The Best Kind of Villian
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Kika presses the button and checks the system herself, “Don’t worry about that. It’s standard issue for that to have power, but that particular function is only used in hyper-jumps, so I’m diverting power from that to everywhere else. The power of manual control!” She smiles and keeps the ship going, glancing at Geralt, “Yes! Geralt, keep the people clam and watch my rifle! I really like it!”
Kika nods at Apollo and puts on a headset, “I’ll tell you what needs to be patched up.” She presses and holds down a button on the headset, her voice echoing through the ship, “You’ll hear me on the intercom.” She checks a few more systems and looks back at them, “All is okay, but I don’t know for how long…”
Kika grits her teeth and looks back at the others, still trying to stabilize the ship, “Raymundo!!” She shouts, the ship starting to become closer to completely stable. “Scan on the planet is done. Artic temperatures, glacial over cover all over the planet, minimal signs of life, none seeming to be sapient…” She looks back at the crew, “I think I can keep it stable enough, but it might take longer to get there…”
Kika looks at the ship start to malfunction and shake, “Hang on, ladies and gentlemen!” She directs the ship manually and types a few things on her datapad, the lights flickering a bit dimmer now, “Power focusing on stability…I’m not letting Raymundo die today!!” She keeps typing on the pad and sends out another message in the chaos, the ship starting to not shake as much now…
Kika nods and smiles at Apollo, “You’re right. No point in it…now that I think about it we may just give ourselves away if we do that…” She scratches her chin and looks up at Apollo again, “I don’t remember if we’ve been properly introduced… Kika Starr, at your service.” She holds out her right hand, occasionally glancing at the interface and datapad.
Kika presses a few more switches on the system, the sounds of something else opening, “Nitrogen, online.” She smiles and looks at the asteroids we were going towards, “We are going towards it… It’s kind of in the way of the planet. Don’t worry though, this ship is tough as nails! And you underestimate how good of a pilot I am.” She taps the datapad a bit, checking on something as she sent out a message, “Nitrogen is at normal levels now…enough to last us the trip there.” She looks back at the crew and smirks, “If you guys really want to, we can make a shooting gallery out of the asteroids?”
Kika looked down at herself. She still had on the OGA agent suit she took. “We don’t have to hurt him…maybe this outfit I got can work in our favor!” She smiles and flips many different switches, the sounds of things closing within the ship. “This is gonna take a while guys…make yourselves comfortable.” She maps out the destination on the interface in front of her, “We have enough oxygen reserves to make it there and back, the power supply is solar based, and the engines are hooked up to the power supply.” Kika types in a few more things, sliding the screen in front of her, “And we have some defensive systems as well…actually a overzealous amount of defensive systems…that’s why there’s no hyper drive.”
Kika looks back, giving Rose a wink and a thumbs up, soon turning back to control the ship. “So, where to now?” She quickly plugs in her datapad and smiles, “Wow, this is a high class vessel!”
Kika smiles and gets the ship off of the ground, boosting forward and cruising above the planet’s surface, “Thanks for the prep, Geralt!” She smiles, looking back at the rest of the crew, “Uh, I can do what we can with this kind of ship…maybe an adjacent planet or something.”
Kika smirks and puts the gun on the side, taking out her datapad as she runs up to the cockpit. For a moment, she just sits there…mesmerized by the ship. Her eyes were wide as she slowly stroked the throtle… “Raymundo…” She whispers.
Kika shakes out of her trance and messes with all of the switches she can, the ship starting to purr as it gets ready for takeoff, “Buckle up! Or don’t. At least close the door.”
Kika smiles and nods, her ears ringing for a moment as she hears Geralt. She covers them and drops the gun on the floor. “Makeitstop, make it stop!!” She uncovers her ears and looks at Geralt, glaring at him as she picks the gun back up.
Kika gets up and approaches the group, resting the rifle on her shoulder as the barrel still smokes. She loads in a new clip and smiles, looking at the newcomer with a smirk, “A little late, sorry guys.”
Faye gives a salute as she always did, waiting until they were all gone. Once they left the room, she grasps the rifle and runs out of the control room, her form changing into Kika once again.
Kika runs down to the doorway of the hangar, hiding behind a crate of stuff and putting the rifle on it, using the bi-pod to her advantage. She lines up her sight and fires at a few OGA agents, deliberately missing to scare them.
Faye notices the doors reopen as she steps back, nodding. “A-As you command…” She holds the rifle and continues to look at the battle, “Y-You don’t even want to detain them?” Faye asks, slightly surprised, “What now then?”
Faye smiles as the keypad turns red.
A loud voice on an intercom says, “WARNING: HANGAR DOORS CLOSING. PLEASE USE CAUTION WHEN NEAR HANGAR DOORS. DO NOT LAUNCH SHIPS UNTIL THE DOORS REOPEN.” The message repeats itself in at least ten languages, the voice obviously automated.
Faye smirks and types a few more things on the control panel…