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Rose perked up immediately at the name, “Of course I remember! They were the basic super heroes of my time! Along with others of course but-!” She calmed herself down and gave a small thankful smile at Jack as she applied the ooze carefully. Having to show a bit of scars around the wound before she covered it up again. “So, is everyone ready?” She snuck a glance at Jack, remembering what he said about her reminding him of someone, maybe he knew her when she was whole, but most likely not. She smoothly continued looking around at the others.
She held still as she held back the urge to attack him at first approach, sniffing the rag curiously. “May I know what this is?”
Rose shook her head though she smiled. “You are very much welcome Mr. Fluffy. No, that’s um…” She grimaced a bit. “Technology and I are not compatible you could say.” Her hand twitched with a want to destroy it all but she just kept her distance from the table.
“May we go now?” The enthusiastic Ascendii finally stood, stretching way more than her injury should allow. She didn’t bother taking anything from the table although she looked at it in almost fascination and disgust.
Rose snatched them back, “I made a few myself, can’t keep to custom in any way bit still very accurate.” <i>The cards disappeared once she closed her palm. </i>
Rose raised an eyebrow and studied Geralt for a bit before smiling once more, “Hello, Mr. Fluffy. I like the tail.” Rose said honestly, not mocking the man in the slightest. “I see you have new weapons, happy aren’t you?”
Unlike the others Rose stayed on the floor and didn’t move an inch. She blinked when she looked around the room, seems like everyone had their alliances figured out except her and the pup.
But the pup was snooping and the only other girl was busy. She hummed to herself as she pulled out of deck of cards seemingly from no where just to entertain herself. The Ascendii laid down four cards; one with a flood, one with a tank, one with a storm, and another with clouds. Rose frowned at them and put two aside that she will not look at. Then she put about five face down and frowned a bit more before smiling. The personality pocketed the cards she laid out muttering, “I wonder when Katherine will find my stash.”
She looked around the room once more, seems like she missed out on a lot, funny.
Rose thanked Odysseus and watched the whole confrontation as she patched herself up, giggling softly at some points. “Hmm, I actually know Kreed, I helped him a while back.” Rose finally spoke, gaining everyone’s attention. She smiled a bit at the ‘pup’, eyeing his ‘accessories’ with glee.
Rose nodded at the info, wondering how she was supposed to give this important information to Katherine. She raised her hand slightly, “Ah yes, um, does any one have any spare bandages or cloth? I just remembered that I was hurt on the way.” She smiled a bit at her own carelessness. “But, um, other than that. I was wondering if you’ve planned anything for as to how we’re going to stop the OGA?” She was not careless as to trust anyone in the room, but she meant business plus if they tried anything, well then, as the saying goes, ‘Off with their heads’.
Rose laughed a bit but soon stopped, suddenly remembering her injury. “At the moment, I’m Rose, Katherine doesn’t come out as much unless we think something is dangerous or we need to be cautious.” <i>She turned to the cyborg, </i>”Well that’s too bad. Though it is true.” <i>She tilted her head with a smile as she leaned back against the wall. </i>”Well, you all know me, I’m Rose or Katherine, an Ascendii, now it’s only fair you introduce yourselves as well, hmm?”
The Ascendii turned her attention to the other two once more, “A bit cocky aren’t you Mr. Cyborg? You forget that she seems as though she can very well hold her own, plus she may have an element of surprise.” Rose studied Kika, ” We won’t find out unless we have a match or something comes up will we?” The personality challenged a bit.
Rose grabs the paper and scans it, “Oh, so that’s why you are all gathered here, I might as well join in the fun. If, you don’t mind of course.” She looks at Jack.
Rose turned to Odysseus the moment she heard the door open, deciding on not answering the obvious an instead watching the newcomers with interest. “Why hello there! May I acquire as to why you are here?” The experiment smiled at them as her eyes flickered to Jack for a moment, knowing that he someh0w correlates to their visit.
Suddenly Katherine blinked a bit and she perked up and smiled, her pose becoming more friendly as she changed into Rose. Rose laughed a bit at what Jack said though a hard look covered her eyes, “Hmm, the answer to that question is simple. We’re not fully Ascendii, we’re part human.” <i>The happy looking personality leaned forward a bit, smiling, </i>”I’m Rose, nice to meet you, Mr. Human. I’m guessing Katherine deemed you safe for now so I’ll wait.”
The Ascendii huffed, “I’m Katherine, at the moment. Rose will be appearing soon I believe.” She stared at the door, “And now we wait I suppose.”