Etherin Ven Scastroto
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“Wait can’t I just make it cold around her to fix the problem?
“Err right…” -Face palms-
-Is facing the wrong way- “Hey sky how are you feeling?”
“Yeah…” -Laughs- “I’m pretty much useless with out them.”
“So how do we fix that?” -Trying to see where we are going but is nearsighted-
-Follows Fallen- “What did you find out?”
“Something is wrong here everyone needs to stay on high alert for anything werid because people just don’t go into coma’s or whatever then lose powers.”
“What…How?” -Puts staff back after hearing his voice-
-Has a confused look- “What is going on!” -Grabs my staff and points it at the blurry man- (Doesn’t realize its Jax)
-Doesn’t see Jax there- “Who are you?”
-Reach’s for my glasses after I walk inside- “Oh crap my glasses broke.” -Scratches head- “That was my fifth pair…”
“Thanks” -Takes a sip of water and hands the bottle back- “Lets go going then.” -Gets up-
“Oh my gosh…How can you still walk…” -Breaths heavy between sentences-
-Sits in front of Fallen- “Well you win I can’t go any further.” -Breaths heavily-
-Picks Fallen up onto her feet- “Can you still stand?”