kaz, followed by a bunch of throwing knifes, shirukens, and kitchen utensils, plus a random watermelon.
“Yeah,I am,” he says, dusting himself off “And sadly, you are too.” He then shoots bolts of lightning at Kaz, followed by making the earth under Kaz raise up and send him flying.
“I’m not dead. And I’m not standing down because even if I can’t kill this guy, I’ll keep him busy as long as I can.” He gets up, slowly moving as his magic slowly comes back into his veins “I’m not going down without a fight.”
“You. Giant. Ass. Cock. Sucking. Mother. FUCKER.” He screams before stabbing Kaz with a knife in the back and transferring all of his power into it before blowing himself and the knife up, taking Kaz down with him.
Blaze doesn’t respond, he just shoots a concentrated beam of lightning from both hands at Kaz, adding the other elements as he continues until it is a giant blast of fire water ice earth lava wind sand lightning metal and darkness. “How’s this for a Fuck you
“Fuck.” Blaze says sharply before putting up a barrier of rock and creating wind to slow Kaz down
“Jesus Christ this is gonna be hard .” Blaze mutters to himself. “You know, if I can’t kill you, I’ll just hit you where it hurts just as much.” He then goes in front of Kaz and Falcon Punches him square in the nuts before jumping back away.
Blaze lands and digs his feet into the ground. “You little cock sucking piece of shit.” He then pulls out a pistol and loads fire magic into it before flipping in front of Kaz and shooting him point blank in the face with a fireball
“Well, shit just got real.” Blaze reports before stabbing Jax with a light blade.
Blaze sighs “This is probably the dumbest thing I’ve ever done, but if you want to dance, we’ll fucking dance, and you’re gonna be the one who stops first.” He then goes into his white energy form and creates one light blade and one darkness blade.
Blaze shakes his head “One:I don’t need training. Two: I’m kind of battling to the death right now, so if you could help, that would be diddly fucking dandy.”
Blaze yells out before absorbing the electricity and returning to normal form. “I’m going to kill you no matter what.”