The Best Kind of Villian
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Kika looks forward and chuckles a bit, enjoying the argument between Jack and Rose. She smiles and changes games on the datapad to Space Invaders, playing the game for a while until she overhears Jack with his last bit on his healing factor. She smiles and opens up a text document, copying down that and switching back to the game.
“Trust me Jack, I know what you mean.” She looks back at Rose and Geralt, “Sorry if I seem like I’m making a shell to you guys, but I don’t want to feel bad once you guys do get yourselves killed.” She sighs and sinks back into the chair, “And considering how we dealt with that last mission, that might be soon…”
Kika looks at the lupide and the ascendii, still playing her tetris game. “I’m playing this game that requires skill to master…training my mind.” Kika glances at Rose with a smirk, “I know you two are not bad, I just didn’t want to interfere with your getting along.” She turns back to her game and plays on, “But please close the door behind you guys if you go into a room alone…”
Kika just glares at Geralt. “…” Probably better not to say anything back. She lets out a sigh and gets out her datapad, powering it on and touching a few things on the screen to activate it. She turns on a simple game and plays it for a while.
Kika overhears the conversation between the two, smiling a bit as they seemed to get along well. Wait, if she could convert over Rose-Kathrine, the maybe Geralt would follow? Vice versa as well maybe? That would definitely strengthen her numbers if worst went to worst. She looks over at Jack. Bloodthirsty murderer… She’d have to take care of him eventually, and that may be the hardest part of this mission…
Kika sighs and leans back in the seat, thankful for the rest and time to think things over. Now that she was thinking straight, she remembered her mission and felt it necessary to use her camera a bit more. That kind of firsthand intelligence is hard to come by and would have been useful for the prosecution. Nonetheless, she made a small list of her own goals to follow when she got back, closing her eyes for a bit. She’d also have to give a report to command for her actions thus far.
Kika gets into the craft with Jack, letting out a sigh, honestly not surprised by Jack’s reaction to the living. He is just a thug…that’s all he is. She looks over at Rose-Kathrine and waves at her, noticing how she respected the people. Maybe she could convince Rose or Kathrine later?
Kika smirks and walks with the rest of the team, exiting the building as they all headed to the main base, their first mission under their belts. Of course…this wasn’t Kika’s first mission, nor was it Jack’s apparently. Now she knows her targets, and aims to only gain their trust for the time to strike.
Kika looks at the two, listening to the conversations and making mental notes of a few things as they spoke… Rose-Katherine was an experiment of two persons… The location of the weapon stashes… The fact that Jack is a smoker… RK has different memories per person…
Kika stands up and looks around the room, “We can play story time later…there’s dead people everywhere, so I suggest we at least get someplace safe.”
Kika looks at the woman a bit confused, now noticing the change in her voice and attitude, “Despite what Rose tells me? Both of you? There’s more than one of you?” A perfect opportunity to change the subject. She didn’t want to go into her whole speech about due process of laws and how they work, not to mention what they are bloody meant to be used for. No, that would be way too much, and more than enough to get her killed…
She looks over at Jack as her mind slowly tries to keep itself calm…people like him…that’s what her job was meant for…but it wasn’t time yet… She lets out a sigh and looks at Rose, awaiting her response.
Kika looks up at the two and holsters the weapon, looking at the two, “They didn’t even make a move at you guys! We would have had much more information and a lot less blood on our hands!! Do you even want to live long enough to encounter OGA!?” She takes a deep breath, calming down, “Nevermind it…is Jack dead yet?”
Kika takes cover behind the table as the bows fire and kill near everyone in the room, “What the hell!?” Talk about unnecessary casualties…these men should have been turned in. Wait, what did they even do!? She growls to herself, looking at Jack with a glare.
Kika smirks and shoots out the legs from under the rest of the figures, slowly starting to stand up, as she loads in the next clip, pocketing her used one for later if needed. She glances around the room and makes sure they are all on the ground, “Your call, Rose! Negotiate!” Kika keeps her weapon at the ready over the table, ready to shoot the first one that raises a firearm.
Kika looks over at Jack and glares at him, honestly not sure if he was talking to us or the others in the room. No time to ask, she thinks, quickly kicking over a table to use as a cover, overhearing the fact that Kreed was dead, “Well, so much for that plan…” Her eyes widen as she hears a loud shot as Jack is flung across the room, “Wow, you really are bad at making friends…” She peeks over the edge and fires a few silenced shots at the other armored figures, trying to shoot their arms or hands rather than the armored chest.
Kika ducks down behind the hovercraft and draws her pistol, silencer and all. “How many people did you piss off Jack!?!” She moves along the side of the craft and listens to anything they have to say, “Guys?! What do we do at this point? Run or search?” She looks up and sees the Lupide ready for action, glad someone else had good combat instincts.
Kika looks at the building and smirks, able to read the sign and hear the sounds of the city around her, “I guess this is the place.” She says, getting out of the vehicle once allowed. “Ready to go guys? Or…” She looks at the other two getting acquainted in the back, “Or you can stay there…Jack, you want to head in and leave these two for now?” She asks, glancing in his direction now.