The Best Kind of Villian
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Faye’s eyes widen, “W-What?! You mean…gods are trying to take us down!?” Her eyes flare with anger, as her mind swims in many thoughts…
Gods…when the hell have they ever cared about people!? Here we were, trying to make the world a better place for all, and bloody gods are getting in the way of us…why? Because it breaks their fucking flawed images that we have repaired with science!?
Kika smiles at Ozymandias-Odysseus, “I am glad to meet you, sir.” Kika bows before him, shifting her form to Faye for a moment, her hair and eyes changing, “Agent Mask, at your service, but you probably knew who I was…”
“I do have a few questions…I do not think you will answer them, but I only wish to attempt…” Faye looks up at him, her eyes staring at his, “Why have you let them live so long?”
Kika stares right at him as she had actually thought of this earlier as well. Odysseus controlled the AI that contacted her, this person also went ‘missing’ according to his information, and the names are very much similar…
Kika takes a deep breath and looks at him, seeing his red eyes and keeping a straight face, “Your job here is like mine. You control the AI that contacted me. CAL, was it? That same AI that contacted me at the mission site.” Kika stares at Ody, trying to keep her voice low in case these were not sound proof walls, “You’re either here to fire me or give me the new orders.”
Kika swallows and goes into the room, locking the door, “I know what this is about…”
Kika backs out of the room as she looks at Jack, her eyes filling with fear as she begins to wonder if this is the kind of rage Jack spoke of day one…
Kika freezes as she hears him mention CAL. Was Ody one of them!? Oh shit…ohshitshitshitshit!!
Kika backs up slightly and looks down the hallway, her hand in her bag, finding her pistol just in case…
Kika listens to the conversation and frowns, looking at Jack and Rose, then she pipes up, “Wait, didn’t Miz say that they were going to Pandaras-1 mining colony?”
Kika frowns and looks at Ody. Awww shit… this couldn’t be good… “Yea–” She stops herself as Jack takes over, leaving the room with Rose-Katherine, “That works as well!” She smiles and follows the Ascendii.
Kika gets off the ship and smiles, taking her bag of stuff with her, while still having on the green dress and shoes. “I should change then…” She looks at everyone and smiles, “Feels good to be back.”
Kika looks up at Jack and frowns, seeing how he was looking. Probably the shot she heard…was he that powerful?
“Hey…we made it out in one piece. Even Ann–” She stops herself, “Even Betty.”
Kika sits back and lets out a deep breath, “No worries, Jack…”
Her mind then wanders and thinks of her beliefs and her stance in this whole epidemic… Where was she? She worked for them…but they don’t trust her judgement when following orders? She stares away and pats the seat beside her…
When they get to the ship, she heard a loud explosion and started to strap herself in, “Go Annie, go!!”
Kika looks at Jack and waves for him, “Quick quick quick!!”
Faye shifts her hair and eyes again as she drops the rifle in the ship, changing back into her dress and shoes, as her face and eyes go back to Kika rather than Susanne. She checked her timer on the datapad, then ran out to go get Jack…
She runs over to him, trying to drag him by the arm, “Let’s go! C’mon!”
Faye lets out a sigh, covering her face in her hands… Why were we keeping them alive!? First the hangar…now this!? Would we ever put an end to this resistance!? She gets up, still in the OGA uniform and takes the rifle with her.
She had a few choices here…leave Jack and possibly get revoked out of the OGA, somehow take Jack with her and keep doing what she’s doing…
She hears a loud shot and looks, seeing Mizdog make is escape… Who’s side was she even on anymore…?