The Best Kind of Villian
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She smirks at you, “My natural form? Well, you don’t even know who she is!” Her hair turns black and shortens to her shoulders, her eyes going to a forest green, “But I suppose this is what you meant…” Kika says, letting the bird go fly off.
Zuri smiles at the bird, petting the bird now out of the cage, “Sshhhh…he be sleepin’!” She looks at Ody, smiling a bit, “Welcome! I see you hear of me scavenging, yes?” She takes her hair in her other hand and starts to braid it.
She takes a deep breath, her hair now a dark green color down to her back, her eyes a light blue and her voice calm and airy, compared to the serious and stern voice of Kika. This was Zuri now. “Alright Annabelle. Let’s see how this goes…”
Zuri complies with the commands given to her, lowing the shields as she goes into the back, grabbing a bird cage with a still live bird in it. It squawks loudly as she sets up some weed drug on the stove, letting it burn as the smoke traveled throughout the ship. She already feels the colors around her change slightly. This may go better than planned after all.
Faye was currently auto-piloting the ship, looking in the mirror as she changed hair and eyes. She made her hair red for a bit, making it go down no more than her upper neck, her eyes flashing to blue. “What do you think, Annie? Lenna Edeck?” She looks all around the ship, then changing it to blonde hair down to her lower shoulder, her eyes going into a very light green, “Or maybe space officer Natalie Puccile?” She changes it up once more, her hair turning a forest green and falls down to her middle back as her eyes go blue, “Zuri maybe?”
Her datapad buzzes as she walks over to it, “Oh shit…” She checks her systems. “Annabelle! We’re being followed!” She holds down a button on the ship to send a message for authorities…so…space police? She wasn’t far from Mars, and she was nearly to Earth… She takes a deep breath and prepares herself, keeping the form of Zuri.
Kika walks out the front way, packing up all of her things: Camera, voice recorder, datapad, pistol, sniper rifle with a silencer, automatic assault rifle, and the repair kit. She morphs into Faye, walking along the corridors with pride in her heart.
She had done it. Jack was the hard one…or, that was her first thought. But now… now she had demons to deal with…
“One step at a time…” She smiles, going over to where the ship was parked, sure to put on the suit that was given to her by Jack. Now, she had to find the others and deal with them. That wouldn’t be hard to do.
She gets into Annabelle and smiles, typing many things on the datapad as she plugged it in, “I did it, Annabelle!! We’re home free!!~<3” She kisses the control panel for about a full minute, then typing in a few coordinates and flying on her way.
“An adventure awaits us, Annie…an adventure awaits…”
Kika looks at Jack through the scope, “I’ll be honest Jack…I never did like you. You were a horrible leader, and that’s why your team left you. You were a criminal and a vigilante… But in these recent times…I discover that you do have a heart Jack… but it is misguided… We’ve given you immortality and you have only complained about loss! You do not deserve your gifts…”
She raises the gun, “Don’t worry though. I will take good care of Betty…but she does look like an Annabelle.” A single tear runs down her cheek, “Goodbye Jack…” Kika keeps her aim steady, and pulls the trigger…
Kika sighs and looks at him, then looking at Mizdog, “I’ll be nearby if you require aid, but you seem to have him under control. His weakness might be decapitation…” Kika takes a few steps back, her sniper rifle trained on Jack’s head…
Kika looks at Jack, drawing her sniper rifle. She takes a deep breath, looking through the scope and seeing Mizdog’s strength overpower Jack…
She remembered what Oz said about Mizdog being a bit of a loose cannon… but was this a sign? She climbs down from the hole in the wall, looking at Mizdog and smiling, then looking at Jack, “I’m sorry Jack…but you shouldn’t have chosen me to trust…”
Kika frowns and looks at what Jack sees, “Good reaction…but I have a plan…”
Kika puts an earpiece on, tapping it, “I can do whatever you need me to undetected.” She gestures at the uniform and smiles, “I can be invisible sometimes as well you know…”
Kika backs up and looks around, making sure nobody saw them do this. Luckly, they were in the clear for now. She follows Jack through the hole, keeping the automatic rifle on her. “Alright, hopefully we’ll be gone before they notice…”
Kika smiles and nods, looking at the signs around and following the ones that would get her to the experimental section.
After a little bit of walking and Kika using the same story a few more times, she leads Jack into the section, her eyes darting around, “Your call.” She says in a low voice.
Kika keeps a serious face as she walks along with Jack, the guards buying her on the spot story.
Kika waits until they are out of earshot to speak, still walking, “That went well. Now, where would they keep our friends?” She asks, seeing a crossroads ahead.
Kika shakes her head, “Unfortunately no. He’s a fake, a really good disguiser, but a fake. Tried to act like Jack to threaten people out of their money, then a bar fight started up… course, he was kicked out and I had to step in.” She frowns, “I’m disappointed though…would be quite the prize to get the real one.”
Kika smiles and starts to take off the man’s uniform, “Wow…you’ve heard the saying great minds think alike? I think that applies here because we had the same plan…”
After a moment she changes into the uniform of the soldier, smiling as she secured her gear on it. She points the man’s weapon at him, a assault rifle of sorts, “Alright, scum… Let’s go!” Kika smiles and winks, but her face turns serious again.
Kika runs to the man and drags him away, opening a door to a supply closet, “You want his clothes or can I have them?” She asks, a completely serious face.
Kika hears the sounds of more soldiers, “Quick! In here!!” She tugs on his arm to get in the closet.