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Rose looked at Kika a bit curious and incredulous and blushing, “But Tetris is only fitting pieces into a straight line, it’s pretty simple if you ask me.” She decided not to comment on the last part.
Rose giggled once more as she watched the two interact, how funny it is watching Kika get annoyed at Geralt’s attempts. “We’re not that bad,” Rose added her own two cents.
Rose grins in Kika’s direction as well and giggles a bit. “Yes, if we want to be a better team we have to know each other a bit more,” Rose pouted and looked over Kika’s shoulder as she played, “Jack too of course.” Rose glanced at the driver with an equally inviting grin.
Rose smiled encouragingly, “I think you’ll definitely be the one to get her out of her shell!”
Rose blushed a bit more and grabbed them a bit flustered. Hopefully this won’t continue, because she is totally new to these weird interactions with these people. “Ah um thanks, Mr. Fluffy, for both. Maybe you’ll get to know Katherine better, hopefully.” Yeah, Katherine probably needed a dose of Mr. Fluffy’s personality to get her started on a friendlier path.
Rose dropped a few cards surprised, that was something new, she quickly grabbed them and looked at Geralt across from her. “Um, Mr. Fluffy, I feel um honored that you think that way of Katherine and I….” Rose blushed a bit as she smiled at Geralt. His words seemed very sincere, something Rose would love for Katherine to hear, maybe Rose wouldn’t have to leave this team so soon after all.
As Rose thought more she decided that she would soon have a proper burial for Kreed out of respect for his life and the others as well. Looking around the ride she wondered how she didn’t notice Odysseus not following them and where was he now? Hopefully he’ll catch up later.
Rose took out her cards and shuffled them for entertainment, hopefully no one would treat her that different.
Rose nodded back with a grin. “Better.”
Rose kept an eye out on Jack as they all rode back. “Mr. Human,” she whispered in his ear, “I’m sure you’ll do better with a smile.” She giggled and leaned back like a little girl telling her friend a secret. If there was one consistent characteristics both Katherine and Rose had it was the original’s child like ones; curiosity and joy.
Rose offered a smile to the human who so obviously had morals, it must have pained her to see those deaths but if she wants to continue this career choice.
Rose shuddered a bit dramatically before entering the car. “Okay…not bad for a first mission. Sorry if Katherine did anything.” The nicer personality offered as she truly had no idea what happened when Katherine came out.
Rose, the optimist she is, decided to pick out the living from dead and put them all together. “Um, I don’t want them to die but they could possible leak out information about us…” She stayed a bit after everyone and said a silent spell before catching up with the others, never looking back at the building behind them.
She stared at Kika and frowned a bit as she pulled out a card with a tsunami on it. She quickly hid it before anyone noticed and smiled normally.
Rose nodded and looked around the room a bit sad, “Maybe if circumstances were different…..” Her eyes suddenly flashed a bit, “But there are survivors surprisingly, that’s good.” Rose somehow spotted the survivors among the dead.
If Rose knew what he was talking about she didn’t let it show. Rose only tilted her head, “That’s an interesting story Mr. Human. Though…” She eyed the cigarette in hi hands before snatching it away. “Smoking is bad Mr. Human, you shouldn’t do that, you’re a human too which means you die faster too.” She snubbed out the burning end with her fingers, seemingly not feeling it sing her skin in the slightest.
Rose knew he wouldn’t let it go but she didn’t know what Katherine told him so it was quite frustrating. “May you clarify why you keep asking about an experiment? Despite what people think we are not emotions fighting over one body with the other, we each have a different part of the psych not allowing us any contact with the other.”