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Rem payed the cab driver as she exited the car with her luggage, truthfully, she was sort of grateful to be away from all those judging eyes. “Hello dorms, goodbye house…” She mumbled to herself,tugging the hood down more to cover her face.
She went to her dorm room #457 and sighed when she noticed the door was unlocked, she was hoping to not have a roommate. Though Rem had to admit, whoever that was, was a great player. Knocking on the door as to not startle her roommate, Rem wondered who it was.
Name: Rem Mizuki
Age: 15
Description: Short messy curly hair with green eyes. Usually wear over sized coats with the hood up, usually wearing jeans or sweatpants, nothing fancy. Rem is pretty average height and has an athletic body that seems to be built for running/acrobatics. She’s extremely shy but loves to play with kids and she is more open to those she considers close. Usually mistaken for a guy due to her clothes and never seeing her face, plus she doesn’t talk very much.
1st period: Physical Education
2nd period: Math
3rd period: Study Hall
4th period: Advanced Science/Psychology
5th period: English
6th period: Art
Room Number: 457
Extra: Rem doesn’t like when others are mean and stands up for the victim, regardless of her shy nature.
Extra: Despite looking so meek, Rem is a self trained fighter who will kick some ass if needed. She’s also a bit of a rebel at times, skipping class and such to relax.
Extra: Rem is quite stubborn at times and can protest as long as she deems it necessary. (Such as wearing girlish clothes or taking off her hoodie in class)
Aura smiled widely at the mention of such a challenge, this is what she’s kept on living for! What a way to end her life, closing the gates to hell! Definitely worthy of an adventurous soul such as hers! Even though she hasn’t told the others, she might die soon, her life limit was 30-32 after all, she would never forget that. Better to be dying in the field than to die doing nothing and waste away her life.
“Perfect! I heard that they were frequently appearing near the town’s edge, they’ve kidnapped a few people, though not the normal kids. They’ve been kidnapping people in midlife crisis, teenagers showing depression in the last month, adults in debt…” Aura described what she knew. “I was going to check it out on my own, I already have a good feel of where its supposed to be. I suppose we can gather more facts and go looking before anyone else turns out missing.” Aura put down her drink, got up, and stretched, she couldn’t wait!
Rose eye’s only dimmed slightly as she turned to Malice and Odysseus, leading them to the ship while whispering to Malice on the side, “I can’t….due to the…..try…..no……maybe….leave….” The only words that were able to be heard between the two.
Rose looked at Andaluza and smiled, though her eyes stayed the same, “Nice to have you aboard, Mr. Wind, Ms. Fidelis.”
Rose shot Andaluza a look as well, her eyes still glowing, “You’re welcome, now we need to get a move on, knowing Mr. Human and Mr. Cyborg, they have found some new information we can get started on.” She was finally making progress, but she couldn’t relax, not at such a crucial time. So much time was wasted on their hate and fighting, they needed to get over this to move on and fight the OGA. Rose got off of Apollo and winced, her injuries still hurt but she’ll ignore them for now.
Rose turned her glowing eyes towards Apollo, “No I am not. This stupid rivalry of you both is killing me, its very pointless. Andaluza has said he does not wish to mingle with the OGA any longer due to some complications. Plus, I see no reason; Kik, the spy, was also helping. But you let her live, join you, and you protect her, even now.”
Rose already had woken up and was absolutely confused when she saw Andaluza and Apollo fighting, how are they still fighting? Don’t they ever get tired of it? There are so many better things to do rather than fighting it out.
When Rose saw the two fighting near the tent she decided she had enough, they were going to injure everyone else as well! Rose’s eyes darkened as she tackled Apollo to the ground and smacked Andaluza away with her wings. “Enough you two!” <i>A strong heat wave rolled off her body, her eyes glowing as she glared at the two foolish Ascendii.</i>
Aura smiled at Jojo’s shyness, she found it absolutely adorable. The man’s heart was definitely in the right place, he just probably found it difficult to express it. She actually watched a few of his matches before and found his ability cool as well. He was a great boxer and person, even if some people thought differently. Though he seems distant to the team, Aura didn’t treat him any differently.
Aura grabbed picked up a glass and drank the liquor slowly as she sat down on a chair beside Jojo, “Hmm, I heard about a few minor cases with a witch coven while on a…job. But that’s all up to Dex.” Aura preferred to separate her three different jobs, two she openly admitted, the third was a secret left for another time, maybe.
Aura rolled her eyes at his words, though she playfully winked in return.
Soon, however, she became concerned and frowned at Dex a bit before quickly covering it up with a smile. Aura knew that everyone in the team had more than a few skeletons in the closet, she wasn’t sure which one of Dex’s was peeking out but either way it was worrying. Who would cause Dex to act such a way in the first place? Aura sneaked a glance at the name and wondered what this guy’s connection to Dex was…
“You know, Stark could always use my blood if he wishes it.” Aura always wanted to help Stark too, but they would never let her. Honestly, Snark was as much of her friend as the other’s, why not? Plus she was sure it would help all of them if Stark had more than one supply of blood, also her curse made her unaffected by most things as well.
Aura smiled at Jojo, “Hey Jojo, I think we got it covered.” He was always quiet, but she didn’t mind, he wasn’t mean or anything. He was actually very good company.
Aura smiled at Dex, and giggled a bit at his words. “No problem, plus you aren’t that old in the slightest!” Aura always found it amusing how Dex addressed everyone, even himself. That was one thing she can always count on him for, a joke to brighten the day. No matter how dark or bad their mission was, Dex always made it a bit more bearable at times.
The cursed woman looked at the gift a bit surprised but smiled at Dex, happy at the simple but beautiful gift. “Aw, thank you Dex!” She kissed him on the cheek to show her gratitude. “Though…I may have to drag you out for shopping, I need an outfit to match this lovely necklace.”
Aura saw Stark’s hungry stare and was going to offer him some of her blood when he pulled out the note. This was strange, why would someone call out Dex? The brunette shot Dex a look, wondering what the people wanted.
Aura sighed as she scanned over the injuries, smiling at his attempt to calm her down. “I know….” Aura grabbed a cloth and soaked it in alcohol before applying it none so gently on the cuts. Sort of like pay back for every single day he did suicide missions alone. “I’m not going to scold you but…you are a pretty stupid human. Almost like a kid.”
Aura didn’t necessarily consider herself human due to the curse. She always knew she could never fully be one anyway.
“You may need some stitching, but I’ll use some magic to boost your cells, to prevent too many scars, and to prevent you from opening it, again.” Aura took out a need and thread, careful while stitching. Her left hand moved along his torso, glowing a bit white as some of the smaller wounds sealed completely, the others being a bit slower.
Aura smiled at the vampire in thanks, “Hey Stark, nice to see you too.” She looked back at Dex’s body and focused more, her hand glowing brighter at the most terrible injuries, stopping the bleeding. Slowly sewing up the rest of the injuries, making sure Dex felt quite a bit of pain, but not too much. In the end she wrapped his torso completely and securely, now just disinfecting the smaller injuries on his face.
Aura ran up to Dex with an apologetic smile. “Sorry that I wasn’t here earlier I was busy with, um, something…..” Aura trailed off as she saw the state Dex was in. “How did you get those injuries?” The brunette scanned Dex with a critical eye, taking note of the angel feather and cringing a bit, if it was a half angel half demon guy then….damn. Dex was pretty strong of a guy, but to take one of those guys, it would take a lot of time and energy.
Aura looked up to Dex in more than one way, it was hard not too. Dex was the most experienced member of the team, he was also one of the strongest. Plus, he created the group that she can call friends and sometimes even family, though some do get mad at her and scold her, they were pretty nice too. Even her best friend was in the group! Dex never judged, and had a weird way of expressing himself, but overall he was sort of chill. Hopefully he can handle her off days, they’ve been more frequent and she’s worried that she may hurt them during an exorcism….
Shaking her head, Aura opened her bag and took out some medical supplies, “Shirt off please, and tell me what you may have injured. You know, the usual.” Aura smiled patiently at Dex. It wasn’t uncommon for one of the team to become injured on their self assigned missions, Dex was the most frequent one. Though Aura wasn’t the best medic on the team, she had her fair share of experience with patching people up.
Name: Aura Willow
Age: 28
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Abilities/Skills/Strengths: Exorcist, Spying, Thievery, Magic
Appearance: Aura has long curly hair, usually out or in a ponytail. She has a brown eye and a silver(blind) eye, usually uses her bangs to hide her silver eye. Aura is 5’8 and has a very lithe and flexible body to accommodate her thieving skills. She has piercings on her lip, tongue, and ears, giving her a sort of punk look. Aura has two large tattoos; one on the stomach with a skull covered in chains, and one on her back, a large flower with names engraved on each petal. Usually wears fashionable dark clothes to blend in; jeans and jackets with jewelry.Personality: Aura is usually a very open person, usually bubbly and excited, especially when demons chase her. She’s the make-love-not-war type, though her habits do seem to make more enemies than she cares to admit. Aura can be very sneaky and with a memory like hers, she stores everything away, for use in the future. She is intelligent, but mostly relies on instinct and her street smarts.
Habits: Lying and stealing, sometimes unconsciously or instinctively.
Background: Lived in the city since young but prefers the countryside. Aura was raised by a cheap man who was addicted to gambling, but was also extremely nice with morals he kept to heart. Due to the ups and mainly downs in her up bringing, Aura was a little too adventurous one day and ending up stealing a medallion from a demon and sold it. This caused the demon to put a curse on her that made her right eye silver/blind, her life span to become limited, and her soul to become corrupt at points in time. However, this curse made some of the demon’s powers affect Aura, and she can manipulate the demon’s power to do magic. Realizing her potential and the limit on her life, Aura decided to live life to the fullest and doing what she can to help other people.
Rose hissed at the pain before quickly rolling away from Andaluza in time to avoid the blade. “Ouch, that hurts you know.” Rose looked at Pandora’s blade appreciatively, loving it. Though….
Rose tackled both of the Ascendii and flew out of the ship, “Mr. Pure Breed get Malice too!” The ship was going to crash soon, might as well get everyone to safety. But the ship blew up during mid flight, causing Rose to fly a bit further and off course.
((My crap is dying so nighty night! I will now be known as injured/unconcious/or dying, take your pick.))