The Best Kind of Villian
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Kika nods, “I’ll take care of it!” She raises her rifle, making sure the suppressor was on as she quickly aimed and took a shot, a circular glass camera breaking.
Kika plugs her datapad into a port below a keycard scanner, typing in a few things as the door slowly opened up.
Kika grins and walks at an angle now, “The guards are probably in due to the storm…there’s an entryway this way that I might be able to crack the code to…or you could break it open, whatever you prefer.”
Kika hangs onto him as she follows her datapad…
After some time, she could see the bubble through the storm, pointing over at it, no more than maybe one hundred meters away, “There she is!”
Kika nods and types in a few things, walking ahead of him now, “Piece of cake! Stay close though!” She walks on, holding her pad with one hand and the rifle with the other.
Kika walks alongside Jack, looking at the bubble in the distance, her rifle out as she walked along, keeping an eye on Jack, despite knowing his abnormal endurance.
Kika smiles and nods at Jack, standing up and unplugging her datapad, putting it in her bag. She keeps her smile intact, “Alright, Jack. Let’s go save the children!” She draws her rifle and winks.
Kika smiles and secures her bag to her back, tying up her sniper rifle so it can be easily taken. She gets her pistol and puts it in a strap on the side of her clothes, making it nice and secure. “Ready to go. I assume your ready?”
Kika smiles and shrugs, “Point.”
Kika takes her datapad and makes some last minute adjustments to the power distribution. “By the way, how much farther till destination?”
Kika looks over at him, giving him a shrug, “Na. I don’t think Rose likes him that much. I mean…he’s got the whole puppy dog crush going on, literally, but it seems like Rose isn’t interested. Katherine seemed like she was taking interest in Apollo though…so…would that be a love triangle? Or two different relationships?”
Kika smiles and presses a few buttons on her datapad, “Threw a bit of power into the auto-pilot if you want to take a break at some point…” She smiles and pushes a button on her datapad, the screen going in a standby mode. She lies down and smiles, “Night Jack…” She pets the seat beside her, “Night Annie~” She whispers.
Kika smiles and giggles a bit, “I’d love to be your first step in trusting people! I’ll do a good job of it too!” She smiles and looks at her datapad. Perfect…she had gained his trust…and the rest were gone… “Yeah. I think you’re right though, about Malice and them…” She smiles again, “Hey, how about I trust you if you trust me?” She says, laughing a bit.
Kika nods and smiles, “You like birds? No wonder you and Apollo got married in that tribe!~” She smiles and laughs, then stopping herself and listening to his story.
Kika keeps a straight face and listens, remembering the story of Nathan… Was that her place now? She keeps listening to the story, keeping a reassuring smile on her face, “You can’t take all of the blame…I won’t say you shouldn’t feel any, but it’s not completely your fault…wait, that doesn’t…I don’t think that’s what I…” She frowns, “I’m sorry, forget I said anything…”
Kika smiles and sits back, having a bit of a de-sha-vu moment. “Where did you go anyways? Earlier, when you left and came back on your own?”
She checks her bag and holds her datapad, “Just so you know, I have full authorization on the power controls, wherever you need it, I can make it happen.”
Kika wraps her arms around him, smiling as she rested her head on his shoulder for a moment, “Of course. I mean what I say though.” She looks up at him, “Now, let’s go to Mars!”
((Update!! Geralt will join Rose, Katherine, and Ody’s team.))
Kika goes up to Jack, looking him up and down. She expands her arms to offer a hug, but moves no closer, “It’s not too late, Jack…I won’t think less of you if you go back home…Hell, a seven hundred year old man deserves a break…” She smiles, “Betty is preped for whatever trip you choose.”