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Rem blushed as she grabbed her hood and pulled it more down. “Ah, uh, thank you….” Rem put her head down a bit, flustered at the compliment.
Rose immediately zoomed away, once she reached the end of a cliff she finally stopped, massive heat waves rolled off of her as she curled in herself. “I swear I will get Midzog for this…” <i>She whispered hoarsely. </i>
Midzog smiled at the sight of her glowing eyes, “Ah yes, that’s more like it.” He continuously “trained” her until she could not control her abilities. He made her loose any restrictions, forever full power until he deemed it fit to stop. However, he only did this with Rose out, claiming Rose to have more potential than Katherine. Eventually, Rose wasn’t able to hold any power inside, it always needing a release.
Only after she ran away from the OGA did she realized that if she did not restrict herself, people may die. Forcefully putting on a seal or forcing herself to not release excessive amounts of energy was not safe, since it caused her to do even more damage. It was decided that she would always leave a full day when her eyes started glowing. To release the energy and not hurt anyone.
Rem tapped her pen in a beat as she thought, “Um, free running, hiking, writing stories, and singing. Cool hobbies though. Rem smiled shyly at Dakota from under her hood.
Rem looked at Dakota surprised, not expecting him to comply so easily. “So, uh, um, what hobbies do you have other than the guitar?” Rem tapped her pen a bit nervous, not used to speaking so much.
Rose struggled against Apollo, her breathing frantic as her eyes glowed brighter than ever, her skin practically burning Apollo.. Rose closed her eyes tightly as her body stopped thrashing but instead it tensed, as if ready to be injured. “….please don’t…” Rose whispered.
“N-no, its alright,” After a moment of silence Rem spoke again, “I, um, sorry if I’m bothering you but um, I don’t wanna be strangers with someone I’m gonna be rooming with so um…lets get to know each other?” Rem ended meekly.
Rose glared at Andaluza and Apollo as she started backing up, feeling cornered, this brought memories she soon lost herself in.
Out of nowhere the half breed shot electricity at the two men, she used the opportunity to quickly fly away deeper into the forest, weaving through the trees trying to loose the two.
“No I don’t, just…” Rose’s voice turned a bit desperate, “Leave me alone. I promise that I’ll be fine.” Rose aimed a large ball of flame at a tree, making the truck explode as more intense heat waves rolled off of Rose’s body.
Rem continued writing as she decided to speak up, not wanting to be strangers with someone she’s rooming with, “I, uh…really liked your music, you’re really good at it….”
“Rem….nice to meet you.” Rem sat cross legged on her bed, facing Dakota as she pulled out a notebook and started writing in it.
Rose shook her head, “I-I’ll be fine, just um, leave me alone.” Rose’s hands started glowing as she released some of the heat that was overwhelming her. Rose flew away from Apollo, releasing some balls of fire and electricity to her surroundings.
Rem closed the door behind her as she set about unloading her luggage, wondering if her roommate didn’t like her.
Rem shyly waved at her new roommate, looking at him from under her hood. Maybe he was as shy as she was?
Rem bit her lip nervously as no one answered and the music stopped. She opened the door gently and came inside. “A-anyone here? I, um, I’m sorry if I disturbed you…” Rem said quietly, hoping she didn’t upset her new roommate already.
Rose rubbed her still glowing eyes, they were agitating her more than usual. “I’ll be fine, I just need some time alone is all…” As soon as the ship landed, Rose rushed out, rubbing her eyes the whole way.