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Katherine nodded, “Sure, where should we go?” Katherine gets ready to go to hyper drive just in case.
Katherine smiled but soon paused, “How would we join them though? Surely Rose would reject the idea but it is only temporary, maybe we shouldn’t join….either way we’d be in some pretty deep stuff, damn Keepers….what god did I piss off for this to happen to me?”
MemberMay 11, 2015 at 1:09 am in reply to: A New Story-Welcome To The First Chapter Of…Wasuzane nodded, “Sure, if things go smoothly, we may go to the human realm in our human forms, hopefully these ones will be understanding.” Heiklm nodded back in greeting towards Malice, though he sneered at Wasuzane at the mention of humans, “I’ll never understand those things, and they call us monsters. I just hope we don’t cross any angels, but knowing our luck…maybe not.”
Katherine smiled at Malice and shook her head, “I may be strong, but I will still die while you survive. You were never part of the Keepers so you will be alright. Can’t believe they’re still hunting me even after some of them died….” Katherine shook her head, “This is why groups are so troublesome….think we still have time to join the OGA before Rose takes over, once more?” Katherine left the building they were stationed in, an abandoned OGA building like before, getting in the ship she despised, getting it started and leaving the planet.
MemberMay 11, 2015 at 12:57 am in reply to: A New Story-Welcome To The First Chapter Of…Wasuzane looked at Malice surprised, “Ah, so you are the new addition to the Gra village, I heard much about you. I believe Heiklm and I were going to speak to them soon as well, in meeting as to how to approach the humans.” Heiklm suddenly appeared next to Wasuzane at he heard Parapara and Mimi’s name. “What’s all this about?” Heiklm licked his lips as he saw Malice, sensing the power in her. Wasuzane gave Heiklm a look.
Katherine stared at the blank screen for longer than she should have after the mystery man cut the comm. Mr. Wolf died, hmm, what a thing to think about, she wondered who else died after she left the Keepers. It was to be expecting, she did predict their fall, they had too many holes, too many connections, too many strings that held them. They were too used to being held up that they didn’t know how to walk.
Katherine remembered Faye screaming, that’s why her name was Ms. Asphodel, regrets to the grave. But suddenly Katherine remembered what the guy said. “Wait, I’m not part of the Keepers, no way will I die for them,” Her eyes changed to a darker green at the notice of a challenge, “I wonder who else he will kill.” Standing up, Katherine prepared to start moving, might as well get a head start.
Katherine commed Apollo, briefly explaining as she told Malice to get ready to move. “Some person killed Mr. Wolf, maybe even Ms Asphodel, you should start moving if you want to survive.”
MemberMay 11, 2015 at 12:45 am in reply to: A New Story-Welcome To The First Chapter Of…Wasuzane tilted her head curiously, staring at the human with one visible eye as she gnawed on her lollipop, digging in her bag suddenly, the Li demon pulled out a plushie Li demon, handing it to Malice. “I apologize for upsetting you.” Wasuzane was interested in this human. “How did you enter the demon realm? I don’t see any demons around that seem to be acquainted with you.” Heiklm watched his sister confused, what the hell was the brat doing now?
MemberMay 11, 2015 at 12:36 am in reply to: A New Story-Welcome To The First Chapter Of…Wasuzane broke her lollipop in half when Malice looked at her, sighing, the demon pulled out the stick disappointingly, switching it soon for another before she stood up. Heiklm’s eyes followed her as he noticed the human, interesting. Heiklm savored his meat as he watched Wasuzane stand in front of the girl with a smile, “You’re a human,” It wasn’t a question, “With a special eye, why are you in the Gra village? Did you accidentally cross the river? You don’t seem very surprised by my appearance.”
Name: Katherine/Rose
Age: 400(something, forgot, looks 17)
Appearance: Red hair and green eyes, 5’8, large wings.
Other: Is an Ascendii, distant, only attached to Malice really, blah blah, etc.
MemberMay 11, 2015 at 12:01 am in reply to: A New Story-Welcome To The First Chapter Of…Wasuzane chewed on her lollipop as she walked the border between one of the Gra’s villages and the human realm, Heiklm followed her, a little distance off in the Gra village, looking around. They had some free time between meeting up with other army leaders, preparing for another battle with the angels. Wasuzane sat on the river’s edge and pulled out some meat for Heiklm to eat. All she had to do was cross the river to be in the human realm. As Heiklm ate, Wasuzane looked around the village, spotting a girl on the grass, what shocked her was that the girl looked human.
Name: Heiklm
Race: Li/Lulana
Gender: Male
Height: 6’11
Age: 715 (Looks 25)
Skill: Using swords of all sorts, persuading other demons(blackmail/manipulation), killing.
Power: Blood magic/contracts, controlling other demons.
Personality: Easily amused and brutish, sane but prefers killing and blood due to his never ending thirst for it. Does things only for benefit but only if a person interests him or he favors them will he show them his very small soft spot.
Weapon(Optional): Any type of sword but his special one made from his bones is Heiklm’s favorite. His spikes.
Appearance: Heiklm, unlike his sister Wasuzane, has six normal eyes; two normal ones and one on each side of each wing (none of them have abilities and half are green, half are brown). Heiklm has long spiky jade hair that will cut if touched at all. Heiklm has two wings, both seem to have shiny feathers but are actually made of needles that can raise and shoot if commanded.
Bio: Heiklm was the first born of two children, Wasuzane being the youngest. Heiklm, just like his race, is very aggressive towards others and only shows his soft side to his sibling, Wasuzane, but never to anyone else. He is the leading general in the Li race against the angels, a reason why Wasuzane is used often in political meetings and such.
Extra: Heiklm believes humans are disgusting but useful.
Extra: Heiklm doesn’t mind children at all, he’ll have them for lunch, breakfast, and dinner if Wasuzane would let him.
Extra: Heiklm’s bond with Wasuzane is rare in the Li race, seeing as most eat their family members, obviously Li is the “typical” demon to human society but they too have morals, just that its very few.
Extra: He ate Wasuzane’s parents as well as his in a battle once when their parents sided with the angels instead of the demons.
Name: Wasuzane
Race: Li
Gender: Female
Height: 5’10
Age: 390 (Looks 16)
Skill: Making potions and a great fighter/cleaner, knows demon language.(Cleaning meaning she can “hide” certain things, get rid of evidence, etc.)
Power: Basic magic, can shoot spikes from her wings/hair. Wasuzane has different abilities for each of her eyes, passive abilities. (Fights using the potions and her spikes)
Personality: Easily amused and childish, she is very loyal but seems distant, she doesn’t seem aggressive as she stays quiet in arguments and loves children, just……don’t mess with her food. (Btw, she’s always eating something)
Weapon(Optional): Her wings, spikes, and tail.
Appearance: Wasuzane has spike like horns formed like a crown around her head (ten in total), her hair is long, royal blue, and curly, it turns into spikes easily when she is mad. Wasuzane has three different colored eyes; brown, yellow, and red. Wasuzane used to have a forth and fifth but they got damaged and had to be removed. He wings have spikes and unlike other demons, her wings are entirely made of bones(spikes) that can be separated and easily regenerated. Wasazune also has a tail that is extremely long, the spikes on her tail, just like on her wings, can shift to change form.
Bio: Wasuzane, like many of the Li demons, had to fight to survive, as Li demons were agressively greedy. That is why Li demons are given a name only after a certain age. Though younger than other demons, Wasuzane was quite wise, her natural ability to understand others, thus the name Wasuzane(to understand, understanding). Wasuzane is a counselor of sorts, used for reasoning/translating when it comes to making alliances with the humans.
Extra: Wasuzane originally had five eyes, one on each palm(right damaged), two normal ones(left damaged), and one on the back of her head.
Extra: Red=Predict people’s movements in battle(left palm) Brown= Being able to tell whether one is lying or not (right normal eye) Blue= Able to create an illusion(damaged right palm) Yellow=Creates a shield (eye in the back of head) Green= See through certain objects (damaged normal left eye)
A man, unseen by the two laughing reapers, turned around and talked quietly into a suspicious looking necklace. “….Yeah….three of them….almost captured…..yes sir.” The man melted into the surroundings soon, disappearing easily.
Meanwhile, the woman that Liv’s group almost captured, entered a bar(yes, they have those in hell, why not?), quickly rushing towards the staff room, before she entered, the girl; Helen, took out some powder and blew it, any trace of her scent in the bar and on her person vanishing.
Annabelle had no mission that held her accountable for the capture of Kai, but since Annabelle was intrigued, the temptation to follow him almost made her follow the law breaker. However, responsibilities got in the way. A snake wrapped around Annabelle’s arms, drawing her attention and a sigh leaving her lips as she walked in the opposite direction of Kai.
Harley jumped at the sound as well, cursing when she saw Elliot run deeper in the house. Deciding that she’ll deal with Elliot later, Harley took out her weapons and approached where the sounds were coming from. When Harley saw Bo shot, she hesitated before deciding to stay back, letting Dakota take care of Bo. After acknowledging that both of the kids were fine, Harley took her leave. Remembering that an unstable man was in the house, Harley decided to look for Elliot, going to the hallway she last saw the man run through.
Harley looked at Elliot surprised before a wide smile spread across her face, “That’s amazing, sad to say it doesn’t happen often, but that is great! I wonder what else she could make…..” Noticing that Elliot is eating she changed the topic. “There is other foods here if you want,” Harley looks at Kai for agreement.