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Rose turned to Jack and looked at him confused.
Rose shrugged, “Opinion on the team at the moment?” Rose wondered how the OGA’s ship/base would look like; hidden, out in the open?
Rose smiled at Jack, “I see, what shall we talk about?” Rose looked out for anything out the ordinary.
Rose laughed a bit as she surveyed the area, walking with Jack. “Knowing Katherine, she would drop you the first chance she gets.”
Rose huffed in relief, “You’re a pretty funny human aren’t you? Always falling into danger and stuff.” Rose landed on the ground and gently put Jack down.
Rose sighed, noticing the problem, thank god she had a knife on her. Cutting her strings, Rose dived after Jack, thankfully catching him before swooping up and slowing down their descent.
Rose did as told, thankfully the parachute did not bust, like they were commonly known to.
As Rose felt herself enter the atmosphere she replied, “In about two hours, maybe.”
Rose responded, “I know, but I don’t believe I’ll be using Mr. Human like that anytime soon.”
Tempus nodded, “Alright, is there anything else we need to know?” Tempus held back her usual quote of the day, as this was a mission after all.
Rose shook her head, “I can actually use my wings to speed up and slow down, no need for the boosters.”
Tempus narrowed her eyes at his words, “Others?” She questioned, she wasn’t used to others knowing a mission before her, it annoyed her a bit.
Rose nodded, keeping an eye on Jack nervously. “I have to fight back the instinct to use my wings. Its proving quite difficult.”
Rose let out a little scream as she launched out into space, counting to three and completing the instructions, her heart a bit out of control. “Plan?” She asked Jack.
Rose did as told, still confused, though she found Apollo and Jack’s interactions hilarious.