The Best Kind of Villian
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Kika hears the sounds of someone calling, “Engine room!!” She drops the tools and peeks out to see Odysseus, “Aye! You came back!? Are you crazy!?” She crawls out of the ship and smiles.
Kika finally awakens, seeing a frozen wasteland and a setting sun… She looks out in the distance and her eyes start to widen, “Shit…shit!” She gets up, looking around quickly, seeing the ship obviously not powered on. Kika looks and sees the rifle nearby, grabbing it and running to the engine room, rifle and datapad in hands.
Kika forces the door shut in the engine room, knowing it was the warmest room in the ship. She goes over to the actual engine and feeling it with the back of her hand… She takes a deep breath and figured out what to do… With her new plan she runs to grab a toolbox…
Kika was still out like a light, her body feeling a bit warmer now, as if a heat source was nearby her… She had no idea where she could be, and her mind was too numb to even ask her own thoughts…
Kika stays in her unconscious state, her body feeling warmer from something, but her environment cold…
Kika sees Ody as her eyes widen, feeling the devices take affect, her eyes closing and her body going limp, falling to the ground. At least the ringing stopped…
Kika stares at Malice and looks at the blood on her own hands… She shivers and stares back at Malice, her eyes still shifting from color to color.
Kika’s eyes shift colors, going from green to blue to white and red. She has a look of fear, her ears still ringing, now just staring at Malice. “The…sounds…please…” Her eyes water as she sees Apollo’s mouth move but no words that she could hear now…
Her vision shifts around as she wobbles over to her datapad, looking out the visor, typing something, but only realizing the power was cut off… She hugs her datapad as she trembles in her seat, blood trickling from her ears…
Kika smiles and looks at the person, “Driving the–AHHH!” She holds her ears as they slowly bleed, dropping her rifle on the ground, “OH GOD PLEASE! MAKE IT STOP!!” She falls onto her knees and removes her hands from her ears, her hands now with blood on her palms.
Her ears ring as she looks around the room, only seeing the lady in front of her and the planet closing in distance…
Kika smiles and looks forward, the planet dead ahead. She types a few things on the console and looks at the fight through the camera. She smirks and sees Ody on the way towards her, remembering her last encounter with him.
She smiles and presses a few more keys, a robotic contraption about the size of a coffee machine protrudes from the roof of the engine room. A high-pitched alarm sounds as then the turret fires at Jack and Andaluza, but mostly hitting Jack because he had tackled An.
Kika continues to pilot the ship, something coming up on the sensors. She smiles, looking back at the closed door behind her. She grasps the sniper rifle and brings her other hand to her heart, closing her eyes briefly.
Kika frowns as she hears the audio from the engine room, “Well shit…not gonna die today though…” She presses a button and the door to the cockpit closes off, pressing the button on her headset, “Jack…You honestly are insane…I have driven us off of the planet, given you my ship, let you destroy my ship, let you use my stuff and given you shelter in my home…but you still think I’m against you?!”
Kika smiles and continues to pilot the ship. She then gets a message from Rose, soon hearing very loud yelling. Her smile slowly fades away into a depressed frown. She pushes the button on her headset as she views a camera of the room they are in, listening to Jack’s story, “Welcome back, Jack. Glad you had your own adventure without us! Now can you do us all a favor and not blow up this ship?”
Kika keeps the ship going in a straight shot for the planet as she sees something blink on her datapad. She holds the button on the headset, “Hey, there’s a bit of engine trouble. Apparently a bit of debris lodged in the Durian Cell.”She looks at a map of the ship, “Just head down there and dislodge it, I’ll tell you where to put it.”
Kika realizes that they are one person short, feeling an explosion through the rumbling of the ship, “Uhhh…toilet?” She says, shrugging and looking back at Rose, “Look, we’re already nearly there. We can go back for him later…assuming he’s not dead.” Kika looks back at her instruments and the biggest grin takes over her face. “We’re free Raymundo.” She whispers to the ship.
Kika nods and presses the button, “Granted, patch it up!” She smiles and the ship seems to be doing well. She activates a diagnostic, seeing if there were any other parts of the ship partially broken up…