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Rose sighed, “Even they can vouch for me.” Rose picked up Mimi, “I gave Mimi to you too, see?” Rose showed Malice the stitching at the end of Mimi’s ear.
Rose stared at Malice a bit sadly, “Because I have more power than you Malice,” Rose reached out her hand, “If you come with me I’m sure you can have fun, and maybe you’ll even remember. I’m Rose.”
Rose snapped, “No!” Rose flew and intercepted Parapara from biting Jack’s head off. “Malice! How can you forget me?” Rose growled at the two dolls, “Parapara, Mimi, stop now!” Power laced her words as her eyes glowed dangerously.
Laila jerked awake and looked at the sword, watching as it sank more into the ground and screaming its hilt(?) off. “So you’re not crazy after all…..that….is….so…cool! This is just like Excalibur!” Laila stood up and approached the sword with an admiring eye, “What else can you do?”
Rose wasted no time in diving towards Malice, “Malice, what is going on? Do you even remember me?” Rose only attacked to bring sense to the psycho but got intercepted by Mimi who gave her a sad glare.
Rose stared at Malice hard, “I would like to see you try.” Truthfully she was wondering why Malice didn’t recognize her and was a bit worried about the others, hopefully Parapara didn’t kill them yet.
Rose stared at Malice incredulously, though a smile was obviously tugging her own lips as well at the memories her words brought. Rose shook her head and stared at Malice a bit mad once she remembered that everyone was gonna be in danger. Rose flew up, “If you aren’t going to stop him, I will.”
Rose nearly got stabbed when she noticed Parapara growing. “Uh…oh….” Rose rushed towards Malice, “Malice, control Parapara before he kills us.”
Rose gave the doll a dark look before smiling, it seems like he remembers her. Now on to other matters….they’re still on a battle ground. Rose helped Apollo defend himself from the Andaluza as she also attacked more soldiers, letting Parapara go to do as he pleased though she prayed for the souls devoured by the demon. Parapara knew better than to touch what was hers.
As soon as Rose reached Apollo she growled at Parapara, a dark look in her eyes as she chanted words unheard to everyone but the demon. Rose’s eyes glowed a bit as she took hold of the demon in doll form.
Rose noticed the battle between Andaluza, Apollo, and Geralt but decided that they were pretty safe, except when she heard Malice command her demon doll to attack. “No! Malice! Parapara, get off Apollo now!” Rose rushed towards Apollo worried, Parapara was a demon who loved tearing things apart, if he continues biting Apollo, Rose was sure that the demon would break and/or tear his wing.
Katherine switched to Rose when she went too deep in her thoughts. When Rose saw the battlefield she frowned a bit, worried about how Katherine switched in a battle, before she began fighting the soldiers that noticed her. As Rose saw Kika flee the scene she shook her head, worry and suspicion edging her mind.
Rose put it off to slice a few soldiers as she spun, slashing open their necks with a small prayer. She had a feeling someone was watching but couldn’t place it, it wasn’t Malice, wait Malice was here?! Rose shook her head to focus when she saw Odysseus and Apollo talking. A soldier snagged her wing and she stabbed him in the skull. All the deaths were quick and a bit bloody.
Katherine forcibly got out of Odysseus’ hold and stared down a bit, her eyes dulled as memories flashed before her mind of whenever Midzog was in the lab. Katherine was bleeding from her face but she didn’t seem to notice as she figured the card in her pocket.
Katherine nodded obediently and headed outside silently, Malice trailing behind her.
Katherine growled at Odysseus, her rage overcoming her senses. “Oh I’m not killing him, just showing him my progress.” Katherine forced out as Midzog fell to the ground as he struggled to stop the pain.
Laila looked at Dusty like she was crazy, “Meh…go to sleep. Plus its just a sword, what are you flipping out about?” Laila still laid on the floor, too lazy to get up.