The Best Kind of Villian
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Kika smiles and walks with the team, keeping a sharp eye on the two cat-like people. Lupide! That’s what they’re called. Right, wolf-like beings with furry tails…not the brightest of species though.
She makes sure her weapon is concealed and double checks her gear, taking a seat in the craft as the rest of them started to get onboard, “Alright, ladies and gentlemen. Our adventure is just beginning.” She smirks at the other two, then glancing at Jack, seeming exited.
Kika nods and goes up to the other three people, her hand on her side as she trades glances with them all. “I am good to go when you all are ready.”
Kika sees Jack’s smile, but worries all the same, taking a lightweight armor piece and putting it on quickly over her clothing, staying close to the group. She holsters her weapon and looks at Rose, then to Jack, finishing her gaze towards Geralt. “I’m ready to go now then.” She secures her bag on her back, making sure nothing would fall out of it.
Kika takes one of the earpieces and puts it on, activating the item and speaking into it, hearing her echo on the other side, “Test test…okay, it works.” She glaces at all of the other items on the tables, grabbing a silencer and putting it on the weapon she already had. Being very silent was a talent since her days of being Faye, and she would exploit the hell out of it. She also takes a spare magazine, adding it to her bag as she glances at the other two. They seemed to be getting along well. What was the guy’s name again? Geralt or something of that sort. She looks at Jack and smiles, “Should we grab some armor or leave it?” She asks, pointing to the suits behind her.
Kika looks a bit surprised, “Didn’t mean to offend. Manpower is a thing we may need later though.” She reads the paper and shrugs, pocketing it for later. She grabs the folder and follows the group, being sure to stay in the middle.
Kika looks around at the people. Rose-Katherine, a nice Ascendii with a heart, but maybe not in the right place. Jack, a mob-boss like leader with a huge weapon stash (note to self, get address of this place). Ody, the cyborg that was already suspicious of her. And the new guy…What kind of race was he? It slipped her mind at the moment.
She looks at the many weapons and nods a few times, looking at what the others will do, still holding the file in her hands, “Nice place.” She notices Ody give the new guy grenades. This may have been a mistake…
Kika looks at the folder and listens to the next monologue by the man. ‘Of course.’ She thinks to herself, ‘Can’t ditch your criminal roots, can you Jack? It’s people like you that need to be locked up or dead…and I will be sure to tell them to keep your head separate…’
She pages though the folder, looking at all of the important details. “What did these gangs do then? You sure we can’t recruit them with us?” She nods a bit, glancing at the others in the room, “We could always use more for our cause.”
‘And I could always use a bit more coin per head.’ She thinks to herself. She looks down and does a mental inventory of her gear: Datapad, Small Pistol (just in case), Voice Recorder, Digital Camera, and the cords to connect all the electronics together. ‘Well, maybe I can stick around and be loyal for now…’
Kika looks at the bot with a partially confused look, the plan not making a lot of sense to her right now, “Wait. Listen to what you just said. ‘OGA is incredibly efficient, well-funded, and ruthless.’ And you think going loud and proud with our team of misfits is going to do anything? Remember the Mongols of Earth? They were efficient in their raids, well-funded from the pillaging, and dare I even mention how they were ruthless? No, going big won’t–” She turns around to hear a person walking in, her speech cut off by the slam of a door.
“Oh, hey. No, you are right on time, pup.” She looks over at Jack, “That’s understandable. He a part of us too?”
Kika rolls her eyes at the bot’s comment, mumbling something to herself. After a second she turns towards the Ascendii, smiling a bit as she had gotten her name now, “You guys can call me Kika if you wish.” She nods and glances over at Jack, listening to his short speech.
As she listens to the speech, she is sure to note a few details here and there, not only about the goal of the group, but being sure to remember things about this Jack fellow. Ex-criminal, murderer of KIRK’s CEO, but he suddenly decided to grow a heart after his countless jobs for KIRK? It didn’t add up in her mind, but that was the mindset of most vigilantes wasn’t it? Try and clean your slate by doing good in the end, even though they are still breaking laws in their own way? So blinded by their cause that they cannot see the truth? Nonetheless, she kept a straight face and nodded occationally as she listened.
“Will the rest of your team be accompanying us?” She asks, a more professional tone in her voice.
Kika just keeps the same smirk on her face as the bot continues to ramble on about the many things he could do, simply giving a shrug afterwards, “You may be able to do all of that, but you still struggle with basic logic, like if I bring a flier in and show it to you, asking if I am in the right place, it is more than likely about the flier.” Kika chuckles and shakes her head, then looking over at the Ascendii, smiling a bit, “I like you already! What’s your name then, madame?”
Kika smirks and looks to the woman, waving in her direction as Odysseus asks his question, “She figured out what I meant rather quick, and I don’t even know her name yet!” She chuckles a bit and looks at the bot with a cocky smile, “Maybe you need to get your intelligence checked?”
Kika lets out a sigh, glad to be out of the way of the bot. I take a few steps out into the main room and glaces at the three, putting a smile on my face as I analyze the faces. There was of course the bot, balancing a dagger. Then a woman, seeming to be some sort of Ascendii.
The last figure must have been Jack, the person whom Odysseus was speaking of earlier.
“Alright… so I am in the right place, right?” -
Kika’s eyes widen as she looks to the figure before her, gasping as she is pulled into a different room with him. “GAH!!” She looks at it and scratches her chin, “Yeah…are you with them?” She stares right at his eyes, noting the robotic pupils.
She hears the voice behind her and smiles, not facing away from the bot as she responds, “Uh, I heard of something going on here…” She pulls out one of the fliers, tossing it out of the room to where the other two are, “Seem familiar to you?”
She walks by, her person currently with the short, jet black hair and forest green eyes of Kika Starr. After a bit of eavesdropping people in the streets for a bit and finding a few cleverly hidden fliers, she found out about a certain gathering in the building she was standing in now. “Hmm… seems like the right place…” She listens closely and definitely hears conversation inside. Maybe two females and a male? She knocks on the door a few times. ‘Strange…’ She thought to herself, ‘Door seems like it was open not more than a moment ago…’
Name: Kika Starr/Faye ‘Mask’ Moonfallow
Age: 34
Race: Human
Powers: Enhanced hearing and sight, change hair color, hair length, and eye color at will, temporary invisibility (side effects include tiredness and minor headache); All thanks to the graciousness of the OGA. Naturally quiet.
Personality: She is known to be quiet and observant. However, this can make for a good cover up for her job: deception. Faye is loyal to the OGA (accompanied by long, very light blonde hair with ice blue eyes), but Kika is her more civil name (with short, jet black hair and forest green eyes) and her main tool for espionage.
Backstory: Raised in a more middle-class area, Faye grew up knowing the wonders that the futuristic world had to offer. She had a knack for being very quiet and well behaved, as well as a good skill of paying attention to more than just the main point, but was always on the bottom of the list in physical training. After learning much more in her classes and in the world around her, she found out about the Organization of Genetic Advancement and their goal, now knowing what she wanted to do with her life. She was added at first to the organization’s list of test subjects, and she was gifted her abilities of advanced senses, changing of hair and eyes, and even a temporary invisibility (with side effects). After learning about the resistance efforts going on throughout the worlds, she gained the name of Kika Starr as a cover up, just in case. Now, with her new found gifts, she trained tirelessly to become a great agent for the eyes and ears of the OGA. After hearing something of a meeting going on soon, this begins her trek into unknown territory. And so she goes…
(First actual character, suggestions and opinions encouraged! -Natalie)