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Rose shook her head, “I can just cast a spell, if you want? I will help, but only for the time being.” Rose got ready, smiling at the other two Ascendi.
Rose just closed her eyes and opened them, her eyes seemed more silver than gray though. “That’s great Malice. By the way, where is Mr. Fluffy and Mr. Cyborg?” Rose questioned as she didn’t see them around anywhere. She was going to leave soon anyway, as soon as this issue was resolved.
Rose frowned a bit though she was a bit confused. Suddenly she remembered what would cause Malice to react such a way. “Malice…we have to go, I don’t want to test this group any more than we already have. Though I do understand why you did what you did, I don’t want to make enemies with them with current state.”
<i>An abnormal amount of heat was pouring off of Rose as she approached the duo.</i>
<i>Rose heard confrontation and moved to the sound, since when were they ever close to Jack’s group? All she was focused on was going to Malice.</i>
Rose felt rage building in her when she saw the scene though she was also saddened, “What is going on here?!” She yelled, sending a small heat wave out as well.
Katherine decided it was enough, she knew she should have left earlier! Just as Katherine was going to attack the spy she saw the building go down, them right in its path….
Katherine awoke as Rose, blood covering her shoulder, a piece of metal seemed to be stuck there. Rose’s eyes dulled a bit as she took out the piece, healing quite fast right after. Rose took a while to register where she was, she quickly jolted as she remembered Heiklm and Malice, where were they. “Malice!”
Katherine held back at the end, watching how they all worked together. Katherine stared at Malice a bit worried, as much as- dare she say it- happy she felt upon seeing them, she couldn’t stay. Malice was always top priority; family over friends. It didn’t matter if they weren’t blood related, Malice was her little sister that she had to protect. “Malice, I believe we should go now.”
Katherine hesitated to help Geralt but did so anyway, mumbling a shot spell to close the wound, stopping the blood flow.
Katherine kept quiet when she noticed the look on Malice’s face, she felt hurt, angry, and with a tint of insanity. She decided to interfere with the others. “Malice…”
Katherine looked at Geralt a bit confused, “Are you alright Mr. Wolf?”
Katherine nodded at Malice happily before getting on her guard, hopefully another fight would not start. Katherine looked at Malice worried as she kept an eye on the helpful Ascendius.
Katherine hugged Malice, “I’m glad you are fine,” She turned to the Ascendi, “That’s what I wish to know, is there anyone else, other than us four, plus the other two, and Jack, that we are missing?”
“No sign of who?”
Katherine faltered a bit, landing on the ground, “Oh….I hope he is alright then…”
Heiklm gave Katherine a short message that Malice was fine and headed their way, causing Katherine to sigh in relief. “Is there anyone else? I did not see Mr. Cyborg but I might have missed him…”
Katherine nodded at the unknown Ascendius, “Well, that is good.” She said politely, unsure of whether she was an ally or enemy.
((Lol, I was wondered where you were!))
Katherine shook her head, if they wanted a spy on their team it has nothing to do with her, Katherine’s eyes narrowed a bit, unless the spy starts something…The next thing Katherine grabbed was a dog(?!) Oh well, whatever’s there counts…right? She put the creature beside Kika and flew back towards the building and notices Apollo and the other Ascendius, “Are you both okay? I got Kika and a dog…? Out.”
“Malice, ask Parapara or Mimi to break a way out!” Katherine ignored the newcomer in favor of searching for the others, flying out of the building before crashing through some windows to find the others. She found Kika or whoever she really was first, so that was who she quickly dropped off a safe distance from the building. She quickly flew back in, hoping to find more.
Katherine nodded, this was an emergency anyway, no need for some petty feelings to get in the way, “As long as you get Malice, where are the others?”
Heiklm follows after, protecting Malice from the falling pieces but suddenly their way is blocked when a wall collapsed, followed by others.
Katherine used her wings for protection, though it hurt, she kept going, running to the room only to find the hallway blocked. She turned towards Apollo, “I can’t! Malice is here! Malice! Are you anywhere close? Can you here me?”