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Name: Aradace Thrax
Age: 100 Years of age exactly.
Species: Fire dragon.
Gender: Female.
Abilities: She can alter the temperature of her fire blast. She Can create a single stream of flame, a ball of fast-moving fire, Multiple small fire balls and other such related things. She has minor control of it and can alter it’s course.
Personality: Very cold for such a warm creature. She doesn’t like many. Humans should die in her eyes, ice should be melted and then turned to steam. She could swim, though it makes her very agitated. Her hoard is hidden deep underground with several human skeletons as well as many thieves had tried to steal her gold and treasures and had paid for it. She loved to destroy things. She was practically a little kid turning teenager in the eyes of dragons and acted as such. Explosions made her happy. It’s not that hard to make her anger rise to the surface. When she’s angry, her scaly skin could melt ice and turn water to steam when she get’s even an inch or two near it. She loved to bathe in volcanoes.
My character looks like:
Her name is: Aradace Thrax
(Aradace = High, mighty, powerful, ruler) (Thrax = Giant, growing, impressive, massive.) -
I like your character and it’s well described. You can post a starter if you’d like in the last area in the forum if you’d like.
Good picture. The name suits her as well.
((Can I post in a new area, like elsewhere while it was going on or does it have to be arena related?))
{{ Admin speaking: I’ll make a new chapter for the aftermath of the fights and for everyone to go their sesperate ways in a little while. Sit tight. }} -
Species: Dragon-shifter. (A human with dragon shifting abilities able to shift into three forms of dragon. The form she takes is no older nor younger than herself but the size of a dragon at that age.)
Name: Zliska.
Age: Seventeen. Appears older at times.
Hight: 5’7″ Other forms vary.
Weight: For human, roughly 137 Lbs. Other forms vary.
Personality: Plainly ignores those whom of which she knows has no ability to hurt her. Treats almost everyone else coldly. Towards those she considers a friend she may be snappy, though she isn’t purely cold towards them.
Habits: Quick movements at sudden noises, assumes everyone is out for her head.
Hobbies: Talking to herself. With this ability she had chosen three dragons whose minds to share. She speaks to them aloud with eyes closed as she does so.
Home: The middle of a forest that very few enter and even fewer exit.
Appearance: Human- ((None of the jewelry though.)) http://www.google.com/imgres?client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&biw=1024&bih=649&tbm=isch&tbnid=ZBHW-tZODolrLM:&imgrefurl=http://anime.desktopnexus.com/wallpaper/476269/&docid=H568ME14DcviHM&imgurl=http://cache.desktopnexus.com/thumbnails/476269-bigthumbnail.jpg&w=450&h=360&ei=gQ9uUpbcK8WFyQH9roDYCw&zoom=1&ved=1t:3588,r:24,s:0,i:168&iact=rc&page=2&tbnh=201&tbnw=251&start=8&ndsp=17&tx=109&ty=101
Dragon One- ((Type: Wyvern)) http://www.wallpaperdisk.com/wallpapers/3D-Art-and-Objects/Real%20dragon.jpg
Dragon Two- ((Type: earth)) http://dragonstares.webs.com/photos/Earth-Dragons/earthdragon.jpg
Dragon Three- ((Type: Electric)) http://i576.photobucket.com/albums/ss205/debby09/dragon_totem_by_kamakru-d2wvdqq.jpg
She snorts at the female before taking a tentative step forward. She didn’t like most creatures that resembled humans. She outright hated humans as a species, though she knew that there were a good select few. She made a rumble of a growl deep in her throat that resembled uncertainty. She would soon have to reveal her human side, though that wasn’t yet as she first wanted to know for a fact that these two were no threat before she showed them her weakest form, and even then would she be hesitant. She kept an eye on both as she approached, her eyes ever darting from one to another.
She growled lightly, this time at the female, baring her teeth for a mere few seconds. This alone showed her confusion towards the girl, though it also served as a warning to not approach any further. Her instincts were to snap at someone, either the male near the tree, watching, or the female close and non-hesitant. Or to simply turn and flee. This last thought was inserted by her human mind. She didn’t wish to harm this innocent female, though the other, the male, was likely to hold a weapon. Instead, she sat. Her tail wiggled slightly though it was simply like a house cat’s tail. Moving on it’s own though nearly two feet in length by it’s lonesome. From this position she sat. Ready to turn ever so slightly and bolt from the scene if deemed necessary.
The tiger’s ears flick, a momentary movement. One that were not these two was nearby. She growled ever so slightly, though the sound was deep. It was meant for the one that watched from behind a tree, though looked as though it was aimed towards the creature named Prilla. She wasn’t fond of being partially surrounded as she was now and was tempted to become human to show no threat was intended, though she loved to play with people’s minds and the more she stayed tiger before shifting, the more shocked they would become.
((First, you’re in both third and first person for view. Choose one or the other please. Secondly, I’ll respond soon-ish.))
((First, you’re in both third and first person for view. Choose one or the other please. Secondly, I’ll respond soon-ish.)
After a nap that had followed her feast, she began to groom herself. When she heard voices, close enough to cause caution and discomfort, She stood, stretched, and slowly approached the voices with head lowered. Once she was within sight of them and vice versa, she came to a stop. Raising her head to see better, with ears perked and nose twitching, she wondered how long it would be before they would take notice of her. She was bright white and stood out like a sore thumb among the darker pitch of the forest. From her position, she just stood there watching their every movement.
That’s fine if you would like that, so long as you come here from time to time as well. =)
It’s a possibility, though I wouldn’t be likely to join in on that one. I can make it for those that would like it, though.