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<i>Rose pointed at Andaluza, </i>”Because I like this guy, though….let’s try to survive at the moment alright?”
Rose tackled Andaluza to stop him from harming the poor girl, causing herself to get injured in the process.
Rose looked at him confused, “Why?? We didn’t do anything yet.”
Rose looked at where Andaluza jumped and back at the controls, she shuddered at the reminder that she was in a death trap. What was she supposed to do though? Shoot? As she felt the damage being done she made her decision. Semi closing her eyes, Rose decided to shoot towards the Ascendii, hopefully no one would get hurt….that bad.
Rose waved a bit to Apollo
Rose looked at Andaluza confused, “What pet? You mean Ms. Tattoo? She’s not his pet, silly! Plus, do I have too? We can just talk and watch you….men, battle it out.” She looked down a bit contemplative. “I’m not sure how she’d react though…she seems extremely loyal…meh.”
Rose blinked, a bit confused as she heard something hit the ship, causing some damage.
Rose raised and eyebrow as she followed Andaluza with Malice, thinking “He does know he can mirror, right? Or maybe Midzog did something? I’ll come along to stop him, if necessary.” “Mr. Issues, how do you plan on beating Mr. Pure Breed?”
Rose gave a hesitant smile, “I have…” She giggled a bit at his display, “I can see that you are enjoying your freedom.”
Rose laughed in glee as she saw Andaluza zoom around, “Nice thing getting your wings back huh?” She didn’t join him in the sky, like Katherine would, she wouldn’t dare.
“Not what I meant but its alright too.” Rose studied Andaluza’s wings, “They look sorta like Mr. Purebreed’s…any chance you two are related?”
Rose just smiled, “You are Ascendii, I am Asccendii, he is Ascendii, what do we do?” <i>Rose was not betraying Apollo, he was the first person to actually accept and still accept her in the group with everything that’s happened as well. But she didn’t want Andaluza to forcibly come to her, she’ll help him a bit, he seriously had to quit with that rivalry thing of his. Its gonna become his downfall.</i>
Rose laughed louder, “You want me- the one who is technically the weakest Ascendii- to kill a nice guy like Mr. Purebree?” She then paused and shrugged, “….maybe. But, can I just follow you, Ms. Free and I believe you would be a good ally, if given the opportunity. Also ignoring the fact you wish to kill one of the only people who has not wronged us and wishes well.”
Rose laughed, a bit confused, “Because….he’s not that bad of a person, though I’m sure he can be an ass, why? Are you his rival or whatever?”
Rose grinned at the two as she waved at them, “I think I’m gonna stay with Ms. Free and Mr. Issues for a bit, tell the others I said hi.”
She turned to Malice, “I think we should find Mr. Issues, he seemed pretty cool.” She walked away with Malice to find Andaluza, maybe he could join them?
Rose stared down where the elevator was and whistled,“Did you have to do that?” She was sure they survived so she didn’t really freak out, if they didn’t survive this, how were they still living?
” Blow it up or shut it down, of course!” Rose grinned.
Rose frowned a bit as she took in Malice’s words, sure she’s been on her fair share of OGA ships but so has Katherine. She looked around and started walking around, trying to recall any memories, “No….but Heiklm did tell me some of the new ships’ plans….I don’t….hmm…this one’s actually one that Midzog’s been pinning for, for quite a while too…”