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Katherine looked at the Assassin wearily, “I will treat you on the promise that you will not harm Malice, Mimi, or Parapara, and it must be your oath on your life, so I know that you will not go back on your word.”
Katherine, upon instinct, had her weapons at Assasin’s neck as she hid the papers. Narrowing her eyes at the sight of him, “Why should we help you?”
Katherine smiled as Mimi gave a tour of the house, Katherine decided to stay in Mimi’s library, she knew it was quite extensive and had a lot of info not even Mimi herself fully knew about. As Katherine scoured the books she saw something weird buried in the books, the papers sticking out making the books stand out themselves. Katherine took the papers and noted that they were about the OGA, something more in the past, about their old top agents.
MemberMay 12, 2015 at 2:05 am in reply to: A New Story-Welcome To The First Chapter Of…Heiklm stretched and started walking to town, “First things first, food, that’s the only thing these people are good for other than entertainment.” Wasuzane shook her head amused, “I believe there is a cafe here….what do you guys think? We still have plenty time and this shouldn’t be rushed.” Wasuzane still had food she could just eat that, so she didn’t mind at all.
MemberMay 12, 2015 at 1:49 am in reply to: A New Story-Welcome To The First Chapter Of…Wasuzane raised an eyebrow but shrugged it off. “I guess we should cross the river now, ah, you might want to cover that eye Malice.” Wasuzane suggested as she jumped across the river easily, landing in the human realm on the edge of town, Heiklm soon followed.
MemberMay 12, 2015 at 1:38 am in reply to: A New Story-Welcome To The First Chapter Of…Wasuzane nodded as she nudged Heiklm to also take his human form after she transformed as well. Taking out two potions in spray bottles, the demon sprayed herself and Heiklm with the green one. It masked their natural demon aura and made it seem more human like. The red one was also sprayed on both of them, their demon scent vanishing. “These will help us hide from angels, I use them often to avoid conflict when I go shopping in the human realm, just a precaution.” She offered it to the others.
Wasuzane’s hair in her human form was brown and a more average length, though still long, her skin a golden like brown. Her brown eye visible and her left still covered like an injury. Heiklm had similar skin color but his hair was short spiky brownish blond hair and both of his eyes were brown. They were already wearing humans clothes so they were official ready.
Katherine, upon arriving at Mimi’s village, smiled widely, “Only you Mimi. No idea what we’ll do after.”
MemberMay 11, 2015 at 4:01 am in reply to: A New Story-Welcome To The First Chapter Of…Wasuzane shrugs, “Better to eat than not to eat is my saying, plus I like it in all honesty, Heiklm though…” Wasuzane looked towards Heiklm as he almost grabbed her never ending cookie, her spikes raised in defense, already stabbing his hand. Taking out a special spike on her shoulder, Wasuzane let her brother drink some blood. “I honestly don’t mind. When should we go to the human realm? I’m ready when you are, and Heiklm follows me because he knows who’s smarter and who will feed him willingly. The Lulana in him also makes him more loyal, it helps.”
Katherine shrugged as she summoned Heiklm to kill as well, having fun with them, “He can become like Heiklm, though he will never be satisfied, a sad fate really. We should leave them and start walking, they’ll catch up.”
MemberMay 11, 2015 at 1:52 am in reply to: A New Story-Welcome To The First Chapter Of…Wasuzane started speaking as she ate, still eating the cookie(I really want cookies now, I’m ’bouta steal my bro’s.) “Sho, ’cause ju *swallow* are the higher leaders we can just speak to you. *bite* Shince de ‘umans ’round ju *swallow* are semi peaceful, we may try to approach them but as humans, *bite* maybe pick out de onesh mo’ unda*swallow*-standing. We shouldn’t try to harm them or threaten them, just slowly persuade the humans.” Heiklm shook his head at his sister, not sure how she could even stand them.
((No fight, awww))
<i>Katherine swatted Parapara away from Malice, </i>”Don’t worry, I’ll land a distance away from her village so you can go on a killing spree,”
As she promised, Katherine landed in a town far away from Mimi’s town.
MemberMay 11, 2015 at 1:42 am in reply to: A New Story-Welcome To The First Chapter Of…Heiklm looked at Parapara with a smirk at the sight of blood before laughing at what Mimi said, “Yeah, sure, lets go with that,” Wasuzane did not stop her brother as she looked over the two leaders of the village, “Interesting,” Wasuzane mumbled before speaking again, “Ah, Wasuzane here with Heiklm, I apologize on his stupidity.” This earned her a smack from Heiklm which she ignored, still eating her cookie.
Katherine nodded and headed to the location. “Just asking, but Parapara, you’ve been quiet, you alright?”
MemberMay 11, 2015 at 1:31 am in reply to: A New Story-Welcome To The First Chapter Of…Wasuzane nodded and followed the girl, sensing her doubts. Wasuzane never hated anything, rather she tried to find the story behind it, but she was understanding as her name implies. As Wasuzane started eating a huge cookie she pulled out her bag, enchanted to never end and keep growing back, Wasuzane spoke, “Ah, I’m *swallow* Wasuzane,” Wasuzane handed Heiklm raw meat as he introduced himself too, “Hei*bite*klm. You kid?”
<i>Katherine nodded, </i>”Tell me where that’s located so we can start, I always liked when you talked about your town but never been there sadly.”