Etherin Ven Scastroto
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– Wanders through the forest making a light trail of frost on the grass-
-Siting in the class room with my face on my desk- “Ugh, why does the day have to take so long.” -I groan-
Name: Dakota Freeman
Age: 17
Powers/Ability’s: Ice, Expert at CQC.
Description: Light gray t-shirt, black cargo pants, white framed glasses (Nearsighted able to see clearly up to 12ft), White headphones around neck, Black short hair, Brown eyes, Dark(ish) skin.
Bio: Dakota learned he had these powers at the age of 13 and practiced using them in his room for months just getting the hang of it. Until a fire started at his house and he escaped searching for his parents and brother that had disappeared after the event and has lost memory of what they look like and who they are. He was taken into a foster home until the age of 15 and he ran away over the next 2 years he has trained himself to survive and how to use his powers better. Three months after he turned 17 he was put back into a foster home and adopted five weeks later, now searching for a way to find the person responsible for what happened to his family and looking for more people like him.
– The man walks out of the truck and puts a hiking backpack on, then heads for into the bar-
-Walks away from the guy and heads to a Seven-Eleven by the road behind the school-
-He walks by the guy watching a group of people.- “Er hello?” -As he walks closer to the guy.-
Name: Dakota Nomach
Age: 16
Discription: Black short hair, Brown eyes, Pale, 6’3.
Wearing: Blue plaid over-shirt, white t-shirt (under), gray cargo pants, Handmade necklace with a crystal hanging from it.
Extra: Plays Acoustic Guitar.
Extra: Navy blue sling backpack
Schedule: 1st Period – Language arts
2nd Period – Science
3rd Period – History
4th Period – Study Hall
5th Period – Math
6th Period – Gym
-A man in a navy blue truck drives by the three strangers and pulls next to the bar-
Name: Noah Saunders
Age: Early 25
Gender: Male
Type of person: Scavenger
Bio: Noah is a old ammo seller back at a camp in the Southern part of New York at a shopping center,After the camp was raided by mutants the remaining survivors of the attack went separate ways.Noah carry’s a Barrett M107 Heavy Caliber Anti-Material / Anti-Personnel Sniper Rifle found in a supermarket and a Hiking backpack. After three years of surviving on little resources Noah has now found a stash of supply’s from a dead scavenger in a small pawn shop around the center of New York and lived there until a group of raiders took over and he lost everything trying to escape.
Goal: Trying to survive for as long as possible and live as best he can.