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Heiklm eyes Parapara and Mimi before bowing to Malice, “My master says that she will be late in coming back. Any reply you wish to relay?” Heiklm licked Rose’s blood off of his fingers as he asked.
Rose and Heiklm gathered up the children, most were unharmed due to them just arriving, the ones that were not lucky were either given salvation or new hope. Rose spent her time coaxing the kids and calming them down.
As she finally calmed them all down a small spell was used to put them to rest. As soon as the last child was in the spell induced sleep Heiklm attacked her. Rose stood still as Heiklm took her blood, a sorcerers blood was more potent than normal beings and it was the only payment Heiklm accepted. Rose only smiled as her eyes started closing, a much needed rest taking over her as Heiklm captured her. “Tell Malice I may be late, then you may go…” Rose curled up next to a child as Heiklm put her down and appeared next to Malice.
Rose grinned at Malice and shook her head, “That is true, however, Heiklm knows better, I am a sorceress, however much I wish to deny it, and due to my summoning of him, he is bound by this contract. Those he summoned are bound as well since he used my energy to summon them.”
Heiklm appeared in the room bloodied and grinning, “The job is done,” Rose nodded as she closed her eyes a bit tired, “You’ve cleaned up as well? The children are free?” Heiklm nodded. “Then show me to them and I will reward you,” Rose turned to Malice, “Sorry, but I must go now, don’t tell the others.” Heiklm bowed down and kissed Rose’s hand as they both disappeared.
Rose looks at Malice with a raised eyebrow, “Yes??”
Rose fell back on her bed as she suddenly became weak, “Seems like Heiklm summoned some friends to help…He knows that if he hurts any one of those kids, the contract will be void…” Rose turned back to Malice and smiled tiredly, “I guess so…though pure souls are truly beautiful and rare though….especially in this life.”
Rose nods and pouts a bit, “You know so much yet you can’t remember me? Though, you should learn healing spells and counter spells and such, they’ll help you a lot more in situation you can’t control.”
“That is very much true…” Rose fingered the Ten Swords card as she started collecting the rest. “I haven’t seen you practice any spells, are you as good as when I left?”
“No, they’re not, but I’m perfectly fine with that, permanent contracts would not work well with my unstable mind.”
Rose turned to Malice, her eyes dark and cold, before she blinked and it disappeared. Rose gave a small friendly smile to Malice, “I guess you can say that…but unlike you, with you’re soul binding ones, mine are….temporary. It’s a simple benefiting trade from both parties.” Rose looked at Parapara and Mimi as she said that.
Rose entered her room and spread out her cards, putting them in a specific order, even though she abandoned all sorcery except her cards, this time she was gonna break her vow. Her eyes darkened a bit more as different words flew from her mouth, a demon coming from the circle. “Ah, Master, I haven’t seen you in a while,” Rose glared at the smirking being, “You know what I wish for, take my energy as much as you need, keep the kids alive.” The demon bowed as it faded from view.
Rose stormed out, “I will find them, just give me a few, and I might not be back.” A string of ancient words flowing from her mouth.
Rose refrained from correcting him as she stood up as well, her memories of what the OGA do to kids causing her eyes to grow dark with anger. “Where did they take them?”
Rose shrugged, “Neither do I, I have only a quarter of these memories after all. So…what do you wish to know?”
Rose looked away from the cards as they didn’t hold her attention, but they seem to be important in the future, hopefully not soon. “Alright,” Rose smiled a bit, “I guess it depends on what do you want to know, I don’t know much of you either, how about equivalent exchange?”
Rose helped Ody stabilize himself as she watched him work. When she heard what he said she looked at him shocked, “But they don’t like each other! And that mission seems to require a lot of teamwork….but why would the OGA hold a social event….something is up…” <i>She shakes her head as she starts shuffling her cards before two catch her eyes. The Hanged Man, meaning sacrifice, yield, suspend. Ten of Swords; upright, meaning betrayal, defeat, etc. Is something bad happening?</i>