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Aisuke just shrugged with a grin, before his sister could escape, Aisuke put her in a headlock and noogied her, messing up her hair. “Not like you haven’t got caught before, show off.”
Aisuke was doing the same in a different part of down town. Aisuke grinned as he got more money, they were definitely getting Chinese takeout today. However, as he stole a guy’s watch the man suddenly gabbed his arm and yelled at him. “Uh oh. Sorry, uh, see you later old man!” twisting out of the man’s grasp, Aisuke fled to the meeting spot earlier than he expected, having to take different route than usual because the man was persistent.
Name: Aisuke Poker
Profession: Thief/Student
Living Area: Main Street, Small apartment
Backstory: Aisuke was the older twin, he dressed similar to his sister and liked switching places with her occasionally. He was the brains with skills while his sister was a better actor with skills. They’ve been thieves for as long as he remembered and they continued to do so for a living and hobby.
Aura looked at Jojo, feeling the stares. She wondered what he was thinking of……
Really curious about what the others were doing, Aura went back to the building and looked at the others with an impatient look, “I thought we were going to catch some witches, not laze around.” Aura was pouting, she was excited and here they were, just sitting.
Aura turned back to Jojo, “I guess we’re the only ones that aren’t lazy, and here I thought that Stark was the responsible one….”
Harley jumped surprised, having dealt with a lot of zombies attacking her made her cautious and quick to react. Without thinking Harley shot Elliot’s leg as she jumped back her gun pointed at his head as she panted from the scare. “E-Eliot?” She said blinking a bit confused before narrowing her eyes in distrust.
Harley had been around and about in the mansion and outside, still hunting zombies and trying to find safe zones, staying in one place was never her thing after all. She was still wary about the crazy guy that the host let inside the house, that’s been the main reason she was out. Harley snuck back into the house and walked around wondering where the others were at, she hadn’t seen them for a while.
Liv’s group noticed that even though the tavern seemed normal, there was something that seemed to be missing…..
Annabelle sighs as she points at the snake on her arm, a sign that she has to go to meet capital. Annabelle avoided eye contact and turned around again, “I have a job to do now if you don’t mind.” Her face was void of emotion.
Olivia looked at Roger surprised before smiling and hugging the man, a custom that she never seemed to lose when greeting friends, “I thought you were out of town? Its great to see you. The kids are alright, but they can be a handful at times.” She laughed a bit at the last part, “Ah yes, I know what you mean. Sometimes their curiosity can be quite troubling.” Olivia glanced at her sister, remembering how much Shayla got in trouble when they were younger because of her curiosity.
Olivia sighed as she packed her bag, this time in the school year was the worst; finals, students acting rowdy, graduation…. This year Olivia was teaching High School and to be honest she sort of regretted it but at least her students didn’t hate her or make her job too bad. Since Olivia had classes at 4th period and below, she came to the school at later times than most teachers. Olivia decided to stop by her sister’s vendor today instead of going straight to her job, see how Shayla was doing. Olivia smiled as she greeted her sister, “Hey Shayla! How’s work today?”
Person: Ms. Marice, Octavia Marice
Profession: Elementary teacher, sometimes substitutes for Middle School and High School
Living Area: Main Street, works in Einstein Project.
Backstory: Always the peaceful one, Octavia was the one to settle many of the rambunctious kids in her family. Being the oldest of three, Octavia frequently took care of her siblings and had a love for teaching them new things, especially alchemy which she had an apt for. Eventually Octavia grew up and got her degree in teaching, math, and anatomy. Octavia traveled a bit before deciding to settle in Cornell as a teacher to grades 2 and up.
“Just now realizing this? No chara development, no plot, no actual progress. There was an attempt, actually multiple, but it was denied of ever being a start up, many agreed with me on this.”
Hweq sighed as she stood up dusting herself off as her blade, upon her command, cut off Jack’s head, Hweq not stepping any closer to the human’s body. “You did, you just do not recognize me, I really do wonder what Rose felt for you before I killed her off, shame I’ll never get to know.”
Hweq gripped her hand, her sword in her hand already as she kicked Jack to the wall, annoyed with his antics. “Humans really are annoying, I should get going now, wouldn’t want to get emotions too much, bad for my health you know?”
Hweq flipped and landed neatly, looking at Jack more than a bit bored, “And you wonder why everyone keeps leaving this team and Apollo has to drag everyone back again……”
Hweq, bored, decided that Jack would be a good landing object, so while he crashed on the planet, Hweq landed on him, her landing breaking him spine as she walked off him, making sure Pandora wasn’t hurt in the slightest.