The Basics

Display Name

Combat Androids



My Information



Interested In

New Friends, Roleplaying


Overview: In an alternate reality where different planets in a system are inhabited by different cultures from Earth’s history, an interstellar company rose to prominence selling androids to societies in order to provide military forces. The original owner of the company (GCA) set it up so that should a war ever break out, no one needed to fight it and could instead rely on their androids. However a new owner took over and they see only profits and so has sent the latest series of androids to eliminate the older models, forcing people to buy the new mass produced Firearms series.


Main Character: Halberd

Halberd is the last survivor of the Knight series having watched all her ‘sisters’ be killed by Firearms androids. Distraught and overwhelmed by grief she has near literally shut herself away from the world. Her emotions are set to their lowest setting and she makes great effort to avoid getting close to anyone. All that keeps her going now is a quest for vengeance against the GCA for ordering the Knight’s termination.

Side Character: Naginata

Naginata is, unbeknownst to her, the only person Halberd considers a friend. Naginata is friendly, fun and energetic if a little naively honest. Having been saved by chance by Halberd she decided to try and repay her with friendship though has no idea she’s succeeded and so consistently appears to ‘annoy’ the Knight.

Powers & Abilities: All androids have base traits and some have extras depending on the series they are from.

Summoning: Every android has the ability to summon their namesake weapon at will in pristine condition no matter distance or even if the weapon has been previously destroyed. Mount summoning is a less common ability held only by the earlier series androids.

Teleportation: A rare ability held only by the Martial and Knight series. This trait was removed from future series over fears of unprovoked attacks and so that local companies could sell more transports.

Weapon Skill: Every android has perfect unmatched skill with their namesake weapon, far beyond any human capabilities.

Enhanced Physique: Androids move faster, hit harder and can endure more punishment than a human but are not manufactured to be super soldiers so are not capable of comic feats.

Magic: An exclusive feature to the Knight series due to them being sold to a realm with wizards. This magic enhances their other abilities but also allows for use of a reflective shield.

Halberd’s Secret: An entirely unique ability to Halberd that she is very reluctant to ever use or discuss. Naginata has seen Halberd use this ability twice in all her years and the only other person who knows of this secret is an elderly wizard from the Kingdoms realm who helped to create it for Halberd with the use of a necklace and some very special crystals.

Inbuilt Flaws:

Several flaws were deliberately put into the androids to make them less dangerous and more controllable, mainly as a means to not upset the balance of any realm.

Magic: Though limited to the Knight series, Magic takes a toll on the user and is limited as well as taking time to regenerate.

Summoning: Each android is only capable of summoning their namesake weapon, not any others. Those with the capability of summoning a mount can only summon a means of transport, the mounts are not weaponised at all.

Teleportation: Androids with this ability can only teleport themselves, no one else and no carried items.