The Best Kind of Villian
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Faye frowns and nods her head, hearing the news, “Please keep her safe…She’s been through too much to die…” Faye takes Geralt’s hand and smiles, “If it means anything…I never wanted to kill you…” She takes her bag and walks over to Odysseus’s area, standing before him and taking a seat in the ship, “Okay…let’s go then.” Faye looks up at Ody with a small smile, wondering who would kill her…Ody or Ozy?
Faye looks up at Geralt, seeing the body of Jack fall down as she stares at it…Jack was… dead… for real… and it wasn’t by her hand… She lets her breath calm down as she looks up at Geralt, her savior. She stays with him and gets onto the vessel that boarded hers. She looks up at Geralt as he gives his proposition, “A-Annabelle?” She says softly, her face slowly smiling. “Y-Yes! Let’s do that…” She digs though her bag, a bit more exited now that her fears were eradicated for the most part.
She looks up at Geralt as Odysseus calls for them… “You do the talking…if we’re still doing this…”
Faye hangs onto Geralt’s arm and gets up slowly. She looks up at Geralt, willing to follow him for now. She grabs Geralt with one arm and takes her bag with the other, tears slowly streaming down her face as she felt helpless and lost, having no guidance now except for Geralt, so she would let the Lupide be her guide out of this place.
Faye looks up at the Jack that had exploded into the room. Her face completely turns white as he does, backing up as far back as she can, pinned to the wall as she breathes at a rapid pace, hyperventilating now. Her mind raced with all kinds of thoughts… how could she get out of this alive? Was Jack only after her? Why was she kicked out of the program? What does death feel like? If she made it out…where would she go?
She looks up and sees Geralt, noticing the anger on his face as she covered her ears, not wanting to experience this again, “NONONONONO!!!” She covers her ears and closes her eyes, getting into the fetal position and crying to herself…where did she go so wrong?
Faye looks up at Geralt and smiles, “Yeah, I use many ali–”
She hears the loud message, knowing that Geralt heard it too, her face now not of fear, but of sadness. The OGA was her life…her cause…it was the entire reason she had anything in this universe! “P-Perman…no…my…”
Her face turns white as she hides her face in her hands. Her mind flooded with thoughts of where to go, where to hide, who to find, what she could do… “Nonononono!!” She whimpers as she sobs into her hands, “Why…why is this happening…I let you all…I let you in my home…you took from me, destroyed my ship…and I…”
Kika lets out a sigh. Well, if she wanted his trust, he may as well know. Her hair changes to a pale blonde, nearly white color, her eyes going from the forest green to a icy blue.
“I am Faye.” She says, her voice having more of a felicity to it. “I work for the OGA for a while as a scientist, as I said before, but now I am one of the first of the OTA, a branch of the OGA.”
Kika nods a bit, her face now a frown, “I see…” She sits back and looks up at him, “I guess I just knew the ones that were worse off…I don’t know…” She looks up at Geralt and then looks over at the cockpit where Odysseus was, pondering what more she could ask that wouldn’t get her killed… “Well, anything you want to know about me?”
Kika looks into his eyes, fear overcoming her again, “Geralt, as much as you think we aren’t, the OGA are people as well…I do care if you were happy then…I was once a part of one of the labs that worked with children that were from the same background as you. Living out on the streets with nothing…not even a person to show them affection…I know, I’ve met them…” She takes a breath and looks up at him again, “They liked being there…a lot of them did…because they were able to live like they never thought they could…”
Kika looks up at him, still fearful, but also compassion behind her gaze, “You didn’t seem to enjoy it as they did…and I want to help you, since you’ve done so much for me…So yes. I do care.”
Kika looks up at Geralt and listens to his story, hearing him tell his tale of what happened to him in his childhood. If only he knew…
She had once worked as a secretary for a scientist whom was working with the OGA before her…talents… were seen. She remembered getting all kinds of data on the children they brought in, almost all of them homeless and street bound like Geralt. We’ve given them a place to live, food to eat, and the opportunity to better themselves for the sake of the future. And, from her own asking around the children, they loved it there! But Geralt…he was one of the ones to live through the entire process and he was still unhappy about it… It is true that most people are not strong enough to endure the tests and probably will die in the process, but that was just natural selection at work…the strong endure and the weak die off… Hell, the weak would have died on the streets anyways! She always did feel guilt when the people died, but it faded over time… Lucky for her, she was one of the strong willed ones that thrived through the trials, praising her new found gifts rather than ridiculing them.
She takes a deep breath, her prediction far from what his actual motive was. She wanted to pry further, and probably would have to if things were to go according to plan, so she thought carefully about her next choices of words…
“Geralt…you said you were on the streets…were you happy there?” She asks in a more interested tone.
Kika nods at Geralt’s response and looks at her bindings, smiling as they are removed, “I won’t kill you guys. I know I couldn’t kill Odysseus if I tried, and you…well…honestly I haven’t seen you do any wrong, and you’ve been on my side most of this time. For that, I thank you.” She says in a low voice, her words about Geralt honest, but she had other motivations for not killing Odysseus.
Kika looks up at Geralt, “Okay, first question. Keep in mind that you have control over me, we can keep this conversation civil.” She takes a deep breath, “Why are you really a part of this team? I know, taking down the OGA, but what’s your motivation to do that?” She asks, nearly whispering.
Kika stares at Geralt as he tells her that she will be untied, nodding in agreement, “Of course.” She looks up at him, saying in a quiet, fearful voice, “C-can I talk to you later?” <i>As she asks, there is obvious fear, but a questioning tone as well.</i>
Kika looks at Geralt and Odysseus, “Take what you want…” The rest of her bag consisted of a camera, a voice recorder, a pistol, a bunch of tools, and a stolen assault rifle, as well as her trusty datapad.
Kika lets herself get bound by Odysseus, wondering where Ozymandias could be right now, and what he would do if they went where they thought they were going, “Geralt. Can you take my datapad from my bag along with the cord? If we’re going where I think you guys are, we are going to need it.” Geralt definitely was doing this against his own will… She could try to convince him later when Ozymandias gets back.
Kika frowns and backs into the corner, bringing up her hands as she shakes, obviously in fear of the lupide. After a moment she takes a breath and thinks while he is speaking…
Geralt was more against Jack than she was during all of their ordeals together. Why would he suddenly change his heart? More importantly, where was his crush Rose-Katherine? She looks down at the blade and bites her bottom lip. Why would he need a knife? Ody was nearly immune to his power, and even he was resistant to it. If she’s the only target, he wouldn’t need a knife… He didn’t want to do this as much as she did.
Kika gives a nod, still looking afraid, “I-I’ll cooperate…”
Kika looks up at Geralt, seeing the emotion in his eyes as she shakes a bit, more intimidated by him than by Odysseus, mostly because of what he did….that day… “A-A long while now, I don’t know how long exactly…” She whimpers a little and cowers back away from him.