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Katherine watched the unstable minded human before deciding that Rose would be a better handler for their situation instead. As Rose came out she accessed the damage around her coolly but with a sad tint in her eyes. “Mr. Human, are you alright? You seem like you’ll drop at any moment, please take a seat.” Rose did not flinch at the word and avoided it. Damn Katherine, always leaving her to deal with these issues. She knew Katherine disapproved of any action not strictly business but she wasn’t Katherine, and for a good reason as well.
Katherine tilted her head as she stared at the woman a bit before murdering the man by snapping his neck, “No need to make them suffer, Mr. Issues. You shouldn’t brood for too much either.”
She turned to Kika once more, “Only us after the experiment. Interesting, I know that Rose tells everyone she works with about how we work, or at the very least that I exist. I am Katherine, the colder counterpart of Rose.”
Katherine turned away from the scene Jack caused to look at Kika, “Despite what Rose might say I’m almost a hundred percent sure we both do not mind dying. Yes they did attack me, but stopped because they couldn’t find me. The enemy is the enemy, your allies are the enemy, keep no one close for they all have the power to destroy you.” That was the motto Katherine lived by and would always stand for. Usually she didn’t talk much but this was a mission in her eyes, the more they understood about the differences between Rose and her, the better. If anyone bothered to get to know her and Rose then they would finally understand why their personality was so split. She turned back to Jack and the man watching with hard eyes.
Katherine stared at the clearly unhappy human, “It could have been much worse I suppose. I am sorry that you do not understand my method of doing anything, but this resolved our issue much faster than what Rose would have done. Now we have some unconscious people to interrogate, I left Kreed’s people alive as well.” Katherine knew that her actions would leave terrible distance between Rose and the group but it was Rose’s fault for getting involved in the first place.
Katherine smirked at the frozen guards, “Let the games begin?” She didn’t wait for a response before taking out her crossbows and shooting them in the neck, no mercy.
Katherine only spared a glance towards the man’s direction, how annoying, Rose knew she hated crowding. She preferred work alone, things like interrogation were great. “No, I suppose it didn’t.” Unlike Rose, Katherine would never bother to entertain the thought of teammates, though it seriously happened much to often. Sighing, Katherine knocked out the woman not the slightest bit gentle as she let her fall to the floor.
Katherine looked at the human female mildly impressed but also suspicious of her, she wondered for a brief moment if Rose trusted this human. The more quiet personality didn’t dwell long on this before she tightened her hold on the female. Making her cry out and stop the other people from attacking for the moment. “I did ask kindly if you would explain, so I guess I’ll have to quit the nice act. Now, explain the situation, oh and drop your weapons while your at it.” For added emphasis Katherine sliced the obviously higher up woman on the arm a bit deeply.
Katherine kept the woman hostage making the armored figures around hesitate and be easily shot down, she spotted a woman by the side doing so. Katherine didn’t do much else considering the man, pwho she remembered from her last time being awake, said.
Unknown to Jack and the others Katherine took over once more, she looked at the scene before following Jack. Katherine sneaked behind the woman when she was distracted and held a knife towards her neck before analyzing the scene further. “Kreed was a busy man, he had no need for the death you’ve given him. Care to explain before I do something worse to you?” Katherine encased the woman with her wings, rendering her unable to move and in a dangerous position to get crushed.
Rose decided to get serious, no need for Katherine to come out yet. She slid out a few classic daggers as she exited the vehicle swiftly, hitting her targets dead on as she hid behind the hover as well. The nimble fighter was still smiling, however there was a tint of malice in it as well. “And I was hoping that we could go over things smoothly….but it seems like the battle started before we even got here. I’m up for suggestions,” Rose said almost solemn like any normal being before bouncing back once more, looking at her companions for an answer.
Rose giggled a bit and pet his tail, “Wow its so soft too! And thanks,” She blushed a bit as well. She got a bit disheartened wondering if he’ll treat her difference once he finds out she is a split personality.
Rose smiled a bit wider surprised, “No its alright Mr. Fluffy.” She turned toward him a bit more, giving him her full attention.
Rose nodded a bit, obviously not comfortable. “Uh yes, thanks anyway for considering me Jack.” She brought out a deck of cards to calm her as she started shuffling, smiling at the other two passengers a bit.
Rose followed hesitantly, obviously reluctant, even when she was young she didn’t fancy technology as much. She went to the very most back, feeling the need to keep herself grounded a bit.
Rose nodded her thanks to Geralt, “Oh yes, how terrible of me! I’m Rose, at the moment. And you are?” <i>She knew what he was thinking about and couldn’t help but to giggle, ah, the new generations, how ignorant they are at times. The cat like girl turned towards Kika a bit, </i>”As am I.”