The Best Kind of Villian
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Lena watches the map and figures where they are, looking up out the windshield, “Alright, turn right!” She says, a large alley to the right of them.
Lena hops in the car and looks at everyone, “Want me to drive this time, guys?” She looks over at Geralt, “I hear it too, we need to go!”
She sits beside Geralt and looks forward, getting out her pad as she finds a map, “Got it, go go go!”
Kika (called Lena in her current form) follows Geralt closely, “Want to just take someone’s car?”
Kika was sitting back the whole time, asleep in the corner of the room, but in a completely different form. A red haired girl with blue eyes. She looks around the room, not wanting to be seen in the same form by the ones hunting for them, if they ever decided to walk in.
She smirks as she watches the fray from the corner of the room now, finally fully awake. She sees Geralt, Rose, Jack, the new guy, Ody, and…that’s about it besides the random bar people.
After a moment or two, she sees the Zani fellow fall down on the ground, and Jack has less of an arm than earlier. “Wow…a lot has happened in the past while hasn’t it?” Then she is dragged away by Geralt, “Okay, we’re leaving then…”
Kika glances around the building a bit, looking at the new person in the room with them, jumping slightly as it fired something at our feet, “GAH!!” Kika glares at the Ascendius, but then is a bit intrigued by the creature, these types being quite rare.
Kika looks at Katherine, “Wow, you destroyed it? Just you or did you have a team?” She had her hands in her pocket, sure to turn on the recorder this time.
Kika hears the word Mirror and remembers that being some sort of spell or something. Then, she feels her body being warped to a new place, slightly disoriented.
She looks around and sees all kind of machines and a Jack vomiting in the corner, “She did warn you…briefly.” She smiles and looks at Katharine, “Wow. That was really impressive!”
Kika keeps going and drives as fast as the craft allows, and then some. She makes many different turns and such to try and lose the guys, whoever they were… She eventually turns into an alley and slows her speed, going back out onto the road in a different area, a busier part of the lanes, the vehicle trying to blend in with the traffic.
Kika lets out a breath and starts to straighten herself out in the seat. Bloody bot… Does it have any idea how many people could have seen that!?
She gasps as she hears the explosion, grabbing her weapon and looking around a bit. Well, looks like somebody noticed. Big fucking surprise! She looks at Jack jump out of the car. “Ah, crap…we should leave guys.” She looks at Ody, “I agree with him!”
Kika takes the controls and starts driving off quickly, “Alright, direct me!”
Kika slinks back into her seat and closes her eyes, not saying a word still. She takes a few deep breaths to calm down, opening her eyes again as her hand grasps her voice recorder.
Kika hears the sounds of Jack and holds onto the seat, hanging on for dear life as she had not reset her seatbelt yet. “JAAACCK! Who did we piss off now!?”
Kika glances at the card, having no idea what it actually meant. She turns back around and shakes her head. An uprooted flower? The hell could that mean!? This superstitious bull is one of the things she hated so much… People decide their fate with their choices and determinations, not by some all knowing figure that assigns a set destiny… She turns the datapad off and puts it back away, glancing out the window, but being sure to be on guard. Jack wouldn’t catch her off guard this time…
Kika lets out a sigh of relief and tries to control her breathing, closing her eyes for a bit. How could she be the weak link out of them all? Jack did nothing of actual use besides get shot! Rose was the real power and could have easily gotten the info without him. And Geralt…he was suppressing but other than that not doing much… Sure she didn’t kill anyone, but she did land all of her own shots…
She didn’t say a single word for the rest of the trip, only tying on her datapad as she tried to calm down with scrabble…
Kika looks up at Jack, tears falling down her face, “JACK!! CALM DOWN, PLEASE!!” She looks at the other two in the vehicle, hoping they’d actually do something. “YES! I HAVE BEEN TAKING NOTES! LIKE YOU SAID, WE COULD ALL BE DEAD! IF SOME OF US SURVIVE, WE NEED TO KNOW WHAT TO DO AND WHERE TO GO!!”
Kika looks over at Jack as he mentions business, very surprised when he parked and unbuckled her so quickly, holding her out of the door of the car, “WHOAA!! JACK!! CALM DOWN!!” Her hair flows with the wind as her eyes are wide with fear, a death grip on her datapad. “JACK! ROSE!! KATHRINE!! GERALT!!” She starts breathing rapidly, looking at Jack with desperation, “I-I WORK WITH NOBODY! I SWEAR IT! KIKA STARR WORKS WITH NOBODY!”
Kika looks up at Jack and nods, “Yeah, I suppose throwing us straight into the frying pan with no training could get us all killed.” She smirks as she eyes Jack, then looking back at the other two. She keeps on playing her game, defeating the invaders of space.