The Best Kind of Villian
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Kika smirks and looks out the window of the ship, “I’ll make it as believable as I can.” She looks back a Jack, “How much longer you think? An hour if that?”
Kika smiles and giggles, “Yeah. So if we do get into a fight at the party, although I don’t think we will, it will work perfectly!”
Kika smiles and backs up, brushing off more of the wood, “Makes for a great party trick I’m sure!”
Kika frowns and brushes the wood off of his suit and her dress, “Ah shit…not again…”
Kika takes the board and holds it up, “You actually asked me this time, so this isn’t an excuse to kill me!” She strikes downward onto Jack’s head, closing her eyes in the process of it.
Kika sets her eyes to normal again and smiles, her eyes watering a little, “Yeah, that fucked with me as well…”
Kika continues to stare and slowly smiles, “Yeah, does this mess with you?” Kika rapidly changes her eye colors.
Kika proceeds to have an improvised staring contest with Jack…
Kika sits back and glances at Jack, “Well…uh…hmm…” She thinks a bit and looks up at him, “I don’t know…”
Kika nods in agreement, “Alright. How much time is left till we’re there?””
Kika smiles and takes it, putting it on as she is teased by the scent, “Beautiful! Let’s see…appearances, check…clothes, check…biographies, check…” She puts a hand on her chin and thinks…
Kika smiles and looks at him for a moment, holding up the camera and taking a photo without flash, “Well you still look good, even if you are going to somebody’s funeral.”
Kika then walks into the bathroom and gets her own self freshened up, mostly fixing up her hair and washing off any noticeable dirt, and putting on some good smelling perfume or cologne, “Do you have any scents that don’t smell like weed?”
Kika finds a dress of about her size and changes into it. It fit like a…very well made dress. Or a glove. Either would work. The dress was a bright green “Point.”
She takes off her shoes and changes into the matching pair, these ones slightly tighter on her feet than than what was comfortable, but they worked fine.
Kika follows Jack to the back and smiles, “You’re very considerate.” She smiles and gets over to the back where the clothes were, right behind Jack, “Just checking, goal of this is to find out why they’re funding this place for the ball?”
Kika frowns and looks down, “Damn…so much for that plan.” Kika looks up at Jack and then to his clothing, “Should we…you know, get a spare change of clothes?”