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Aura stopped stretching to finish her drink. Once she finished that she followed Jojo outside, glad to have brought her coat.
Aura didn’t immediately join Jojo, just watching him from behind a bit curiously. She wondered what the boxer was thinking of, it had to be something important or deep by the way he seemed to be twitching. “What are you thinking about?” Aura asked Jojo, never one to leave a friend brooding.
Rose followed Apollo, giggling before she changed as well. “Feels almost like a second skin…pretty light as well.”
Rose nodded at the information, looking at Apollo, “Shall we?”
Rem shrugged as she played with Pantera before she noticed that she couldn’t stay here forever. “Uh..thanks, I had fun…but I will be uh going to my dorm room. C-can I come back and uh….play with Pantera or um y-you sometime?” Rem stood up to get going.
Rose smiled, “I guess it’ll be alright. Good luck everyone! Lets try to beat this guy at his own game!”
Rose grinned at what Andaluza said, “So you do have attitude Mr. Wind!”
Katherine switched to Rose in the ride.
Rose walked through the docking tube and smiled at everyone, “Hello!”
Katherine shrugged, “As ready as we’ll ever be.”
Katherine hesitated only a little afterward before following Pandora.
Rem grinned in victory, “Me too…” the ‘and I still beat you’ was unsaid but implied. Rem stretched and pet Pantera a bit.
Katherine grimaced at the description, she already known why Jack would be so insane, but to actually read it and with pictures, was terrible. Katherine hid hers, keeping a tight hold on it as it had information of The Original no one was allowed to know. Katherine read a bit and immediately stopped.
“….today we removed a wing, as hers was a bit different from the usually Ascendii. Amazing, the bones were surprisingly more durable and sturdier than the regular Ascendii. As usual, she refused to make a sound, shame really. I missed the screams of her earlier years….”
Name: Tempus Dea
Age: 19
Sex: Female
Designation Number: 892
Squad: Beta
Specialty: Intel/Spy
Mental State: Cautious of everyone. Pretty sane until further notice.
Childhood Until Training: A shy kid with a big family.
Personality: Extremely loyal, it takes a while to break out of her “work only” shell. Other than that she is always popping up random facts and quotes when conversing. Always on the negative side, has a bit of a dark humor as well.
Introvert, Extrovert, In between: In between, leaning more towards introvert.
Opinion: Not really caring, finding it sort of amusing at the same time.
Extra: She is not bad at combat; very well in the front lines in fact.
Extra: Prefers to watch on the sidelines and help there, if needed.
Katherine smiled a bit, not really wanting to feel happy about it. Highfiving Pandora a bit, “Yeah….” She looked at the experiments seriously.
((Me neither, I sorta lost the game when I was younger too….XD))
Rem was quite good at this game, she made sure to walk fast and pop into the barrel fast as well.
Rem ended up rolling a 9 and deposited some money in the bank. Already a good start.