Forum Replies Created

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  • @yakuzabocchan @specialweek @hellcat @godsunwokong
    *Kin had some drinks and food ready for their VIP guests of the night. He had one of the staff members go and escort them up to the restaurant area of the club, where a very nice and rewarding surprise waited for them.*

  • *He’s able to see the crowd as the elevator goes to the restaurant part of the club. He goes inside and makes sure the kitchen is making some delicious finger foods for the night club dancers that want something quick to grab.*

  • Kintoki Belial GoldSugarDemon Sakata

    August 2, 2020 at 10:29 pm in reply to: First Floor: Nightclub Dance Floor

    *Stops by the dancefloor to check on the crowds.*

  • Kintoki Belial GoldSugarDemon Sakata

    August 2, 2020 at 10:27 pm in reply to: Third Floor : Lounge
  • Kintoki Belial GoldSugarDemon Sakata

    August 2, 2020 at 10:04 pm in reply to: Third Floor : Lounge

    Hey Natsuru-Kaito! *he smiles* Business is booming here. Thanks for helping me with some of the upgrades. I’ll see if I can take care of the rest.

    *Puts on some music for him to relax while he’s in the VIP Lounge.*

  • Kintoki Belial GoldSugarDemon Sakata

    April 5, 2020 at 8:30 pm in reply to: Sacred Satou Family Cemetery

    *Stops at the cemetery to honor his sisters Pako and Tokiko and remember the elders. He puts white roses and lilies on their tombstones.*

  • Kintoki Belial GoldSugarDemon Sakata

    February 25, 2020 at 9:00 am in reply to: Main Living Room

    *As the werecats run about organizing everything. Kin arrives, he bows and thanks them for moving his stuff around.* You can leave my suitcase and stuff on the top of the stairs, I’ll chose a room later. He sits on the couch downstairs. He knew several clan members would remember what happened, and that was fine, they are the ones that needed to remember and record what had happened. He leans back and watches as everyone comes in. He’s starting to feel comfortable and hopes to get to work at the bar, nightclub and the bed and breakfast inn as soon as he’s gotten enough rest.*

  • Kintoki Belial GoldSugarDemon Sakata

    February 22, 2020 at 12:43 am in reply to: Inception to an Apocalypse

    *He smiles at her and picks her up happily.* I can sense their powerful auras heading our way!!! I think we finally did it!

  • Kintoki Belial GoldSugarDemon Sakata

    February 18, 2020 at 7:58 am in reply to: Inception to an Apocalypse

    *Kintoki’s mass  hypnosis would suggest to the majority of the humans who would be put to sleep by Helena’s songs that what had occurred was a natural disaster and they wouldn’t remember anything other than that. Only a selective few would be allowed to remember what had truly happened during the long events that transpired.*

  • Kintoki Belial GoldSugarDemon Sakata

    February 18, 2020 at 6:59 am in reply to: Inception to an Apocalypse

    *Kin was listening to everything. He was in awe at such a magnificent creature being able to connect with Helena in such a manner. He didn’t realize there had been such a cosmic entity, other than Helena, so near to them. He felt a sense of relief and looked at Noloty’s smile tenderly. He then looked towards Mephisto.* Brother Mephy, come here, lower the shield around Helena and watch the gates of the dimensions. *He then turned to Gin for a moment.* I believe I can also assist with the current situation if you allow me brother Gin.

  • Kintoki Belial GoldSugarDemon Sakata

    February 17, 2020 at 8:05 am in reply to: Inception to an Apocalypse

    *Kin can sense a change in the atmosphere in Satou Arcanum, he notices that Noloty is pointing over to where they are standing and realizes that Noloty has finally made a connection. He was starting to feel more hopeful. He then turned his eyes back to the dimensional portals around them, he was ready to fight back anything that might try to come through them. However, things were so peaceful his body began to respond to the gentle scent of lavender and slowly began to revert to it’s human form. Kin was able to keep his golden flames burning mainly because he want to have them ready in case he needed to fight anything that might attack that came from the beyond. He knew Noloty, Mephy, and Gin were keeping a close eye on Helena.*

  • Kintoki Belial GoldSugarDemon Sakata

    December 31, 2019 at 10:10 am in reply to: Observador del Apocalipsis

    Apollon: Debemos observar mas. Todo lo que Thoth-sama les explico, solo pasa si las tres llaves llegan a su destino y rompen todas las barreras que esta contra ellos. El mayor obstáculo que veo son los humanos. Aveces, ellos empeoran el evento al tratar de poner fin a lo que ellos no entienden.

    La primera llave que se presentara es la del cuerpo, la diosa y la mutante representan esa llave. Seran como un escudo contra los humanos, pero la diosa sera la unique que podra acercase hasta donde estan los Elders. Cada cual tendra que usar sus mejores abilidades para lo que se les presenta.

    La segunda llave, el alma, es el amor y corazon de nuestra serafina. Es el que tiene el fuego que puede llamar su alma hacia la luz. El brilla bien fuerte. Su obtaculo ahora mismo es un gran demonio que el debe derrotar.

    Y la ultima llave, la mente, le toca a alguien que no es familia, pero tiene algo en común con nuestra serafina. Es una fénix que podra buscar a nuestra serafina donde otros no podran.

    Ya veremos si pueden salvar a Skyrieverse y a Helena.

    Pero yo no tengo dudas!

    Si las tres llaves llegan a tiempo, la podran salvar.

  • Merry Christmas, Happy Birthday and Healthy and Happy New Year to my beautiful chocolate goddess Noloty, my family, friends and Skyrie Citizens!
    love my GrandSugarClan wishing you all the best!

  • Happy Birthday to all those born in December! Also special Happy Birthday wishes to all my niece, nephews, and other family members born this month! Love you!

    Happy Holidays!

  • Kintoki Belial GoldSugarDemon Sakata

    November 28, 2019 at 7:13 pm in reply to: Skyrie Reviews

    // I’m grateful for this amazing place! Domo arigato Captain Skyrie @skyrie

    I’m thankful for all the sexy Skyrie rp family, friends and citizens on here! May you enjoy Thanksgiving and the remaining Holidays for this year!

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